
Remnant Dream [BL]

The age of divine beasts and immortals was now a bygone memory. What did it mean to thread the path of life? Was it to seek immortality? To gain riches? To obtain power? Or to find love? Yet peace would never last forever. An old power stirred silently in the dark. Ambition and greed burned bright. Chaos and turmoil were imminent. A Divine Weapon finally roused from sleep, while a lowly born prince fought to uncover hidden mysteries surrounding his brother.

lorphis · LGBT+
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36 Chs

Father and daughter

The first trial was given a time limit until sunset. After that, anyone who was still trapped in the illusion would fail the first trial. Xiao Kanque was one of the last ones to pass the test. He looked exhausted as he walked out. But it was soon replaced by happiness when he realized that he passed. He smiled caught sight of Nea, White, and Ruan Yanxi.

"What took you so long?" Nea asked as Xiao Kanque went to them.

Xiao Kanque replied, "I was walking aimlessly alone in my trial, and I can't find my way out for a long time. It felt as if I was walking in circles, but then I heard my father's voice and the exit appeared."

The next trial would be held tomorrow. Han Bingde took back the spiritual treasure when all of the participants had exited the illusion. The crowd dispersed when the first trial was officially closed. Some were happy and proud to pass the first test, others were disappointed, sad, and even angry. The four of them were perhaps the calmest. They returned to their rooms, but Nea found herself walking toward Han Bingde's dongfu. She had been putting off talking with her father but after seeing her mother in the trial she wanted to at least have one conversation with him. When she stood in front of the dongfu, she hesitated. Unsure of what she should say when she saw her father, Nea stood there for a while until a voice called from inside, "Come in."

Nea jolted and awkwardly walked inside. Han Bingde was reading a book. A cup of tea and snacks were laid on the table. Nea took a seat as Han Bingde poured her a cup of tea. A flowery fragrance wafted through the air. She took a sip and the spiritual tea warmed her from inside. The taste was light and left a nice aftertaste. Unlike many of Liana's bitter tea.

Neither of them talked for a long time. Though they have blood binding them, they had never interacted deeply. Though they were father and daughter, they were more like strangers.

"Do you blame me?" Han Bingde finally said.

Nea shook her head. She had never felt wronged because of Han Bingde's absence. Her mother had made it clear that it was her own choice to raise her alone. "How did mother and you meet?"

Han Bingde was silent for a few seconds. "… It was at my darkest moment when I met your mother. She was a fiery and bright woman. That might be why I was so drawn to her. Our relationship was not planned. Neither of us was in a position to be in this relationship. Your mother did not wish to leave your clan and I could not abandon the Qing Yang sect. So we had to end it. Will you believe if I tell you that I don't know you exist? That your mother didn't tell me that we had a child?"

"I believe you," Nea said. "Mother said that you cannot take the responsibility of being a father." This always confused Nea. Mother had always told her that her father was responsible and upright. And after seeing him, Nea believed that Han Bingde was not someone who shirk responsibility.

"And she was right. As the head of Qing Yang sect, I cannot have a family. It is the rule that the founder of the sect set. Many sects were ruined because of the power struggle. The founder hoped that by being detached from familial ties, each sect leader would be able to focus their whole attention on the sect. It is a responsibility that I have accepted since I became the disciple of the previous sect leader."

"So that's why…" Nea murmured.

Han Bingde sighed. "Your mother didn't wish to burden me and so she took care of you alone. And from what I've seen she had done well."

"She was a great mother," Nea said.

Seeing Nea being gloomy, Han Bingde knew what went through her mind. "I have heard of your condition. Can you show me your fire?"

"Uh-sure." Nea stretched out her right arm and called forth her fire. Blue fire burst out and covered her palm. 

Her clan was blessed with the blood and fire of the divine phoenix. Each clan member had their own inner fire. Unlike the usual cultivators who could be born with any of the elements, her clan member was born with fire elemental roots. Though in rare cases some people might have a minor secondary root. They were born with a golden core where their fire resided in. A seal would be placed on them until they could prove that they could control their flame. Nea had removed her seal a long time ago. 

Han Bingde examined the flame and nodded. "You have good control over your flame, and the Heart of Frost had merged well with your fire. I do not have the right to speak to you as your father. But I want to tell you this. I have seen your brilliance. You are a good cultivator. In time, you will become someone strong. I know that your mother's death weighs heavily on you but I hope this does not cause you to go astray and forsake your life in the name of revenge. This life that your mother had sacrificed her life for, you should cherish it. You should know that the best way to repay her is by living well."

Nea felt her throat tighten. "… I understand."

"You are very similar to her. I know she would be proud of you."

Nea excused herself before she cried in front of Han Bingde. She stayed between the trees as she calmed herself. Although it was a bit embarrassing, she felt a weight had lifted off her chest. She returned to her dorm room when she gathered herself. She took out a paper and began writing a letter for Liana.