
Rekishi: Beyond the Timestream

“The World of Paragonia” Where the blending of magic and technology converges, a realm of wonder and discovery awaits. A world where Gifted figures from earth have visited and influenced, infusing it with their knowledge and expertise, which has had a lasting impact. Some have left behind a fleeting legacy, while others have reshaped the world forever. In the present day, a century has elapsed since the last summoning took place. an event that has faded into the mists of time. But over 2000 years ago, a celebrated polymath from a far-off land was summoned for the first time to restore equilibrium to the realm. This extraordinary individual, called upon by the forces of nature, was able to recreate the portal that brought him to the world despite coming into the world in his old age. Before his passing, he imparted the wisdom: "When the world is lost and would have an adversity once more, summon someone like me again through this portal.” That’s how the tales of Paragonia begun!

JusJules · History
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14 Chs

Guardians of the Realm

Chapter 7

"The Guardian's Dilemma"

Back in Monolithia, where life has adapted to thrive in the most unexpected ways, a testament to the region's resilience and beauty. Amidst weathered rock formations, a vast forest of trees and plants thrives, with vines, mosses, and lichens. These natural sanctuaries offer a safe haven for a diverse range of creatures, from winged beings to burrowing worms, all finding shelter and solace in this vibrant ecosystem. 

Deep within the land's core lies a shallow cave, the sacred dwelling of Magnior, the vigilant guardian who watches over the land with unwavering dedication. He had summoned loyal Grombles to serve as caretakers and protectors of this realm, tasking them with tending to the land's every need. But now, their absence is palpable, leaving the land feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Reiji and Cogitus stepped into the cave, their footsteps echoing off the walls as they talked. "That should seal it for now," Reiji said, his voice low and contemplative. "I'm planning to clear them once Magnior wakes up. After all, this is his domain."

Cogitus raised an eyebrow. "You gotta be kidding, master," he replied, a hint of incredulity in his voice. "You don't need our permission for your actions."

Reiji's expression turned thoughtful. "For you, that might be the case, but he hasn't answered to me yet."

Cogitus nodded respectfully. "But he will," he said, his tone confident and reassuring.

As they spoke, Magnior's motionless form suddenly stirred. He slowly opened his eyes, groggily taking in his surroundings. Cogitus rushed to his side, offering support. "We're back at Monolithia's," he said.

But Magnior's confusion only deepened. His memories were hazy, and the last thing he recalled was the intense battle he was engaged in. The crushing blows, the deafening sounds – it had all ended so abruptly.

Then, his gaze fell upon Reiji, standing over him giving away a friendly look. "You took your time recovering," Reiji said, his voice laced with a hint of goodwill. "I've decided to let you live... because I like you." Magnior's eyes narrowed, unsure what to make of Reiji's words. "So, starting today, you'll be working under me, Magnior. You hear?"

Magnior's gaze was steady, his voice firm. "So, I lost and was spared, huh?" he asked, his words laced with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Reiji nodded, his expression a mask of neutrality. Magnior's eyes narrowed as his mind raced to process his situation. "I'm accustomed to being the leader, you know?" he continued, his tone tinged with a hint of pride, but a hint of submission creeping into his voice.

"You will remain a leader, regardless," Reiji said. "I'm not interested in ruling your domain or your subjects. In fact, I'm here to help you rebuild. I admire how you've maintained this place—the animals roaming freely showcase its tranquility. You've managed your domain remarkably well, so I entrust it to your care. However, what I seek from you is understanding."

Magnior's eyes searched Reiji's face, trying to discern his true intentions. "Understanding of what, exactly?" he inquired.

"You see, it's only been a few weeks since I arrived in your world, and I don't know who to trust," Reiji explained. "Your world is new to me, as is my power. But when we fought, I could sense your compassion and thoughtfulness. And I thought you're someone I can trust."

"Arrived? Are you an Earthborn?," Magnior asked, though his eyes filled with comprehension.

"I am." Reiji replied. "But the thing is, I was only pulled into this world by, well, my own ingenuity. Now I want to know, is my case always the norm here?"

Magnior's eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed in intrigue. "I've never heard of an Earthborn being brought here by their own means," he said. "Typically, it's by the use of the summoning portal."

He paused, "Tell me, Reiji, what do you mean by 'your own ingenuity'? What was it that brought you here?"

"Hey, I'll do the asking," Reiji said. "I'm here to learn about your world, and besides, you haven't agreed to be my subordinate yet."

"How can one so shrewd be so childish?" Magnior wondered aloud. Then he stood up, "You have gained my respect already. I would not rebel against you if that's your concern."

"I will take that as a compliment and you really shouldn't," Reiji said. "I've analyzed you so it will be easier for me to deal with you now. Just so you know."

Magnior let out a deep sigh.

Cogitus, standing nearby, watched the exchange and in his mind, "This is not what I expected."

Magnior grumbled, "I'll work with you, human. I sense no malice in you. Besides, I have little choice in the matter."

Reiji corrected him, "It's 'under me', Magnior. You'll be working under me. Anyway, that settles it. I'm getting hungry, so I'll go hunt for food for now. Let's continue this conversation again later."

As soon as Reiji disappeared from view, Magnior turned to Cogitus and stated, "I assume Krogar is dead." Cogitus' response was ominous: "Yes, and he transformed him into his weapon."

Part 2. "A Familiar Realm"

Reiji, not far from Magnior's dwelling cave, appeared to have just finished hunting. He had caught a small, rabbit-like creature with long hind legs, oversized feet, and a distinctive tuft of fur on its forehead. 'This looks like a normal rabbit to me,' he muttered. Then, he started a fire to cook his catch.

As he cooked the animal, he thought to himself, "I'm adapting to this world way too fast; I can't even understand how I'm doing it." He added, "Even when I first materialized, I quickly grasped the concept of combat and my abilities. It's as if my mind is resonating with the logic of this world, making everything feel eerily intuitive."

"Was I always like this? It's already been two weeks since I arrived, and yet I don't miss Earth at all. Maybe it's because I was never deeply connected to it, having spent most of my time lost in books - historical, fantasy, or mythology, I devoured them all. That's why this new world feels almost... familiar." As he savored his food, he wondered, "Is all of this just a product of my own mind? A dream born from the stories I've read?" 

The thought sends a shiver down his spine. "When I read, the stories felt so real, so immersive. Now, I'm left questioning what's real and what's not." His eyes unfocused, his mind adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

"Am I really here? Is here even real?" This thought echoed in his head.

Just as Reiji was lost in thought, a loud rumbling noise and the sound of rapid footsteps snapped him back to reality. Before he could even react, he felt himself being scooped up and carried away, unable to see who or what was behind the sudden rescue.

"Magnior?" He said in a confused tone. "what's going on?" Reiji asked him, his voice laced with confusion and a hint of alarm.

"The dungeon monsters have gone wild," Magnior declared, his voice grave with concern. "The enclosure you created wasn't enough to contain them. A swarm of savage creatures have been unleashed, and they're now rampaging through the area. In my current condition, I'm not strong enough to stop them. That's why we're retreating." He added, as a deferential afterthought, "Master."

"What's with the late honorific? Be serious, Magnior. How many are there, and how strong are these ancient creatures?" Reiji asked, his tone firm and urgent. "And where is Cogitus?" he added, his concern growing.

As they ran, Cogitus spoke from just behind Magnior, "I'm here, Master. I appreciate the concern." His tone was laced with wry humor, and a smirk spread across his face,visible even in the brief glance Reiji threw.

Reiji thought to himself, "What's with these two copying how I talk and using my expressions?" He then called out to Magnior, "Alright, put me down, let's stop and think of a plan. We need a strategy, not a frantic escape!"

Magnior and Cogitus skidded to a stop, their feet scraping against the ground as they turned to face the chasing creatures. Before them, a group of small, goblin-like creatures, about 3-4 feet tall, with oversized heads and long, spindly arms, were closing in fast. 

"You big galoot"' Reiji said, his voice tinged with a blend of irritation and delight. "I know I told you to stop but why so sudden!"

But Reiji swiftly directed Magnior to prepare a defensive spell, just as the chasing creatures were conjuring a fiery blast. 

Reiji in an annoyed tone says, "Really? Fire?" Cogitus replied, "that's why we ran master."

Magnior placed his hand on the ground and cast, "Nefer-imen-ka, khem-kha-imen. Clay wall," his voice low and commanding.

The earth trembled beneath their feet then a massive wall of wet soil towered, defending them from the goblin. Reiji incanted his own spell, "Terre, révèle ton shinri! Mechanika's touch!". His eyes glowed brown as he invoked the magic.

"Perfect spell." complementing Magnior.

He then pulled out a metal sphere and transformed it into a greatsword, the metal shifting and elongating with a soft hiss. The rain of fire from the goblin-like monsters hit the muddy wall, the flames hissing and spluttering before dying out. 

When the attack finally ceased, Reiji commanded, "Put the wall down, Magnior." Quickly, the mud dropped down, Reiji got into action and quickly leaped towards the creatures.

Reiji showcased his masterful footwork, slashing the goblin monsters one by one with graceful precision, as if he were dancing with the great sword. He continued to eliminate them with powerful sweeps, and the defeated creatures turned into dark smoke, disappearing into the air.

As Magnior and Cogitus watched Reiji's beautiful sword play, Cogitus remarked, "You know, I remember the day I arrived at the scene where he defeated you, Magnior. Reiji was sitting on the ground, his weapon cradled in his arms, apparently lost in slumber. But I could sense the aura of danger surrounding him, like a coiled snake waiting to strike. I knew at that moment, I didn't stand a chance against him. His presence was so intimidating that I peacefully complied, surrendering without a fight. Even now, I can feel the weight of his gaze, like a constant reminder of the power he wields."

Magnior's eyes softened, and he nodded almost imperceptibly, his expression a testament to the unspoken understanding between them. His gaze held a deep respect, a quiet acknowledgment of the power and prowess that Reiji possessed. In that fleeting moment, Magnior's face seemed to say, "I, too, have witnessed Reiji's strength, and I will not soon forget it."

When the last goblin monster dissipated into smoke, Reiji strode back towards the stone golems, his voice laced with exasperation, " What are you doing there casually talking? It looks like the plan is just me." His tone was edged with irritation, his words almost scolding, as if he were reprimanding the golems for their inaction. "'I'm starting to wonder if putting up with you two is worth the trouble." He said with a hint of a teasing tone.

Cogitus delivered a crisp, military-style report, "Master, my expertise in strategies and warfare tactics is rendered ineffective in this scenario. My absolute control over Grombles is equally useless, as the situation demands more unconventional solutions. Regarding Magnior, despite his intimidating presence, his energy reserves are still depleted. Unlike humans, who can recover through rest, monsters require specific means to recharge."

Reiji's eyes narrowed, his gaze intent on Magnior, as he asked, "So what do you need then, Magnior, to replenish your energy?" Magnior replied, his voice low and resonant, "My energy will regenerate over time, just like how it is for humans. But I have to stay in an environment aligned with my magical affinity. The Terrestrial ground, which courses through my being, will revitalize me through a slow natural regeneration process." 

Reiji followed up with another question, asking, "Then, how would you know if you're at maximum capacity? Actually, erase that. How much is your capacity?" Trying to size up Magniors strength. Magnior promptly responded, "Our energy capacity increases with the passage of time. The longer we live, the greater our capacity becomes."

Reiji's eyes narrowed slightly, his mind whispering, "He just dodged my question," but he nodded nonetheless, acknowledging Magnior's explanation. He then gestured towards the dungeon, saying, "Anyway, now that you're awake, let's move out. We need to reach the source of these monsters—the dungeon itself." With that, he led the way, and Magnior and Cogitus followed closely behind.

Reiji's thoughts whirled, connecting the dots between Magnior's natural regeneration and the human experience. "Natural regeneration process, huh... It's true it's the same for us humans. Magical Energy is akin to Vital Energy, an inner battery that recharges when we rest, replenishing our magical reserves. But just like a battery, it has its limits, capped by our physical and mental capacities. The biggest difference is, through practice and training, we can expand those limits, increase our Vital Energy, and tap into deeper reserves of magic." 

Reiji's thoughts continued, "But if we're not careful, expending too much energy can deplete our Vital Energy, leading to fatigue and a sharp decline in magical effectiveness—a state of exhaustion all too familiar to mages. As I recall when I was preparing to engage Magnior, I pushed myself too hard and suffered the consequences a little. But as I learned to maintain my physical and mental well-being, I discovered the delicate balance between energy manipulation and regeneration. By optimizing my body and mind, I can wield magic with greater precision and efficiency, avoiding the pitfalls of exhaustion and unlocking my full potential."

Reiji's eyes widened as he grasped the parallels, "It's strikingly similar to human energy dynamics on Earth. Just as physical fitness and mental resilience impact our energy levels and recovery, magical energy operates under similar principles. If you're physically unfit, fatigue sets in quicker and recovery is slower. Mental instability can also lead to quicker depletion and potential burnout, hindering one's potential in both magic and life.

"With that being said, Earth and this world are really just the same – only there, you can't tell who the monster is," Reiji reflected.

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