

After Ru Wen moved to Shanghai permanently with her boyfriend, at that time she thought they’d get married and live happily ever after in their small apartment. Until one day, that never came into her thought that her boyfriend would pack his bags and leave as he gave an excuse that he “needed space.” In storm of her newfound single status and being alone without notice in this big city, Ru Wen buries herself in her artwork and paintings lifelessly. But one night she helps a mysterious intoxicated stranger get home safely. Little did she know the mysterious stranger is none other than a bachelor CEO and millionaire, Mu Kai. When morning reach, Mu Kai awake soberly and finding a strange woman in his kitchen and assuming she has broke his #1 rule about letting a female sleepover. Instantly he becomes intrigued, not only by her stubbornness and defiance, but by her kindness too. Mu Kai, emotionally dead and damaged, that stemmed from his tragic love as he has made a vow to never love or fall in love with a woman, until Lee Ru Wen walked into his life by accident. After she opens up and shows him her world Mu Kai starts to feel emotions and feelings he never knew existed before. Despite the rumours and warnings regarding Mu Kai and his use and misused of her kindness, Ru Wen finds herself being drawn into his world unnoticed. Ru Wen knows they can never be together as she is harbouring a her past that could destroy Mu Kai emotionally forever. So would they have a happy forever after as they embark on a journey of courage, love and strength. Yet, will their journey save them from being apart again?

F3n3 · Urban
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852 Chs

Mr. Gorgeous

The taxi dropped us off in front of the club, and I was astounded by the line of people

who wrapped around the building for at least two blocks. I smiled, for I knew there was

no way we were getting in tonight, which was fine with me.

As I was preferred to go out for a quiet dinner actually.

Then Ou-Yang slumped his shoulders.

"Damn it, look at that line, we should have gotten here earlier." He nagged.

As the crowds of people in line were patiently waiting to be let in, and I was wishing

to get the hell out of there, just then I heard someone yelling my name.

My eyes grew wide as I cautiously turned my head.

"Ru Wen, is that you? Hey, over here." I heard a scream for me.

Then I looked over in the direction where the voice was coming from, and it was my

friend that workings as a head chef of this club. He waving his hand and motioning for me to come


The three of us walked to the entrance and stood in front of the large, muscle man who was

named Bicheng, my old friend.


He was in his chef uniform and his wrestler body was enough to intimidate

anyone who saw him.

Now I could see why the club hired him as a chef.

After that, he put his arms around me and gave me a squeeze.

"Good to see you. Do you guys come clubbing here tonight?" He asked and I pulled

out from his embrace.

"We were going to, but so w, look at that line, I don't think tonight's going to be a

possibility," I told him.

"Nonsense, I'm here. So you three can go in." He order.

Then I gave him a dirty look as he lifted the rope for us. Mei Lin and Ou-Yang were

ecstatic and beaming from ear to ear.

Bicheng lightly grabbed my arm as I walked past him.

"Ru Wen. If you do not feel comfortable in there or you need me, come out here and let me

know." I smiled at his generosity and nodded.

We walked through the small hallway that led into the main entrance of the club. I've

been to many clubs, and this is by far is the most crowded I've ever seen. I looked

around at the tables that filled the place.

A massive bar sat off to the side with fluorescent lights that hung down from the ceiling. The oversized dance floor housed large projection screens and displayed a full-colour laser show. The walls were suede with soft lights that glowed off them. The music was blaring as the floor was thumping beneath my feet forcing my body to move with the beat.

Mei Lin pulled me and Ou-Yang to the dance floor where we danced for what seemed

like hours.

While I needed a drink, so I left them to dance as I made my way to the bar area. So I

took the only bar stool that was available at the end and ordered a magical cocktail. I

was casually sipping on my drink when I noticed a man and woman arguing at a table not too

far from where I was sitting.

She had her shaking finger pointed at him and then proceeded to poke him in the chest several times. So I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh.

I kept looking over at them to see if they would kiss and makeup, but noticed he was yelling now. His finger was pointing at her, and his face looked angered.

That tall beautiful woman slapped him across the face, turned on her heels and

scurried off.

Then I stared at him and took notice of the look on his face which showed no

emotion what so ever. He just sat there and stared straight ahead.

I still kept looking over in his direction because he was one of the best eye candies I've

ever seen. His light brown, almost curly hair was shorter on the sides as his longer top

had waved to it. I could not help but stare at his prominent square jaw and chiselled


And I could not tell the colour of his eyes because he was too far away,

and the lighting was inadequate, but I could tell just by looking, anyone could easily

get lost in them.

"Woo, I see someone has gotten into your attention," Mei Lin smiled as she looked over at


Oh god, I did not need her knowing I was checking this guy out because she would be

the first one to run over, tell him and try to set us up.

"He only has my attention because he was just got slapped by some woman." She let

out a loud laugh, and that was my point to change the subject.

She dragged me out to the dance floor where I danced and endlessly fought off horny

guys as I kept getting shuffled in the crowd.

It started to get extremely hot in the club, and I needed some fresh air. I told Mei Lin that I'd be back as I headed towards the door.

As I stepped outside, I saw Bicheng escorting Mr Gorgeous out of the club. So they know each other?