
Remnant Dream [BL]

The age of divine beasts and immortals was now a bygone memory. What did it mean to thread the path of life? Was it to seek immortality? To gain riches? To obtain power? Or to find love? Yet peace would never last forever. An old power stirred silently in the dark. Ambition and greed burned bright. Chaos and turmoil were imminent. A Divine Weapon finally roused from sleep, while a lowly born prince fought to uncover hidden mysteries surrounding his brother.

lorphis · LGBT+
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36 Chs

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It did not take long for Ruan Yanxi to regain his consciousness. The torturous pain in his head had eased significantly. He squirmed in White's embrace and looked up. He stared blankly at the face in front of him. It took a while before he realized who it was. When he did, he struggled to get free.

"What are you doing here?" Ruan Yanxi asked. He looked down and examined his small body. "This is…"

"We're in a trial, remember?" White said. "Unfortunately a small remnant of Seir's power in your body. It saw a chance to strike back when your mental state was weakened. I noticed the issue and came here." 

This was not a complete lie. There was indeed a small bit of Seir's power left behind in Ruan Yanxi's body. Normally this minuscule energy should not pose any threat. But one of Seir's followers must have joined in this tournament and reactivated the remnant of Seir's energy to attack Ruan Yanxi again. 

Ruan Yanxi replayed the vision shown to him by the trial. The unknown man on that floating island. He felt very familiar but frustratingly Ruan Yanxi couldn't remember his identity yet. And then, he was suddenly dragged into a nightmare. That should be when Seir's remaining influence had attacked him. His brother… What exactly was the connection between Seir and his brother? 

"So did I fail the trial?" Ruan Yanxi asked, hoping to distract himself.

White tapped his chin. "Yes but also no. When Seir tempered with your trial, not only would you have failed the trial, you would have once again been consumed by Seir's power. However, thanks to my timely assistance. Not only have I protected your fragile mind but also helped you clear your trial. So congratulations!"

Ruan Yanxi looked around at the blank white area and frowned, "How did you even get here?" White spoke as if he could freely traverse this space.

"This spiritual treasure is created by Yulan. As one of her creations, it is not difficult for me to navigate my way in it." White snapped his fingers and an exit appeared beside them. "Off you go!"

Ruan Yanxi hesitated. It didn't feel right for him to pass the trial in this cheating way. Although it was not deliberate he still passed with outside help. "Are you not coming?"

"Not yet, I still want to look around." White grinned. "It's not every day I can peek into other people's past. I will definitely watch some interesting things."

"Your shamelessness knows no bounds," Ruan Yanxi said.

"Why, thank you." White grinned. "Come on, I can't open this exit forever." He herded Ruan Yanxi toward the portal. "And don't worry about people peeking into your past, I've blocked yours. So you can rest assured." With that, White shoved Ruan Yanxi into the portal.

Ruan Yanxi stumbled out of the spiritual treasure. He blinked his eyes against the glaring sunlight and looked at the onlookers. When Ruan Yanxi saw the live view of the trial, a burst of gratitude spread in him. To have his past being broadcasted like this… even if it was just mere seconds was uncomfortable. An elder guided him to the waiting seats where other participants rested. Some of them were meditating and chanting a calming mantra. 

Nea waved her hand at him and pointed at the empty seat beside her. "Are you alright? For the first trial, it sure is rather rough."

Ruan Yanxi nodded and hummed. He looked at the spiritual treasure, wondering what White was doing. 


White swiftly went through many participants' trials, trying to find that rat. There were myriad of sufferings in this world, whether it was the death of loved ones, humiliations, or disappointment. Those deep traumas roused the strong feelings within a cultivator causing him to have a harder time finding Seir's track. After jumping through dozens of trials, he finally found it. This one was smart at hiding its track. White appeared in a forest full of giant trees. From far away the roar of beasts echoed. White dashed toward the noise. 

Several fierce beasts were attacking a boy who was cowering and crying. He should've died long ago but a dome of light was protecting him. White did not help the boy and observed with cold eyes. Although Seir's power protected the boy it could not help him pass the trial. He could not kill the boy just yet. With a wave of his hand, he forcefully ended the trial. After that, he did not stay and immediately left. 

White walked out of the exit portal and into the real world. He smiled and waved at the spectators. His sight landed on Ruan Yanxi and Nea who were resting.

Nea noticed White's collected appearance as he approached them. "You don't look dazed at all. Why did it take you so long to come out? In our group, I'm the first to come out."

White said, "Well good job. Maybe you can get into the third-place if you keep that up."

"Third? Why not the first place?"

"Of course I'll be the one who takes the first place."

Nea pointed at White's smug face. "Keep being that arrogant and just wait for me to knock some humility into you."

"I shall eagerly wait." 

"Did you find what you seek?" Ruan Yanxi asked. He didn't fully believe the excuse White had given. White had always portrayed himself as someone careless and uncaring. But Ruan Yanxi knew that he was not incompetent. He had his own plan and calculations. At times in the dark of the night, when White was so deep in thought that his cheerful mask was stripped, Ruan Yanxi could see his cold and unfeeling nature. White might act all sticky and childish around him, but Ruan Yanxi never thought that White ever had any emotional attachment toward him as a friend. They were merely allies. And even then, it seemed that White had not fully trusted him. Ruan Yanxi might not know what exactly White was doing there but he could guess that it had something to do with Seir. 

White smiled.