
Rekishi: Beyond the Timestream

“The World of Paragonia” Where the blending of magic and technology converges, a realm of wonder and discovery awaits. A world where Gifted figures from earth have visited and influenced, infusing it with their knowledge and expertise, which has had a lasting impact. Some have left behind a fleeting legacy, while others have reshaped the world forever. In the present day, a century has elapsed since the last summoning took place. an event that has faded into the mists of time. But over 2000 years ago, a celebrated polymath from a far-off land was summoned for the first time to restore equilibrium to the realm. This extraordinary individual, called upon by the forces of nature, was able to recreate the portal that brought him to the world despite coming into the world in his old age. Before his passing, he imparted the wisdom: "When the world is lost and would have an adversity once more, summon someone like me again through this portal.” That’s how the tales of Paragonia begun!

JusJules · History
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11 Chs

The Western Continent

Chapter 8

The Westagorian Continent

The western region of Paragonia is a diverse land, comprising multiple kingdoms and great cities. At the southern extremity lies the Kingdom of Bellatoria, while the northern part is home to the thriving metropolis of Nexarium, a hub of magical technology. The central area is a commercial hub called Mercantis, where merchants from all over converge to trade and conduct business. The western and eastern flanks of this region are dotted with smaller kingdoms, including Bellatoria, each with their own unique culture and traditions.

Nexarium - The city blends old and new, with medieval buildings alongside technological wonders. The Clock Tower of Innovation stands tall, its intricate clockwork and gleaming spires a symbol of progress. The Magical technology Academy is a bustling hub of learning, where students and scholars explore the intersection of magic and tech. Meanwhile, the Governing Guildhall, the seat of the city's ruling council, is a sturdy medieval fortress, its stone walls adorned with carvings and enchanted with protective spells.

Mercantis - The economic heart of the Westagorian continent, it is a vibrant hub of commerce and innovation. Grand bazaars overflow with exotic goods and magical items, while the imposing Nexarium Embassy looms large, a testament to its influence. Representatives from each kingdom maintain guildhalls and trade missions. In Mercantis, negotiation is an art, and mercantile families have honed their skills over generations. Intrigue and political machinations simmer beneath the surface, as kingdoms and interest groups vie for advantage. Fortunes are made and lost, alliances forged and broken, shaping the fate of the continent.

In Mercantis, Kaelin paces with anticipation, his tension palpable. He awaits the arrival of Eamon and Rowan, eager to receive their report and learn of their findings.

Kaelin - Heir to the throne of Bellatoria, he is a tall and handsome young man with crimson brown hair that falls to his broad shoulders. He stands at around 6 feet 2 inches, with a strong and athletic build. Kaelin carries himself with grace and confidence with a sharp intellect and strategic mind. Despite his royal upbringing, he exudes a sense of approachability and empathy. He wears his hair long, often pulled back in a ponytail. Magical affinity is fire (a proficient fire magic user almost as strong as Aetus).

Eamon - a grizzled and experienced knight who has served the royal family of Bellatoria for many years. He stands at around 5 feet 10 inches, with a stocky build and a rugged face that speaks to his many battles and campaigns. He wears his brown hair short and practical. He carries a broadsword and a Targe shield in combat. Eamon has a soft spot for Kaelin, whom he has sworn to protect and mentor in the ways of combat and leadership. Magical affinity is fire (a proficient fire magic user and exceptional range of defensive fire magic)

Rowan - young and ambitious knight who has recently been appointed to Kaelin's personal guard. He stands at around 6 feet with a lean and athletic build. He has a messy mop of blond hair that always seems to be getting in his eyes. He wears a longsword at his side, its intricately engraved hilt a symbol of his family's noble heritage. Despite his inexperience, Rowan is fiercely loyal to Kaelin and Eamon, and he is eager to prove himself in battle and earn his place among the ranks of Bellatoria's elite knights. Magical affinity is Fire (almost proficient in fire magic but still inexperienced in actual combat.)

The door bursts open and Eamon and Rowan enter, their faces etched with grave concern.

"Kaelin, we bring dire news about Bellatoria," Eamon says, his voice low and urgent. "The traveling merchant we sent home a few days back has returned. He arrived yesterday from our kingdom, bearing tales of monstrous creatures terrorizing our people. They spoke of beings that appear to be made of stone, ranging in size from a large wooden chest to towering pillars."

Rowan steps forward, his eyes locked on Kaelin's. "The merchant, Felix, rode day and night to reach Mercantis, bearing grave news. He reported sighting these creatures near the castle walls and even claims to have seen them within the city itself, wreaking havoc and destruction."

Kaelin's expression darkens, his fists clenched at his sides."By the gods... We are three days' ride from Bellatoria. We must act swiftly to aid our people and our kingdom."

Eamon nods in agreement and said, "Felix awaits your summons, Kaelin. He can provide more detailed information about the situation in Bellatoria and offer valuable insights into the creatures' movements and motivations. His testimony may prove crucial in shaping our response to this crisis."

"Summon him at once," Kaelin commands, his voice firm and urgent. "We must act quickly, every moment counts."

Eamon then signaled to Rowan to fetch the merchant Felix. Within moments, Rowan returns with Felix in tow.

Felix bowed slightly, but the trauma in his eyes was still evident. Kaelin's voice was firm yet measured as he spoke, "Felix, tell me everything you know. Why did you delay reporting this news? You should have come to me directly as soon as you arrived."

Felix hesitated, unsure of what to say, as fatigue was the only reason for his delayed report. "Your Royal Highness, I must admit that none of my companions were well enough to come to you and report on the situation in Bellatoria." Fearful for his life, he added, "If you intend to punish anyone, please let me bear the blame alone and spare my family."

Kaelin's face darkened in anger, and he growled, "Tell me what you know, Felix. Leave out nothing."

Felix takes a deep breath, his eyes haunted by the memories. "We were traveling to Bellatoria from Mercantis, bearing goods and supplies. But as we approached the kingdom, we were met with a sight from our worst nightmares. The kingdom was under siege, surrounded by an army of stone creatures that rained down upon our home, destroying everything in their path. They left nothing but ruin and death in their wake. We were shocked and frightened by the scene, and we knew we had to return swiftly to warn others of the danger that threatens our kingdom."

He pauses, collecting his thoughts. "We turned our horses around and rode as fast as we could, but it was too late. We had been spotted, and they gave chase. We didn't dare look back, fearing what we might see. We rode for our lives, our horses galloping until they died of exhaustion one by one. Just a day's ride from Mercantis, we were forced to continue on foot. What would normally be a single day's journey took us three days to cover, our exhaustion and terror driving us forward. Although we were no longer being pursued, we barely made it back alive, our bodies and minds drained from the ordeal."

Felix's eyes plead with Kaelin. "You have to believe me, my lord. We hurried back from Bellatoria with the utmost concern for our Kingdom. We would have reported everything had we had the strength to do so." Felix falls to his knees, his forehead pressed to the ground, and says, "Your Royal Highness, I hate to say this, but... our Kingdom looks like it may not survive the attack!" His eyes welled up with tears, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Send him home," Kaelin orders, his voice firm and resolute. "Assemble what remains of our forces and prepare to ride out as soon as possible. We must act swiftly for our Kingdom.

Eamon and Rowan swiftly carry out Kaelin's orders. Under the scorching afternoon sun, a small contingent of fewer than 10 individuals, including Kaelin, Eamon, and Rowan, rides out of the city of Mercantis. They leave behind only a handful of young knights to hold the embassy and protect their kingdom's interests.

Just as they were about to exit the gate, a company of knights, led by a dignified and imposing figure, approached them. The leader's presence was commanding, and his ornate armor and weaponry seemed to gleam in the sunlight.

The leader sneered, "The council has heard of your predicament and has deigned to offer assistance." He spoke confidently, his voice dripping with condescension. "Besides, what can your paltry squad possibly do to alter the course of events?" he added, his tone insulting.

Just as Kaelin's anger was about to boil over, Eamon stepped in, his calming presence a balm to Kaelin's frazzled nerves. "Kaelin, we need their help," Eamon whispered, his voice a gentle restraint on Kaelin's rising temper.

Kaelin took a deep breath, his sarcasm evident as he replied to Volans, "Oh, by all means, please do join us. Just don't expect to keep up." His tone was laced with disdain, his words dripping with mockery.

Volans is a tall and lean knight with an arrogant demeanor. He has short, spiky hair that's a sandy blonde color and piercing blue eyes. His suit of armor combines traditional steel with advanced technology, featuring two slightly glowing gems on the chest that provide a built-in energy shield against magical attacks and projectiles. Volans is a confident and boastful knight who isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's a show-off, constantly seeking opportunities to demonstrate his skills and impress those around him although he's only a novice user of magic and relies heavily on Nexarium magical technology. Magical affinity is wind (novice level magic)

With a curt nod, Kaelin gives the order, "Forward!" The single word is a command to continue their journey home, to press on despite the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead.

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