
Reminiscent Yifei: Troubles of Forgotten Wife

Ling Yifei had woken up and learned that her husband was no longer interested in her. Affair? Perhaps the reason behind his change of heart is not related to women, but the illness that he had struck during his stressful period. Zhou Luo can no longer recognize the woman he had tied the knot and bore his child. His unswerving affection towards Yifei had vanished into thin air. The memories that should be cherished deserted his mind, leaving hollowness. Before the tragic illness, Yifei had a good life with her family. Living with no difficulties with a loving husband and an adorable child, she had never wished something because her life had it all. But in a nick of time, everything had turned to despair. After being thrown away by her own husband, who had forgotten her completely, Yifei had no place to stay in. Along with her daughter, they endlessly searching for a temporary shelter. Nobody had spared a glance to them, not until a man took them in. Out of necessity, Yifei bit the offer. The man who lent a hand when no one else would, is a childhood friend of Yifei. Tiangyi, a very successful businessman and owner of conglomerate empire, Tiangyi International. He had never been soft to any woman, but that was before he met Yifei. The loveless emperor of a modern empire was thawed by his own childhood friend. Yifei, on the other hand, was straying her path towards her goal to revive her relationship with her husband. As the time goes by, Yifei felt something passionate towards Tiangyi. It was only unfortunate that she had to choose between him or his husband. "Please, be with me for the rest of our lives." Tiangyi pleaded as he gripped her fingers and pressed them on his lips. "I will surely remember you this time. It will be always you, Yifei." Zhou Luo kneaded her forehead with passionate kisses. "Let's cherish each other for eternity." Yifei breathed her promise and planted a sweet kiss on him. Will Yifei reconcile with her husband or write a new chapter together with her childhood friend? 5 chaps/week (if not occupied of works, I will be posting new chapter daily)

azalea164 · General
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4 Chs

C1 Yesterday's memories

In the midst of the chilly night, Yifei delicately pressed her fingers across his cheek that had sudden enveloped in warmth. Zhou Luo was undeniably exhausted from today's work. Instead of resting immediately, he chose to keep his beautiful wife around him. He ran his hands along her curvy waist and tugged him against his body. His crystal eyes were more beautiful among the stars sprawled in the sky. The more she laid her eyes on him, the more she wonder what lies beneath those eyes. Yifei caressed his cheek, putting him on sleep. It was as soothing as a mother's touch when he was an infant. Zhou Luo had his eyes closed due to the sweet caress of his wife. It was definitely his home.

Yifei nestled his head to her arms, and let him feel the comfort of her arms. She pursed her lips, tempted to water his perched lips. Even though they were already married, Yifei had her eyes on his husband all the time. He was dubbed as an angel that brought miracles on her life. Yifei was a troublemaker before, but was changed upon meeting Zhou Luo.

It was already the breaking of the dawn yet her gaze was still unmoved. Yifei made no attempt to doze off even for a little second. Carrying a passionate look on her eyes, the fire that has been fading was lit upon meeting his beautiful eyes. Zhou Luo had sensed that his wife was still wide awake. He flourished her cheek and tamped a goodnight kiss on her forehead.

"Sweetheart, you should be sleeping now. I will be hurt to see a dark circles beneath your eyes."

Yifei was reluctant but nodded her answer. She closed her eyes and feel her husband's warmth as she buried her face on his chest. His fragrant lasted even after a long day. She couldn't help herself but to intake a sweet potion of Zhou Luo. The next thing happened is she fell asleep soundly next to her husband.

On the following morning, Yifei excitedly went downstairs as soon as her eyes opened. She was already missing Zhou Luo although they have been together all night. Sweet humming of her attracted the attention of her daughter that had woken up before her. Waddling her way to her mother, she threw her arms around her after greeting her mother a good morning.

"How's my Anhao? Did my darling slept well?" Prodding her fingers on Anhao's cheeks.

"Yes mama. But why you look happy today?" Querying in a very sweet tone.

"Because my darling Anhao is happy. That's why mama is happy." Rubbing her nose against her daughter's. She giggled on her gesture, and planted a soft kiss on her nose.

"Anhao is happy to see mama happy." Her dewy eyes washed away the impurities on her mind. Her unfailingly sweet glance to her mother was something that Yifei had cherished ever since bringing Anhao upon existence.

Yifei took her in her arms and carried her per usual in the morning. To complete her day, all she needed is to have a sweet kiss from her husband. She came to the kitchen and there she saw his husband, carefully sipping his brewed coffee, looking at nowhere. His mind seems to be occupied, so Yifei was cautious not to startle Zhou Luo.

"Sweetheart, when will you go to the office?" She put Anhao down and swung her arms around him. His respond was unexpected. The dull look on his eyes were telling her to set a distance between them.

"Excuse me, but I don't remember giving a permission to throw your arms around me. Please return them at once."