
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 26 Noctis Cellula Sigillum

Six months later

Azrael, Lily, and Aliyah were having tea together. Azrael said, "We have now opened branches in every part of the Empire, even in small towns. The effects of your speech truly exceeded my expectations, Aliyah." Azrael had never thought that they would grow so much in such a short time. They had to buy many mines and he even had to create a herb garden to meet their needs. He looked at Aliyah and said, "All of this would have taken a lot of time without you. So, to compensate you I will give the Empire a 25% discount on all items from our store as long as you are the Empress. Furthermore, I will also upgrade your cultivation technique."

Aliyah was shocked by his generosity. She didn't even do anything. If their products weren't good as they were, even her advertisement wouldn't have hade made much of a difference. And she was confused when she heard him say that he would upgrade her cultivation technique so she asked, "What do you mean by upgrading my cultivation technique?" Azrael smiled and said, "I will make your cultivation technique completely compatible with you. You are still in the Essence Gathering realm, so it wouldn't make much of a difference if you changed your cultivation technique. Even if it did, I can give you a pill that will enhance your potential. The downside is that you will lose all of your current cultivation and might have to suffer some lightning strikes from the Planar Will."

Azrael had created the pill by using a drop of his and Lily's blood essence. It wouldn't give its user any trace of Cosmari blood but it would enhance their potential. Currently, this pill only worked on cultivators below the Foundation Building realm. He named it the Nirvanic Rebirth Pill. Aliyah knew that her potential was only average and she had wasted many years while hiding.

She just looked at him gratefully and promised herself that she would definitely repay him. She gave him the Nightshade Clan's ancestral essence cultivation technique, the Nyxborn Technique. She trusted him and knew that he would keep the technique a secret. Azrael handed her a jade vial and told her to take the pill in an open and secluded place. Aliyah left with Lily to consume the pill. Meanwhile, Azrael thoroughly read and comprehended the Nyxborn Technique.

He had to admit that its creator was truly an ingenious person. They made a technique that would subtly purify any bloodline that was related to night over time. It had three levels. In the Essence Condensation realm, the user had to engrave tattoos on themselves with non-attributed essence. Then in the Foundation Building realm, they had to fill those tattoos with attributed essence. The attribute must be related to night and complement their bloodline. In the Essence Core realm, their bloodline would wash these tattoos and be filtered by them.

He also realized that the technique was incomplete. The ancestor of the Nightshade Clane either found a fragment of the technique, or they themself were the creator and for some reason couldn't create more levels. To completely tailor this technique to Aliyah's needed to have a complete scan of her body and her bloodline.

He waited for them and thought that the cultivation methods that he currently had were still too low. He needed more diverse methods so he decided to do what he did in Aurora Star. He sent a message to their store in the business district that they should start accepting low-level techniques as currency. It doesn't matter if they are cultivation methods or attacking methods.

Aliyah and Lily returned. Aliyah's new appearance shocked Azrael. Her hair had turned silver from her white. Her skin had turned into a deep indigo and her ears had become pointed. Her irises had turned into a deep violet with specks of white. He wasn't shocked because her appearance had changed, he had already expected that. What shocked him was that there was only one specific clan with these features in all of Novaria, the Noxcor Clan.

They were High Night Elves and also the rulers of all Dark Elves. The ancestor of the Nightshade Clan must've had some connections to them. Azrael looked at Aliyah and asked, "Are you aware of your current race and the significance it holds?" Aliyah looked at him and said, "I am. Our clan has records of our ancestor, Remus Nightshade. His mother was a member of the Noxcor Clan and his father was a human. He was discriminated against a lot due to his lineage and finally ran away from the Noxcor Clan and established the Twilight Empire. He was obsessed with purifying his bloodline so he created the Nyxborn Technique but he suddenly disappeared when he was in the Essence Core realm. He had two children and they were the last members of our Clan that awoke their bloodline."

Azrael wasn't surprised when he heard her. He said, "Do you also want to purify your bloodline or do you have any other goals for the technique? I will also need a thorough scan of your body to make the technique completely compatible with you." Aliyah resolutely replied, "I also want to purify my bloodline. One day I will take revenge for my ancestor. As for the scan, go ahead." Azrael scanned her body several times until he had a complete body scan in his mind. The process took about half an hour and Aliyah was blushing the entire time.

Azrael looked at Lily and said, "You should explain the cultivation realms to her while I modify the technique." Lily nodded and took Lily to another room so that Azrael could focus.

Azrael PoV

I had to upgrade the Nyxborn Technique in a way that enhanced its bloodline purification aspect. I used my processing power and started deducing possible methods that would result in the desired outcome. After some time had passed, I found the most suitable way. Then I started to modify the technique to make it 100% compatible with Aliyah using her body scan. I myself was somewhat shocked by the results and I wondered about Aliya's reaction when she saw it. I then decided to name it 'Noctis Cellula Sigillum'.

Azrael PoV End

Azrael compiled the technique in a memory slip and called Lily and Aliyah back into the room. When they arrived, Azrael handed the memory slip to Aliyah but she just looked at him with a strange expression. Lily started chuckling and said, "How is she supposed to use a memory slip without any cultivation?" Azrael realized that he had forgotten about that. He took the slip back and engraved a small array on it. Then he charged the array with an essence stone and returned it to Aliyah. He said to Aliyah, "You just need to press the slip to your forehead and the information will appear in your mind. You will have a small headache when that happens."

Aliyah did as she was instructed and pressed the slip on her forehead. Her expression started to change rapidly, First, it was pain, then doubtful, and finally absolute shock. Then she fainted. This made Lily got curious about the technique. What was so shocking about it that Aliyah straight up fainted. She picked up the slip and scanned it. She finally knew why Aliyah had fainted. She looked at Azrael, only to see him smirk proudly, and muttered "You really are a complete monster." She was so shocked that she went through the technique to make sure that her eyes weren't deceiving her.

Noctis Cellula Sigillum

The Noctis Cellula Sigillum is an Essence cultivation method that allows its users to purify and evolve their bloodline. It has four stages. They are:-

Sigil Formation: The user undergoes a complex ritual that engraves a unique sigil on every cell of their body using non-attributed essence. This process imbues the cells with a foundational mark, serving as the canvas for the subsequent infusion of attributed essence.

Attribute Infusion: The user must then channel or fill each sigil with attributed essence specifically related to the night such as darkness, moon, or even stars. this technique is compatible with all attributes that are related to night.

Bloodline Purification: The sigils act as filters, purifying the user's bloodline by removing impurities and strengthening the connection to the night-related attribute. This purification process enhances the user's affinity and resonance with the chosen attribute.

Evolutionary Progression: As the bloodline is purified to a certain extent, the Noctis Cellula Sigillum initiates an evolution. The technique adapts and advances as the user's cultivation progresses. It could lead to new abilities, increased power, or a deeper understanding of the night-related attribute.

Aliyah woke up and asked, "Are you sure you want to give this technique to me?" Azrael smiled and replied, "Yes, I am. Now go and cultivate, I wanna see its effects. Remember, we are friends." Aliyah just smiled and left. Lily walked up to him and said, "Is this the reason behind you exchanging your products for low-level techniques? For the academy?" Azrael hugged her and whispered in her ear, "Yes it is. Once we have opened branches in all of the Central Continent, construction of the academy will begin. We will build the greatest academy in the Mortal Realms together."

And just like that a hundred years passed...


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

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Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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See you next time