
Reminiscent Yifei: Troubles of Forgotten Wife

Ling Yifei had woken up and learned that her husband was no longer interested in her. Affair? Perhaps the reason behind his change of heart is not related to women, but the illness that he had struck during his stressful period. Zhou Luo can no longer recognize the woman he had tied the knot and bore his child. His unswerving affection towards Yifei had vanished into thin air. The memories that should be cherished deserted his mind, leaving hollowness. Before the tragic illness, Yifei had a good life with her family. Living with no difficulties with a loving husband and an adorable child, she had never wished something because her life had it all. But in a nick of time, everything had turned to despair. After being thrown away by her own husband, who had forgotten her completely, Yifei had no place to stay in. Along with her daughter, they endlessly searching for a temporary shelter. Nobody had spared a glance to them, not until a man took them in. Out of necessity, Yifei bit the offer. The man who lent a hand when no one else would, is a childhood friend of Yifei. Tiangyi, a very successful businessman and owner of conglomerate empire, Tiangyi International. He had never been soft to any woman, but that was before he met Yifei. The loveless emperor of a modern empire was thawed by his own childhood friend. Yifei, on the other hand, was straying her path towards her goal to revive her relationship with her husband. As the time goes by, Yifei felt something passionate towards Tiangyi. It was only unfortunate that she had to choose between him or his husband. "Please, be with me for the rest of our lives." Tiangyi pleaded as he gripped her fingers and pressed them on his lips. "I will surely remember you this time. It will be always you, Yifei." Zhou Luo kneaded her forehead with passionate kisses. "Let's cherish each other for eternity." Yifei breathed her promise and planted a sweet kiss on him. Will Yifei reconcile with her husband or write a new chapter together with her childhood friend? 5 chaps/week (if not occupied of works, I will be posting new chapter daily)

azalea164 · General
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4 Chs

C2 Amnesia

It took a moment before she could utter in return. Contemplating if she heard it right, Yifei had asked him to confirm her uncertainties.

"What happened sweetheart?" The waters slowly clouding her vision. She feared this moment that her husband one day would lost his memories of her and Anhao. To think that her silly thought came to be real. Zhou Luo had no recollection of her and Anhao anymore. He neither treated her warmly like before, nor greeted her with unfaltered smile. The man who was standing in front of her was no longer her husband, but a person before he met her.

"Please refrain from calling me sweetheart. You're being delusional, miss. I am no husband of you." His frigid tone seared the insides of her heart. She descried the arctic gaze that sent chills across her body. Yifei left in faze and everything around her felt surreal. From the moment he uttered those bone-chilling words, Yifei took everything as a part of her nightmare.

"Zhou Luo.. why can't you remember me?" She wrung her hand tightly around his hand.

He clicked his tongue, "Tsk, we've never met before woman!" Shoving her aside that ultimately awaken her senses. Her husband cannot do such thing. Zhou Luo is a soft and loving husband that would never attempt to raise his hands to his ladies. Apart from that fact, he had never neglected Yifei before, not even once.

Tears carried regrets was rolling down on her cheeks. Her eyes unwillingly closes, sentient of the unforeseen tragedy. Yifei regretted not to kiss her husband more, to spare more passionate glances and lascivious touches. Undoubtedly, the man she wedded was no longer holding affection towards her.

"Please. Pull yourself together! It's me, Ling Yifei!" Grasping to the hope that her husband will be awaken by her sweet tone.

"Guards! Please keep this woman away from me!" He scowled then strutted away from Yifei.

"Don't touch me! I will be leaving on my own." Pulling her delicate body that was shoved on the ground. She slowly rose on her feet with the help of her shivering knees. She held no strength, but she was eager to leave before she could witness herself getting dragged by Zhou Luo's men.

Yifei had one last glance before she prowled inside her husband's room. It was in the middle of the dusk, seizing the opportunity to reconcile with her husband. He was sleeping soundly on the couch, resting his head comfortably and laid his body with his leg hung. She took one step and observed if Zhou Luo happened to be disturbed, but there was none. She took another step, successfully closing her distance to the sleeping Zhou Luo. Her hands unconsciously swept the hair locks that veiled his face. In a matter of seconds, he gripped her hand to her surprise. The silent eyes had been seething in anger, wide awake and tempted to crush Yifei.

"You just illegally entered my room. Surely you know the consequences after." He simpered, evading the wickedness beneath his lips.

"It was never a trespass, I'm just merely walking by, in my husband's room." Holding her gaze in able to be not intimidated by his frightening glare.

"Even dozen times of rejecting that idea, you still have a courage to utter those words again. Have fun staying outdoor. Get lost!" Simply threw her fragile hands and lashed her out of his room.

She knew that a single glance to Zhou Luo would suffice her day, but that was before the sudden illness. He can no longer accept the warmth of Yifei or withstand the sight of his wife. Yifei, with tears running her from her eyes, decided to wail internally. She passed her daughter's room but steered her step towards Anhao's bedroom. Her sweet Anhao was free from the fact that her father had struck amnesia. She was precisely unaware of her father's sudden lost of memories. Her eyes pressed with no worries. Yifei caressed her daughter's cheeks and drowned herself with lingering warm.

"My sweet Anhao, please stay like this forever. I don't want seeing you hurt." Word by word, gave a sharp jolt on her heart. Without a second, she fell asleep next to her daughter. Exhaustion took over her. She have been crying since morning, ceaselessly enduring the pain that was dealt unexpectedly.