
Relief (tragedy)

Author: Rosey_Lilu
Ongoing · 3.5K Views
  • 1 Chs
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What is Relief (tragedy)

Read ‘Relief (tragedy)’ Online for Free, written by the author Rosey_Lilu, This book is a Teen Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The guilt of losing someone you love


The guilt of losing someone you love

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pada akhirnya apa yang kita sembunyikan akan terbongkar juga, seperti apapun kita berusaha menutupi, menyembunyikan bahkan berbohong tentang sesuatu hal yang membuat sesorang mencurigai kita pasti akan terungkap dengan sendirinya. sama seperti lala pada saat akan berusaha, menjatuhkan teman adalah langkah awal menuju pada penyesalan dan sakit hati yang mendalam. steven yang akhirnya tahu maksud buruk dari lala beranjak bangun dari tempat duduknya tanpa setahu mereka, steven melihat kanan kiri memperhatikan orang-orang yang berlalu lalang melewati meja lala tadi dan pikir steven aman lantas dia menukarkan minuman sari dengan lala. setelah itu steven dengan gaya yang nyentrik saat itu masa bodoh dengan kelakuannya yang menurut dia bagus dan tersenyum, dengan langkah yang santai dan senyum-senyum sambil berjalan meninggalkan ruangan diskotek. tak berapa lama kemudian sari, aryan, dan lala berjalan melintasi para pengunjung dan memapah sari yang kakinya sedang keseleo, tersaruk langkah kaki sari sebab rasa ngilu masih dirasakannya. "masih sakit?" tanya lala. "sudah berkurang" mereka duduk mengelilingi meja seperti tadi lalu lala memberi minum kepada sari dan aryan untuk mengajak tos bersama. "kita rayakan malam persahabatan kita ini  semoga kekal abadi dan tidak ada yang namanya musuh dalam selimut" ujar lala sambil meneguk minumannya sampai habis begitu pula dengan sari dan aryan yang tanpa mencurigai minuman apa yang sedang mereka minum barusan. "seharusnya bukan begitu semboyan kita" sergah aryan. "terus, apa dong?" "begini bunyi semboyannya, hmm semoga antara lala dan aryan menjadi pasangan merpati yang rukun dan bahagia selamanya" kata aryan sambil tertawa " ahhhh, kamu ada-ada aja" gerutu lala manja. sari cuma tersenyum memperhatikan aryan dan lala yang berada didepannya didalam hatinya turut mendoakan seperti apa yang diinginkan lelaki itu , dan semoga saja sama dengan anita yang akan menaruh perasaannya kepada aryan, seperti apa yang dialami aryan juga  sebab sari tahu kalau aryan sudah menaruh hati kepada lala. "kalau kakimu masih sakit sebaiknya kita tidak usah pulang dulu sar, kita nginap saja dihotel aku juga lagi malas pulang ke kemah begitukan baiknya yan?" kata lala yang sudah mulai teler ditempat duduknya dan pikirannya sudah mulai kosong dan melayang-layang. aryan hanya mengangguk sama seperti lala, aryan juga merasakan melayang-layang,kepalanya sakit dan sebentar lagi akan tumbang. "tapi la, aku takut armin akan mencari kita" sahut sari dengan perasaan  gelisah apalagi dilihatnya lala sudah semakin lesu,matanya tambah sayu. "tenang, mala tenang semua itu bisa diatur" balas lala asal mengucap saja, lalu gadis itu merebahkan kepalanya dibahu aryan. "aryan..aku ingin tidur..," desah lala. "nanti saja" ucap aryan melihat aneh tingkah lala. "sekarang aryan, sekarang.." ucap lala keras. "bagaimana dengan mala,laa?" "terserah dia mau ikut atau tidak" suara lala tambah melemah  dan dalam keadaan yang setengah sadar  dia mencoba mengontrol dirinya, namun reaksi obat perangsang itu sangat dasyat bagi tubunya  dan obat tidur itu dapat melemahkan benaknya bahkan sarafnya tidak segampang dia bangun untuk dituruti, untuk sesaat dia merasa jiwanya terombang-ambing dan sentuhan-sentuhan jari tangan aryan yang pada saat memegang pergelangan tangannya dengan mudah membakar pijar-pijar nafsu birahi dalam tubuhnya. "mala, kau tunggu di sini sebentar ya?" kata aryan kepada sari. "kau mau kemana?" "mengantar lala kehotel dulu atau kau mau sekalian ikut?" "aku takut sendirian disini" keluh sari. "ayo ikut saja mala, ayo...,"ajak lala sudah tak sabr lagi. " ngak deh aku mau pulang saja" sari berdiri lalu berjalan deluan meninggalkan ruang diskotik itu, perasaannya jadi kesal karena lala cuma mementingkan kesenangannya sendiri. pada saat sari berdiri tadi aryan memperhatikan wajah sari yang sedang menahan amarah terhadap lala. "sari, tunggu!" teriak aryan tapi sari bejalan dan tidak peduli denngan aryan.

Riany_Silalahi · Teen
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28 Chs

Project S.P.I.D.E.R.

Hello, fancy meeting you here. there is no synopsis as I don't know how to write it. But, what I do know is that I like to write story's, since I was little. It would be usually written on the paper, so this will be first time to do it digitally. Also first time to share with others, who are not family members. First time writing itin English as well. Before you start reading, just know that I am as much of a reader as you, other then some goals for main character to achieve, I have no idea where will the story go. Reason for that is that I enjoy the process of writing a story, not the quality, length or something ells. Apologies in advance if story is bad, I don't care about fame, reviews and other stuff. Please don't use your power stones and golden tickets on me and give it to someone else who needs it more. Should mention that English is my third language, and other then autocorrect on the device, there is no other support while writing. So no grammarly or whatever. What I can say, about the story, is mc is going to be a girl, and there will be multiverse travel, and lot of it. Here is a small spoiler. Two characters mc will recruit in her little kingdom are Duku Bo (douluo) and Madara (naruto) to be in the 'Granpa Advisor Council'. No harem or romance for now. Not to forget, all works mentioned belong to their respected owners, only OCs belong to be... heck, I see all my OCs as my own children, and no much harm shall happen to them. It may make 'em look like a Mary Sue characters at times, well they are made to be one, before (my own) flaws whare added to them. Upload rate will be random, when there is free time, and chapter length... also random sometimes 200 words other times 3000 or more. I do not know if there is a limit. It may (or may not) contain jokes only I understand. I do wonder who will be my rival, ah you may not know what I mean, it is a novel with similar theme, and/or about same thing more or less with some differences, enough not to be the same thing. like the one with Light and Eiji where heroines can hear voice of the protagonist, or template novels with one in Naruto world and other one in Danmaci where both MC's got Fujitora template. Fun fact: This is longer then my first chapter.

Aggron77877 · Urban
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1 Chs

Deities! Far Beyond Breathless-The Fight For Existence

Gay fiction Man x Man boy’s love gay romance mature themed no minors age to read 18+ Actions have dual possibilities leaning towards benefit or detriment of the individual executing change. Actions that are guided by fate utilizing serendipity will set destiny’s course for the meeting of two beings. Zane and Pride are two men that are the shadows of two deities that should have never met. One of the Gods cheated the other God, and their future out of maliciousness. Zane and Pride’s awkward meeting fanned a flame of ensuing romance that would lead them on an adventure. The adventure will test the two men’s budding love for each other,their commitment, their endurance,and reveal who they truly are. Pride is meant for Paradime, a God who is entrapped on Earth. He was born twenty-seven years ago by infertile woman named Joanne Pureheart ,who received help from a deity to conceive a child. Pride was a gift from the God Overlord , a part of himself left on Earth for Paradime to find. Paradime is an entrapped celestial who will use every avenue to escape his prison Earth. His persona to the world is the head of a global company called Paradime Industries, and secretively he is the leader of an hidden society. Paradime will seek out Pride ready to accept, and to claim his gift after finding out about him. Paradime’s son Rain doesn’t know that he is the child of two Gods.He is clueless about Paradime being his father. He will vie against his father and Zane for Pride’s heart. Rain is the right hand man of Paradime. Rain is in the second position after Paradime the head of a secret society. Rain faces a lot of conflicts from not knowing that he is more than human. He will come close to hating Zane before he discovers that Zane is a new member of Paradime’s secret society. Zane will discover that he is more than he appears to be,this discovery will bring him face to face with the Supreme. The Supreme is a treacherous God that will claim Zane as one of its own. Zane status changes from ordinary human to prince of five thousand realms. Zane will have to decide if Pride will be an enemy, or continued lover. When they encounter each other in the realm of Anotatos Komosto Pride will be far different from the man Zane knew on Earth. Pride arrives with the kind of baggage that Zane might not be open to handling. Pride has secrets that are no longer hidden from Zane, these secrets may end their relationship.Pride will be at the mercy of the Supreme , because he is treasured by Paradime. Pride has to find a way to solve his mounting problems, one problem which involves three deities and Zane , is the worst problem of them all. Until he acquire a new problem that brings him to devastation. In the mist of Zane and Pride’s struggles there is a Great War taking place. A war amongst the universes that involves humans, beings,and Gods. Three Gods that are enemies will battle each other, while they try to become major players in the universal war . A war where there is only a place for one winner to prevail over all the contenders. Rushing towards the Great War, the Supreme, Paradime, and the Overlord will bring Zane and Pride along too. Making them spectaculars as well as vital participants in the war of the universes.

Jessicasg_Fed · Horror
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