
chapter 3: Her new career journey

The next day Lina woke up early and went to F company. She told the receptionist she wanted to see the CEO and was surprised she didn't ask alot of questions. She just gave her the directions with a smile. She waited for the elevator and went up to the top floor before coming out. She looked at around marvelling at the spacious offices. After collecting herself from the shock, she knocked on one of the doors labelled 'CEO'S office' and waited for a response.

"Come in ." She heard someone say and pushed the door before going in.

Bill looked up from the document he was reading immediately he had the door close. He was shocked when he saw her.

" You?" They both asked at the same time. Lina had forgotten about her help to him at the grocery store but she could never forget that handsome face.

" Have a seat." Bill gestured after collecting his thoughts after the initial shock.

" Thanks." She managed to respond before sitting down.

" We meet again ." He said smiling.

" I never thought you were the one Andrew was talking about." Lina said looking around his office. She had to admit he had great taste. Everything looked good.

" Even I never thought it would be you. Anyway are you ready to work with us. As I told you, I need a secretary to help handle things around here." He said looking at her.

" I will be glad to work for you. I have been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time." She said smiling. Her smile was contagious that Bill couldn't help smiling.

" Okay when do you plan to start." He asked.

" Tomorrow sir, I just have to go back to the hotel and resign. Anyway I have been tired of the way my colleques treat me. I just stayed for the money." She explained.

" Okay then, see you tomorrow. I look forward to a wonderful cooperation." He said extending his hand for a handshake.

" Thanks sir." She responded shaking his hand before leaving. Bill was left smiling looking at his hands. Her hands were so soft. He had been having sleepless nights thinking of how to find her but fate brought her to his company. Now he remembered that why she seemed familiar. She was Dorry's friend, the one Andrew asked him to investigate the other time. He would make her fall in love with him slowly then marry her. He was so happy that he called Andrew to tell him he would be married soon thanks to him.

Andrew couldn't believe it, so Lina has been the lady he always talked about. But all in all, he wished him the best before ending the call. He had just left his office for a meeting when he passed by Dorry's office when he heard her speak happily on the phone.

" You mean you got a better job?" He could here her happy voice.

" Okay Lina I have a meeting to attend .I will come by your apartment later to celebrate. I also have to shift this weekend. Why don't we find a bigger place and shift together?" She asked.

" Okay let's discuss later." She said before the call ended. Andrew was happy to see her smile so brilliantly. He had never seen her this happy. It seems Lina was her only family. He now understood they only had each other and would do anything to help each other as sisters. He wished he could have someone to care about him that much. Even Bill couldn't care about him that much.

" You seem happy. I haven't seen you this happy." He said entering her office.

" Yeah my best friend just got a good job. Am happy for her, finally she can move with me." She found herself talking too much.

" That is nice . I came to tell you the meeting will start soon we need to go." He said . He was happy she could tell him that much and he noticed she too was shocked after talking too much.

" Okay sir." She said taking the files she had already prepared. This was the first meeting she would be attending in the company since she joined. She wanted to leave a good impression as the CEO'S secretary.


Lina arrived at the hotel and didn't bother going to dress up. She went straight to the managers office. She had just arrived at the door when she heard voices.

" When are you firing that bitch ?" She heard a familiar voice asking.

" I am still waiting for a better opportunity to get rid of her." The manger responded.

" She makes me feel sick whenever I see her. She carries herself as if she is a saint." Clara kept on talking.

" I will handle it babe." Ben the manager said .

Lina couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew Clara hated her but she didn't know it was to the extend of colluding with the manager to kick her out. Good thing she was here to resign.

" There would be no need to scheme behind my back." She said storming into the office. The two people entangled together were bewildered. They didn't have time to react before Lina slammed her resignation letter on the table.

" I will be resigning. You can keep your work." She said turning to leave.

" Are you sure of what you are doing Lina ?" Ben asked before she could leave the office.

" Yes I am. You have been trying to make my life miserable in this hotel. But now I would nolonger tolerate it. I quit." She said and left.

" What could have happened to make her quit. She always perseveres no matter what." Clara said. She had just recovered from the shock but couldn't help but think more about it.

" That doesn't matter babe. She will nolonger be in your way." Ben said hugging her.

Clara had been happy frustrating Lina but now she didn't feel any form of accomplishment as she had thought. Something wasn't right. Lina was not one to just quit.

" Okay I will get back to work. See you later." She said leaving the office.

Lina was so happy after settling everything. She immediately informed some of her colleagues and left. She didn't have any friends at work. Clara had made her life difficult throughout her stay as a waiter at the hotel. She couldn't help smiling as she left the hotel. She now had her dream job with a better pay. She remembered Dorry's suggestion of staying together and decided to move with her. She still had some time and decided to look for a better apartment. Andrew had promised to help pay for the first installment. She walked around looking for an agent and found one after a few minutes of searching. She was taken around to see some of the apartments before she could make a decision. She called Dorry to ask for her opinion but she told her to pick anything that was to her taste. After looking around for sometime. Lina finally got what she needed, a three bedroom apartment which had a better view and wasn't far from any of their work places. After settling some paper work she called Andrew who transferred the amount she needed to her account. He was happy Dorry had decided to start a new life. He was even more happy that they would be staying together. He had noticed their bond . They would take care of each other. He was willing to do anything to see Dorry happy again.


Dorry couldn't wait to leave work. She did her work for the day and made sure everything was in order before leaving. She went to the supermarket and bought some drinks before leaving for Lina's apartment. She was so happy for her. It was time for them to shine. They had been suffering for a long time. She had even started questioning God. But now everything had fallen back into place. Lina had already prepared most of the food when she arrived.

" Hello dear, I knew you would be in the kitchen." She said going into the kitchen.

" You know me well. I like cooking when am happy." She responded

" I know but it is worth celebrating. I brought some drinks." She said tying her apron to help.

" Hope it's not alcohol." She said smiling.

" You know I have never used alcohol before." She answered stirring the soup.

" I am so happy Dorry. Our lives are now changing for the better. We now each have a better job." She said looking at her with a smile.

" I know my dear. It's time to soar high."

After talking for sometime, Lina told her about what happened in details. They talked and laughed for the better time of the meal.

" When do we shift?" She asked .

" I was thinking of weekend but why don't we contact a moving company to help us move out tomorrow after work?" She asked.

" It's a good idea. I will try and finish my tasks early so that we can have enough time." She suggested.

" Okay then it's settled." Lina said laughing.

After some time, they went to sleep. It had been a long day.


Lina woke up early and started preparing for work. Dorry had helped her pick out an official suit and shoes the other night. After breakfast, they each left for work promising to meet in the evening. They couldn't wait to move in together.

Lina arrived at the office five minutes early and waited at the lobby for the CEO. It wasn't long before he arrived. She signed her employment contract and started work officially. She was happy to have her own office. She called Dorry to share the news before she emersed herself in work. She had been briefed about her duties and responsibilities. It wasn't long before she got used to her work. She liked it here. She could make herself coffee or milk tea. And she got to go for lunch something she couldn't do at the hotel. She always went without eating lunch.

The day came to an end quickly. Immediately she clocked off work she called Dorry who was at her apartment parking.

" I will be done soon." The moving company is here. I will come and help you out after am done." Dorry said.

" Okay, I just left the office. I will be home soon and start packing my stuff." She explained.

" Okay see you soon." Dorry said before Lina ended the call.

Soon they had already moved into the new apartment. It had been cleaned and that made it easy for them. They arranged everything and made dinner. By the time they were done, it was almost midnight. They took a shower and went to sleep. They still had to wake up early for work tomorrow.


Lina had been getting used to her work while Dorry had already gotten used to working with Andrew. She had made some friends with her colleagues. They could meet at the pantry or in the cafeteria when she didn't come with her lunch box. She had been working for two weeks but hadn't met Matt or Stephanie anyway. She didn't bother to ask as it didn't concern her. She had moved on. Even when Lina probed her about it, she just brushed her off. Lina was happy that matters related to Matt were not affecting her. She knew about Andrew's plans and they were both waiting to see her reaction when Matt and Stephanie came back. Then they would give their comments. Andrew was just trying to hold himself back and wait. He hoped he wouldn't be disappointed with her reaction.

Valerie had been feeling unsettled since Andrew refused her food. She decided to come visiting again and was shocked to meet a new secretary. She looked at Dorry who was so beautiful and yet simple and couldn't help but feel threatened. She decided to ask Andrew why he needed a secretary. She was even angry when Dorry asked her if she had an appointment.

" Hello, do you have any appointment with him?" Dorry asked with a harmless smile.

" What, when did this start." She asked angrily.

" Am sorry madam, am just doing my duties." She responded before calling Andrew to ask about it.

" Hello, someone is looking for you. Do I let her in?" She asked.

" No , for now am busy . Maybe if she can wait." She got a response.

" Okay sir." She said hanging up.

" You have to wait or come back later. He is busy for now." She relayed the message.

" Ok,I will wait." She said going to sit at the lobby.

Dorry was shocked with her attitude. It seemed she wasn't that important to the CEO. She kept her matter aside and continued with her work.

Valerie waited for almost an hour before she was allowed into Andrew's office. She was still angry when she had Andrew talk.

" Hope it is something important this time around." He said.

" Can't I come to greet you?" She asked feeling wronged.

" It's work hours Valerie." He responded.

" But you never pick my calls when work hours end. I only have to come and see you here." She said in a small voice.

" Okay now that you have greeted me, what next?" He asked .

" Can we have lunch together?" She asked.

" No, I have my lunch box with me." The other time he had tasted Dorry's lunch and requested for some. Thus she had been bringing an extra lunch box. He couldn't help but smile.

" Okay then I guess I'll leave." She said leaving.

Dorry looked at the angry figure leaving and sighed. She had noticed the CEO didn't tolerate any female visitors. They would leave fuming. Anyway , it was none of her business so long as it didn't affect her job.


Matt had been gone for two weeks. He had been enjoying himself and even proposed to Stephanie. Now it was time to go back. They boarded the plane and headed home. They had a day to rest before resuming work.

When he arrived at the company. He seemed new to the place although it had only been two weeks. He went to his office and continued with his work. He would be attending a meeting with the CEO and other departmental heads soon.

Dorry had come to the office specially dressed and made up. She didn't no why Lina insisted on making her dress up more today. Anyway, she didn't dwell on it and focused on her work. She had been focused till the time for the departmental heads meeting arrived. She informed Andrew before they proceeded to the conference room where the meeting could take place. Most of the members had already arrived. Dorry entered and went straight to sit down near the CEO'S seat with the files. She would be presenting on behalf of the president later. Matt had just entered when he noticed the familiar figure. He was so shocked with her presence. Then he noticed she had changed so much. She was dressed so beautifully with light make up on. He couldn't help but look at her more. Dorry didn't notice his gaze and kept taking notes until it was time for her to present. She had just started giving out the presentation when she noticed the familiar face. She was shocked for a few seconds before coming back to her senses and continued without any distractions. She focused on her presentation all through and delivered a wonderful presentation.

Andrew was impressed with how fast she composed herself after the shock. She didn't seem affected at all. She even seemed energized. He couldn't help but smile.

Dorry couldn't help but applaud herself. She didn't believe she could face this scumbag without getting affected. Her emotions were stable.The meeting continued without any problems. After the meeting, Dorry was the first to leave gracefully followed by Andrew who noticed her proud smile. He couldn't help but congratulate her silently. She had shown her strength as a woman. He couldn't help but look at her closely. She looked radiant and determined. He had thought she would loose focus when he came up with this plan. But she had proven him wrong. He loved her more. How he wished he could hug her or even kiss her,but he knew it was still early.


Matt was left sitting at the conference room lost in thought. He had not seen Dorry since they broke up. But seeing her now made him feel lost. He even felt like he had lost something important. What left him more confused is the fact that she just looked at him like she didn't know him. His presence didn't affect her at all. He went back to his office feeling conflicted. He had never seen her dressed so beautifully and looking so good. She had completely changed. This new side of her was something he had never imagined. He knew she was beautiful but not to that extent. He had noticed most of them men looking at her with fascination in their eyes. Her beauty had moved them.


Immediately Dorry arrived at her office, she called Lina. Lina had just finished sorting out her files when she received the call. She had been waiting since she already knew the plan.

" Hello bestie." She said

" Hello, you won't imagine what happened." She said sounding cheerful.

" Spill it out already." Lina couldn't wait any longer.

" Do you know I just attended a meeting and saw Matt for the first time since I started working here. The good news is that seeing him didn't cause any fluctuations in my emotions. I was so calm and treated him like a stranger." She narrated.

" Wow, am so happy for you dear. You have finally moved on." She commented.

" Yeah, I even felt more energetic." She said

" Okay we shall discuss the details at home. Am so proud of you girl." Lina said

" Thanks dear. Bye for now." She said ending the call.

Andrew who had eavesdropped on their conversation couldn't help but smile. She was so happy and it made him happy. He wanted to see her forge ahead . He would have been disappointed if she cried after the meeting. He had followed her to see what will happen. She didn't seem even a little bit sad. She was even boasting about how calm she was. He left for his office and decided to start making her feel comfortable and free with him. He had waited for a long time and he was beginning to become impatient. Especially seeing her everyday but unable to even hold her hand. He decided to let Lina help out.


Matt had been waiting for lunch break eagerly. He wanted to go to the cafeteria and meet Dorry. Immediately it clocked , he immediately left his office for the cafeteria. He didn't even notify Stephanie. He was itching to see Dorry. He assumed she was just pretending earlier. He would make her come begging him. His ego had gotten the better of him. But when he arrived at the cafeteria, Dorry was nowhere to be seen. He waited till the end of lunch break but she didn't appear. He assumed she was just busy. He would try again tomorrow.

He went back to his office and met Stephanie fuming.

" What happened?" He asked.

" Did you know she worked here?" She asked back

" Who are you talking about?"

" Your ex girlfriend. I just went to the CEO'S office to submit some documents and met her there. She is the new secretary." She explained.

" Ohh, I saw her this morning at the meeting." He said sitting down.

" And you don't see anything wrong with it?" She asked.

" I know how to handle her. She will soon leave." He said before telling her to go back to her desk.

He then called Valerie to report he was back and ask for her help. After some planning, they decided to make her feel like a bad person. Valerie had promised to help make Andrew think she was incompetent in her work. Matt felt happy and waited for Valerie's visit. He wanted to see her beg him. He didn't want to see her doing better.


Linah had been feeling happy for Dorry all through the day. Bill couldn't help but notice her happiness.

" What happened? You look so happy today." He asked.

" Yeah am happy for my sister." She replied

" You have a sister?"

" Yeah , we became sisters due to some unavoidable reasons." She said seeming sad before she smiled.

" You seem to have gone through a lot." He commented.

" Yeah, we have been through different stuffs. She just went through a difficult experience not long ago and she just called to let me know about her progress." She explained.

" Anyway life has it's own ups and downs. Everyone has a story." He said.

" I know, but if I were to tell you my own story you wouldn't believe it." She said smiling sadly.

" I can be a good listener he said."

" I don't why I trust you but I will tell you." She said sitting down on the couch in his office.

" Go on." He encouraged giving her a glass of water. He had noticed she needed someone other than her sister to talk to.


Lina was an only child of her parents. They loved her so much that they gave her everything she wanted. She could remember her mother's kind smile everytime she prepared her for school. One day , she came home and met her mother sick. Her father had gone for a business trip. He would be back in two days but her mother needed quick medication. Her mom sent her to call a neighbor who helped take her to the hospital.

By the time her father came back, her mom seemed energetic again. She was still going about her business as usual. But she was still sick. She had been diagnosed with Cancer. As young as she was, she didn't know what cancer was. She was only Seven years old. All she remembered was that her mom kept going to the hospital. But each time she kept loosing weight. With time she didn't have any energy left . She was always sleeping. That kind smile had dissappeared. Then one day in the morning, she was told her mother had gone to heaven. She never saw her again. She had been getting used to live without her mother for two years.

At the age of nine, her father started changing. He would forget about her and come back late. He kept bringing different ladies home. By then she had met Dorry who lived in an opharnage. She was her only friend and consolation. Life had to go on with a father who didn't care about her.

When she turned thirteen, her father married another woman. Life became difficult. She would go hungry for several days. She did all the house chores and still received beatings. At first, her father tried to defend her. He would bring her some snacks. But mostly, Dorry would share her food with her. She even took her to the opharnage sometimes to eat before going home. She got used to it with time.

But when she turned fifteen and had just completed her exams. Waiting to join the college, her step mom became pregnant and that is when everything changed. Her father didn't even look at her. He would do everything she told him to do. She became a slave in her own father's house. That is when Dorry adviced her to go stay with them at the opharnage. She had talked to her matron who had accepted the idea. They made arrangements for her college fees. At eighteen, they both graduated and started doing some small jobs and rented an apartment. With time ,they saved enough to live separately. She became a waiter and Dorry became a bartender. Later Dorry got a better job and they hoped for a change but was fired within two months. Then came Andrew who helped employ Dorry and recommended her to Bill.

All this while, she will be turning twenty two soon, but her father has never looked for her. She doesn't know how he is fairing. She left that city after Dorry recommended they move to start afresh. It's been seven years now.


Bill couldn't help shading tears. This girl had been through a lot. No wander she said Dorry was her sister. They had been through thick and thin together.

" Sorry for what happened to you. But you are strong. Living as an opharn in an opharnage would have been better." He said

" You think Dorry had it better at the opharnage? She has suffered more than I suffered Bill. She is the one who taught me to be strong." She explained.

" What, you mean she still suffered under the leadership of the opharnage?" He couldn't help asking.

" Yeah, I could have told you her story but I need to go. I ordered her a cake to celebrate. At least our lives have taken another path." She said standing up.

" Sorry and take heart." He said not knowing what to say exactly.

" Thanks for offering a listening ear . I appreciate." She said before leaving for her office to pack and go home.

Bill was left in the office thinking. He could see the hurt in her eyes. Yet she said Dorry's story was more painful than hers. He was itching to find out. He decided to call Andrew.

" Hello, this one you called,did you make some progress with your crush?" Andrew joked. Bill had told him about his interest in Lina.

" Not really. She just told me her tragic story." He responded.

" Then what is the problem. At least she trusts you to tell you about herself." He said.

" Her story made me cry but what I never expected is that her story isn't even close to how your love interest has suffered throughout."

" What, did she tell you the story." He asked nervously.

" No, she said she needed to leave. But what I managed to understand is that Dorry's story is more painful than hers." He explained before going ahead to give him the details of Lina's story. Andrew was shocked . Now he knew why she warned him not to be like Matt and let Dorry cry again when he told her of his intentions to love Dorry.

" Did you console her?" He managed to ask.

I couldn't find the right words but I said the few I could." He said. They chatted for sometime before ending the call.

Andrew was left wondering how to find out. He knew Bill wanted to let him have an idea so as not to hurt Dorry. He was now determined to love and care for her. She needed his support. He would not let someone like Matt hurt her again.


Lina went to the bakery to get the cake before heading home. She felt light. Dorry had always been a good shoulder to lean on, but she needed someone to confide in . Someone who would love her. She had noticed Bill loved her and decided to tell him so that he can decide if he still wanted to pursue her. She had fallen in love with him too. She would agree if he asked her out. She arrived home and met Dorry who had just arrived. She hugged her tightly.

" I sense good news." Dorry said.

" How did you know. I finally told him everything about me. Am just waiting to see if he would still be interested in me." She explained.

" I wish all the best. Hope he doesn't run away after hearing everything. If he asks you out, then his love is true and I will bless you guys." She said smiling.

" Hahaha...you don't cease to make me laugh . Okay now it's time to celebrate. I bought a cake." She said pointing at the box on the table.

" That is nice, I made some fresh juice. Let the celebration begin." Dorry said going into the kitchen to bring a knife.

They cut the cake and enjoyed the it with juice and went to freshen up before making supper. They were so happy that they went to sleep late. They had chatted for a long time.


The next day they all left for work early in the morning. Dorry noticed something wrong with the way Andrew looked at her when she went to his office to report for the day's schedule. As she was about to leave, he called to her.

" Dorry!" He called.

" Yes sir." She responded

" You can just call me Andrew when we are alone."

" Okay A..aa.Andrew." she stammered.

" You didn't bring lunch today. Would you mind joining me for lunch?" He asked looking at her with hopefull eyes. Dorry couldn't bear to reject him when she saw the sincere look.

" I don't mind." She said

" Okay it's settled then. We will have lunch together." He said smiling before dismissing her to go back to her office. He couldn't help but text Lina to give her the news.

Lina who had just read the text received a call from Dorry.

" Hello, what happened. Don't tell me Matt is troubling you?" She asked immediately the call connected pretending not to know anything.

" No, I haven't seen that scumbag since yesterday. I called with different news. My boss just asked me out for lunch. What do you think?" She explained.

" Hope you agreed? He seems like a good man." She said.

" Yeah , I already accepted. You know he looks good and he has been taking care of me. I seem to like him." She said smiling without even realizing she had just confessed her feelings. Andrew who was almost knocking on the door couldn't believe what he had just heard. She said she liked him. He quietly went back to his office, replaying the words he just heard. She even said he is handsome.

" I know, if he asks you out, do not hesitate to accept. He is a good guy than that other scumbag." She advised.

" Okay, thanks for the advice. Let me go back to work." She said before ending the call after Lina bid her goodbye.

Lina immediately send Andrew a text message congratulating him and telling him she had said she already liked him. Andrew was so happy after Lina confirmed what he had heard. He now believed he had a chance.


The day went on as usual until it was lunch time. Andrew and Dorry left the office for the restaurant he had made a reservation. They arrived and were led to their private room. Andrew gave Dorry the liberty to order anything she wanted from the menu. They ordered everything they needed and waited for the order.

Matt who had been waiting for lunch time to go look for Dorry at the cafeteria couldn't see her again. He decided to go to her office and see if she was avoiding him but her office was locked. He couldn't help but wonder where she could have gone. He decided to visit her apartment in the evening.

Dorry on the other side was busy enjoying her lunch. She would make small talkswith Andrew here and there. They seemed perfect together. Andrew couldn't help but smile.

" Hope you enjoyed your food." He said after they finished eating.

" Yeah, thanks. It's been long I ate at a good restaurant like this." She said smiling.

" Am glad you like it." He said before paying the bill.

They left the hotel and went back to the office. Immediately they arrived, Valerie came looking for Andrew.

" What is it this time?" He asked.

" I just came to save you from being used and cheated." She said.

" What are talking about? Go straight to the point." He said sounding impatient.

" Do you know your secretary used to work for me? And her character was questionable. She sold some of our designs to our competitors and that is why I fired her." She said looking at his expression. Seeing him frowning made her happy thinking she had accomplished her mission.

" Are you done? I will handle it my own way." He said dismissing her. She left feeling relieved. She called Matt to let him know she had accomplished her mission and was just waiting for results.

Andrew thought about everything and decided to let Dorry know. After he finished explaining everything to her, she didn't seem affected.

" I know why she is trying to get me fired." She said.

" Did you offend her in any way." He asked. He had already guessed everything but he wanted to see if she will tell him the truth.

" I used to work in her company as a design. After working there for some days, I found out she knew my ex- boyfriend and they were good friends. After I found out he cheated on me, he instructed her to fire me and she did. I don't really know what their relationship is but she just fired me without any reason. Now they are trying to get me fired again. I guess he thinks I will go beg him, but I have moved on." She finished and shook her head sadly. Life had really dealt with her.

" I know you are not what she described because I have enjoyed working with you. She lost such a good talent. Am glad you now work here. I will handle them." He promised. He was happy she had opened up to him.

" Okay Andrew, thanks." She said leaving for her office.


The day ended as usual and Matt headed for Dorry's apartment planning to torment her. He arrived and parked his car before going to knock on the door. He was still smiling waiting to see her reaction when she opened the door. But no one opened the door. As he was still trying to figure out where she could be, her neighbor appeared.

" Hello, are you looking for someone?" The old lady asked.

" Yeah , have you seen the girl who stays here?" He asked.

" She hasn't been around for sometime, she packed out a week ago." She responded. Matt couldn't believe it. Dorry had packed out?

" Do you know where she moved to?" He decided to ask.

" I really don't know. She just left." She said opening her own door .

" Okay thanks." He said leaving. He couldn't help but wonder where she lived.

" Could she have moved in with Lina?" He thought on his way home. He would find out.

Dorry arrived home and shared what happened with Lina . Lina was so angry that she almost went looking for Matt.

" Who does he think he is?" She asked.

" Don't worry, Andrew promised to help me handle it." She explained.

" That is good. He is such a nice person." Lina commented calming down.

" Yeah he is a nice guy." She said smiling.

They discussed some matters before calling it a day and went to sleep.