
Reincarnation: Unconditional Love

Feng Xiaoyi, the Fairy Princess fell in love with the Demon Prince when the war between the respective realms were approaching. Striving together to prevent the war, the two learnt that they have intertwined destiny from the past. But the war eventually came, what choices will each of them make??? It might sound a little boring but I can assure you it's not. A try won't hurt.

adeola_ajagbe · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Mortal Realm

Young Master, Demon King is here, Xu Feng reported.

Tell him am busy and when I need to see him I will come to find him myself, MingYi declared without hesitation.

"Right away, Xu Feng said making his way to the door but a cold voice interrupted his moves.

MingYi, why are you trying to drive me away, Li Gongtang queried striding in.

Or could it be that my good Crown Prince is afraid to see me, Demon King, Gongtang added with an evil smile.

Since you are here, you might as well say what you want, MingYi said with obvious disguist written all over his face.

I need you to get me the Flame Orb, Gongtang ordered siping the tea served by Xu Feng.

And what if I refuse, MingYi asked with his obvious intention written all over him. He had no interest in going to get any Orb.

Come in, Gongtang ordered and some burly men entered.

You really want to handle the matter this way, MingYi said with disdain filled in his tone.

What do you think, Gongtang queried.

With a hand raised from Gongtang, the scared burly men begins to move but with a snap from MingYi finger, they all fell to the ground writhing in pain.

You knew they were going to end up like this and this choose this method. This can't control me anymore, MingYi killing intent rose and he looked at Gongtang sharply.

You should have told me you are here for a spar with me, now that it has ended, Xu Feng, see the Demon King out, we can host such guest, MingYi ordered and Xu Feng was about to carry out the order.

If you get the task completed, I will hand over your mother Nianshuang Palace to you, Gongtang said with a calculating look on his face.

Alright, I will get it done, MingYi accepted without hesitation.

But remember what you said today, if I get you the Flame Orb and you don't hand over Nianshuang back to me, I can't guarantee I won't hurt your little wife and young prince, MingYi threatened with indifference.

You...,Gongtang face was livid.

Xu Feng, I won't repeat myself. See the guest out, MingYi shrugged.

I await your good response in few days. After all you are now the most powerful across the three realms. If it is possible bring back more valuable treasures, Gongtang added greedily before leaving.

Xiaoyi swung her sword in the wind aiming towards Mo Xiaofeng who dodged swiftly.

A'Yi, you have truly improved, Xiaofeng praised in an affectionate tone holding the tip of Xiaoyi sword with a smile.

Xiaoyi seems not to have heard Xiaofeng and attack even more dangerously. The sentence "I trusted you" kept on echoing in her mind and she felt her heart ache terribly.

Xiaofeng fell to the ground and was forced to admit defeat.

A'Yi, are you unwell. If so we can skip tomorrow's training.

It seems Senior Xiaofeng is tired. I will relay the message to my father, Xiaoyi sneered making her way out of the garden but was stopped hurriedly.

I did not mean that, A'Yi.

Can we still practise MinLu techniques or you are tired, Xiaoyi asked ignoring his words.

A'Yi, Xiaofeng tried to explain but was cut off by Maiomiao.

The Fairy King seeks audience, Miaomiao announced In a fearful tone.

Finally, he is willingly to see me now, Xiaoyi said and walked briskly towards the door.

Xiaoyi made her way quickly to XianSheng Hall and her father was already seated.

A'Yi, let Father take a good look at you, the Fairy King, Feng MuYan said in a doting tone.

All the suspicious thoughts Xiaoyi had earlier suddenly dissipated as she watched MuYan scan her worriedly.

A'Yi is all well and Father is at rest, MuYan sighed in relief.

Xiaofeng, you are also here, come here, MuYan gestured to Xiaofeng who was maintaining a distance.

Fairy King, Xiaofeng bowed slightly and watched MuYan nod before retracting.

I have a mission for both of you, MuYan said referring to Xiaoyi and Xiaofeng but continuing, As you are both of you is aware about Lingrou Barrier situation so I won't stress on that. But the pressing matter at hand is that Liming Lamp can strengthen the Barrier. So I want you two to get the Liming Lamp in the Mortal Realm.

Xiaoyi felt a surge of happiness overflow her.

I can finally be free from confinement, should I not come back? How is the outside world?, Xiaoyi thought.

Okay, we will do our best, Xiaoyi and Xiaofeng echoed obediently.

Xiaofeng, I will leave A'Yi to your care down there, MuYan gave Xiaofeng an understanding gaze. If possible her identity must be concealed and she must be regarded as your Wèihūnqī(fiancee)

A'Yi, when you are back, Father will throw you a feast to welcome you back, MuYan reassured as if coaxing Xiaoyi to agree.

You mean, I will be rewarded when am back, Xiaoyi asked again but this time more seriously.

Yes and not only you but also Xiaofeng, MuYan reminded lightly.

Okay, let start going, Xiaoyi said as she glanced lightly at Xiaofeng.

It's pretty late, why not set off tomorrow, MuYan suggested worriedly.