
ReLife: I Got My Memories Back After My Ex-Girlfriend Cheated on Me

My girlfriend cheated on me, but then my past life memories came back. "I see... you're fucking with someone else... (crocodile tears) Just kidding bitch. Anyway! Gotta find another one." I realized I deserved better—a better girlfriend.

Shuhjn · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

2: Promise

"You're eating my diet food instead of karaage. Never mind, I'm happy to see my boy start working out. How is your health now?"

The man, around 6'2", with brown hair and a muscular build, asks me.


I answered my dad as I was eating.

"Manners, please. Finish that first, Yuuta..."

I chewed the meat and gulped it down when my mother gave me that death sentence look.

"Sorry, Mom. I'm fine, Dad, and thanks for the meat too."

I said, then put another piece in my mouth.

My dad looked at me with an approving nod.

"I see that you're finally aware that you're my son. Men should know what kind of food they digest."

As the wise man said to me, I nodded.


We just talked together, and my dad was impressed with me eating his diet food and starting to work on my stamina this morning.

After my enlightenment about my past life, I don't have my previous kid mentality and am just working my ass off again.

Let me introduce myself again, dear fourth-dimensional being.

Yamano Yuuta was born in Kyoto 15ish yr ago, on August 16, 1998, or technically, 14 yr and 6 months old, and the only child in the family.

Speaking of my parents, I don't see why I'm in a bad way. You see, I have a lot potential as I'm still growing up.

My dad, Yamano Koji has a good career as a principal architect and also a hotel investor. It's funny that I was an architect and investor too before. My dad aged like good wine and never skips to hit the gym. He's basically a chad boomer in his 40s who loves his family.

Then my mother, Yamano Ayaka also helps my dad manage his hotel chain and is also a good, beautiful wife.

Aren't my parents living a good life here?

Even though they are busy, sometimes we go somewhere to spend time together.


The woman with long black hair and hazel eyes crosses her arms as the men in this room shut their mouth.

"I know that you've got a girlfriend now, but you must start to care about your studies again."

This time my mom gave me a 'not approve' look again.

I looked at her, she was wearing a casual dress. I don't see her as a woman, but my mother is indeed a hotty.

"Yes, Mom, I'll start studying again."

Mom hummed loudly.

"I've heard that sentence quite a lot. Sigh... my Yuuta is smart and hardworking. Maybe this is my fault for letting you skip a grade just because you wanted to be in the same class as Natsuha."

Damn, that's my fault here.

I don't remember the details about the original Yuuta in the story.

Maybe because I was reincarnated before I even noticed it, my experience in this world says I've always been number one from my first to eighth grade.

Then my previous junior high school offered me a chance to skip a grade; I could continue in ninth grade or just jump a year and become a freshman in high school.

I chose the latter.

The reason? Nothing serious. As my mom said before because I'm a simp.

My reason was to be able to enter high school as a freshman with Shinomiya Natsuha. Since I entered high school, I haven't continued my previous achievements as 'the best of the best, sir!' and chose to be a simp.

"Don't say that, Mom. This is my fault, and I promise I'll come back to the correct path once again. I swear..."

I don't want to waste my time and potential on troublesome women.

Suddenly, the dining room goes silent.

I look back at my parents.


They look at me as if they heard something good.

My mother smiles a little, "Alright, don't force yourself too much..."

At this point, I should become more serious for the sake of Ayaka-chan, I mean, my mom.


After some time, I take a shower and head to school.

It's February 15, 2012, and within a month, I'm about to finish the last semester of my first year in high school.

I know it's pointless for me to attend school when I've got a Ph.D. in Mathematics in my 20, and later... I applied to study Architecture in my past life. For me, I don't have a problem with my studies.

Though, I've something I'm concerned with.

At the same time, I know my mom is strict in some ways but also too kind. My mom likes my girlfriend Natsuha as if she were her daughter because Natsuha is my neighbor and childhood friend.

Furthermore, Natsuha's mom, Aunt Haruka, has a bad history. She divorced her ex-husband when she found out he was cheating on her. Until now, Aunt Haruka never trusts men, except me.

My relationship with her mom is good. I went places with Aunt Haruka, and she bought me a lot of things. She's my neighbor, my mom's friend, and also my sugar mommy.

I never understand why she favors me, believe me.

If she—no, if Mom and Aunt Haruka learn that Natsuha is cheating with another guy...

"Huft... gotta protect them."

I mumble slowly as I think of the right way to settle this quietly.

After some time, I arrive at my class. Soon, I detect many gazes shooting directly at me.

For your information, I don't have a friend here. My fate was sealed when the boys at my school made me their enemy upon learning that the school madonna, Shinomiya Natsuha, has a boyfriend named Yamano Yuuta.

"Good morning, Yuuta~"

Speaking of devils, the person I just monologued about appeared. I lift my head a little. It was my girlfriend and soon-to-be ex.


I put on my default smile that I give to everyone, which is not so genuine.

"Yuuta, um... I'm sorry about our promise before. You see..." Natsuha said then telling her excuse again.

As I expected, Natsuha didn't notice it. She thought that I'm clueless about what the hell is going on.

More importantly, if she used this excuse, did Aunt Haruka not mention that she borrowed me to accompany her to the airport? It almost sounds like Aunty is just stealing her daughter's boyfriend. Don't be horny though, I never do anything lewd with her.

"That's it, Yuuta! I'm sorry, okay~? I promise to make it up to you."

She pleaded, confirming my theory.

There's no indication that Natsuha knows about me taking her mother to the airport.

Why did Aunt Haruka do that?

"I understand. Take it easy, alright."

I said and kept my gaze on her, but I was thinking about something else.

The bell for the first period rang.

"That's right, Yuuta~ How about studying together at my house after school?"

I shake off my thoughts about Aunt Haruka's weird behavior towards me.

"Sure. Right. I remember, there's something I want to ask as well, Natsuha."

Natsuha's face turned bright innocently, "Okay~"

Is this chick for real?

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