
Reincarnation: Unconditional Love

Feng Xiaoyi, the Fairy Princess fell in love with the Demon Prince when the war between the respective realms were approaching. Striving together to prevent the war, the two learnt that they have intertwined destiny from the past. But the war eventually came, what choices will each of them make??? It might sound a little boring but I can assure you it's not. A try won't hurt.

adeola_ajagbe · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Another Strange Dream

"Tell me. As long as you tell me you know nothing about it, I will definitely support you, Feng Xiaoyi said in shaky voice.

"You don't need to say no more, Another cold voice chimed in and Xiaoyi face dropped.

Tears flowed uncontrollably on her cheeks.

"I trusted you, I even choose to give you chances upon chances only for you to leave me disappointed, Xiaoyi said with sadness and disappointment filled in her face.

"Princess, Princess, Ming Miao Miao, Xiaoyi handmaid shook her vigorously.

"Hmm, Xiaoyi replied and opened her eyes in a snap.

She was dreaming again, she furrowed her brows tightly and looked at Miao Miao with a complicated gaze.

"Princess, you scared me, why were you crying and sweating profusely.

''I am crying, Xiaoyi asked touching her slightly wet face.

''Nothing, Xiaoyi said and swung out of bed almost immediately.

Changing into a new dress,she looked as radiant as ever but loneliness was evident in her hazel almond eyes.

"I need to see my father, she said after a while.

"Fairy King said that you should go and practise with Senior Xiaofeng and he will come personally to see you some other time, Miaomiao relayed.

"The same excuse again, Xiaoyi muttered under her breath and said calmly, let go to XianSheng Garden.

Everyone has been avoiding her questions like a plaque and she has been confined to Xiansheng Palace.

Could she really trust these people? A question popped in her mind and she glanced warily at Miaomiao.

"What are you guys keeping from me exactly, Xiaoyi could not help but wonder.

"Princess, the Lingrou Barrier is at its weakest right now and the Demon and Fairy war is inevitable, Miaomiao with the words "please spare me" clearly evident on her face.

She swallowed nervously before continuing, it is acceptable that Fairy King can't see you at the moment. He is busy with the realms affair.

"Just forget what I said just now, I won't make it hard for you, Xiaoyi declared lightly and Miaomiao sighed in relief.


"Young Master, Lingrou Barrier is at the verge of falling apart any moment from now and now that the Demon King makes you the Army Commander, aren't you supposed to attack now or are you still....., Xu Feng voice trailed and he swallowed nervously when those pitch black eyes were staring coldly at him.

"I did not mean to interfere in Young Master affairs, Xu Feng said apologetically.

"I have a task for you, Li MingYi icy voice rang out with his eyes devoid of any emotions.

Finally, Young Master thought it through, Xu Feng thought happily.

"Find a way to spread it to the Fairy Realm that the Demons will be attacking soon and that Liming Lamp can strengthen the Barrier, MingYi said caressing his sword slowly.

"Young Master, this is the best time to attack now cause not only does the Fairy lack strong man power, Lingrou Barrier is also weak, Xu Feng said in between gritted teeth.

"It seems you have learnt fully how to boldly defy my orders, MingYi voice rang out again even more colder than before.

"I will carry out the order immediately, Xu Feng said with obvious hesitation on his face.

"This is the least I can do for you, I will slowly try to repay you, MingYi said as his eyes flickered.