
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 15 Secrets

The Next Day,

Sect Master's Residence, Sect Master's Peak

Lionel, Felix, and Ariana were sitting on the sofa in the living room while Azrael was standing in front of them. Lionel asked him, "What exactly happened? Tell me everything." Azrael looked at his grandfather with a guilty expression and sighed. He decided that he would tell them everything with some modifications. He then looked at them and said "You guys don't know this but the Mortal Realms, Immortal Realms, and all the other Realms are a part of the Omniverse. All of the Realms are ruled by a single world, the Origin Plane." As soon as Azrael said the words 'Origin Plane', Lionel subconsciously released his aura before controlling himself. That aura was something no mortal or immortal for that matter should be capable of possessing.

Lionel's expression became dignified as he asked, "How do you know about the Origin Plane?" This time it was Azrael's turn to be shocked and he asked "Grandpa, you know about the Origin Plane? But how? Nobody below the Divine Realms should have any knowledge about it." Felix and Ariana were very confused about what was going on. Lionel said with a smirk "Answer me first you brat. Then I will also answer your questions." Azrael made a sheepish expression and answered "Sorry Grandpa. I know about the Origin Plane because I was born there." Lionel was speechless. He then said "I thought that only Primarchs lived in the Origin Plane. And I've never heard about a race like yours. Which race do you belong to?"

Azrael replied, " I am a Primarch...Or at least I was supposed to be one." Lionel looked confused so Azrael continued "Let me explain. If you know about the Primarchs, you must also know about the three clans, right? My biological parents belonged to the Rudraevum clan and the Nispatium clan. It is forbidden for these two clans to have children together. I gained consciousness when I was just a fetus. I also had the memories of a man named Damien Chase. In those memories, I found a body tempering technique. This technique, the younger one starts to practice it, the better the effects. So I decided to practice it in the womb. I won't bore you with the details but long story short my bloodline evolved and it changed my race. When the head of the Sorsamadhi clan found out that I was not a Primarch, my parents had to be punished for breaking the taboo. Due to my parents' status, he couldn't kill them so my parents were imprisoned and I was exiled." Lionel once again left speeches and said "What was your parents' status that even the head of the Sorsamadhi clan couldn't kill them?" Azrael replied, "Both of them are the second Young Masters of the other two clans."

Lionel's body shook as he asked "Your parents are Samael Nispatium and Elena Rudraevum?" Azrael was really curious about how his grandfather knew all this but he still answered, "Yes. After I was exiled my grandfather, uh, my other grandfather, Sebastian Nispatium left me at Mom's and Dad's doorstep so that I wouldn't suffer during my childhood." He looked at all of them gratefully after he said that. Ariana and Felix didn't say and just hugged him.

Lionel was in deep thought. He then said "I don't know if this is fate messing with me. You asked me how I knew about your parents and the Origin Plane. I know your parents because I met them when I visited the Origin Plane, though at that time they were just little kids. My great-grandfather, Invictus Rex was the creator of the strongest body tempering technique in the Omniverse. Not many people knew him as they just called him the Madman. When he died, that technique was also lost and only fragments were found. I visited the Origin Plane to ask a favor from your grandmother, Evangeline Rudraevum. I wanted her to help me obtain the technique by peering in the past but she refused. I overestimated my strength and challenged her to a duel. I lost and as a punishment, she asked your other grandfather to seal my cultivation to teach me some humbleness. She didn't want to kill me because to her I was just an arrogant kid. It's one of my greatest regrets, not being able to complete the Fatal Painfored Rebirth. But leave all that. Tell us what happened when you were creating your Paragon Heart."

Azrael then proceeded to tell them about how he created his Archon Heart. Lionel didn't know if he should be happy or worried that his grandson was so fearless. He noticed that Azrael was looking at him with a strange expression. He asked him why he was looking at him like that. Azrael answered, "Grandpa you know how I told you about the body-tempering method that I practiced in the womb. Its name is also Fatal Painforged Rebirth. And I think that I have the complete technique with me. If you have a memory slip, I can give it to you right now."

Lionel wasn't sure how many times his grandson was going to shock him today. He took out an empty memory slip from his storage and tossed it to Azrael. Azrael imprinted his memory of the Fatal Painforged Rebirth and returned it to his grandfather. Lionel checked the jade before wondering if this really was fate. First, his grandson was from the Origin Plane and then he returned his clan's long-lost technique. He just looked at Azrael and said, "Brat you told me that your body was destroyed and rebuilt. Prepare yourself for hell. I forbid you to cultivate before you can control your new powers efficiently. Pack a bag, tomorrow we will leave for the Beast Forest."


Author's Note:

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