
Reincarnation to be Invincible

Luo Fan is a man named The greatest mafia in the world He ruled half the world and had more power than any country. He died for an absurd reason. A two meter meteorite flew at high speed. down to his mansion The effect was equivalent to a nuclear explosion. After his death, Luofan entered the world of magic. With passive skills [The Sage] and [Devour], [Devil's Heart] after he was reborn, he was born into a floating energy sphere. He met the Demon God Emperor who had been sealed. After listening to the story of the Demon God Emperor He had bestowed the blessing of all power. The blessing that Luo Fan received gave him the skill [Limitless], which allowed him to instantly restore mana or any form of power. or it means Luo Fan had no power limit. Luo Fan received many skills from [The Sage] who analyzed what Luo Fan used [Devour] to consume.

TianzunOz · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 / Goblin and Demi Human

Luo Fan walked out of the cave and observed his surroundings.

It was a huge forest as far as the eye could see.

near the bottom There was a Goblin's village, but it looked different from what he had seen in the novels or comics.

It looked like a goblin elite. Because their condition was not like that of weak creatures.

Conversely, the goblin's cages are supposedly powerful races, Demi-Humans, which have the power of different races. It would be a hybrid between a human and a magical beast with wisdom.


[These demi-humans haven't yet awakened their bloodlines, so they're considered as weak existences. However, if the bloodline is awakened, it will become a powerful being comparable to the true bloodline.]

Raphael is really good. You don't have to ask, you get an answer.


"Are you guys ready for the ceremony?"

Said the senior goblin. From his appearance, he must have been a high-ranking person in the clan.

Ceremony? Luo Fan wondered.

"Our clan chief has discovered something unusual, it seems like a human has infiltrated."

The Elder Goblin was not shocked, but said quietly to his closest confidant.

"This human will be part of the sacrifice to the devil."

The Luo Fan who heard it wondered, was it a devil?


[Demons are a race that can be summoned by contract. They are extremely cruel. But in the same way, if it is loyal, nothing can destroy this loyalty. In the case of a high level demon]

Luo Fan thought quietly. with his current ability He knew almost nothing about magic, and his skills were few.

"Raphael, do you have a way to teach me magic?"


[Transferring magical knowledge...]

At this moment, Luo Fan's eyes glowed with a faint red glow. And in Luo Fan's eyes, many runes, ancient magic words, and magic circles appeared.


[Host has acquired the skill [Low-level Mage]]


[Host has acquired the skill [Intermediate-Level Mage]]


[Host has acquired the skill [High-level mage]]


[Host has acquired the skill [Highest Level Mage]]


[Host acquired the skill [Great Mage]]


[Host has acquired the skill [Magic Emperor]]


[Host has acquired the skill [God of Magic]]

[God of Magic] This skill allows the host to use all spells. and know every chapter of magic in this universe

Once finished, Luo Fan used a high-level disappearance magic and walked towards the demi-human prison.


"Mother, are we dying?"

A creature with the body of a person, but with the ears and tail of a fox.

"No, my daughter, we'll survive."

She couldn't help sighing. She is the lord of the fox tribe. If it weren't for the goblins threatening her child's life She must have killed all the goblins.

Her child was the talent of the clan, the only remaining Nine-Tailed Fox.

Even her dead husband who is a 5-tailed fox is still very powerful and how powerful will the 9-tails be when they grow up?

It's really a pity Where did these goblins come from to have this kind of synergy technology? like black magic

Luo Fan, hearing this, sent a telepathy.

"Do you want to survive?"

Mother Fox was stunned, unable to sense any existence. It means that this person must be much more powerful than her.


Hearing Luo Fan continued speaking.

"Nothing is free in this world, you know that, right?"

mother fox understands But it's still better than dying.

"If so"

Luo Fan's body appeared in front of the cage. At the same time, all the goblins in the clan were turned into corpses due to magic.

"Okay, what's this seal..."


[This is a type of black magic.]

[Host has acquired the skill [Low-level Black Mage]]


[Host has acquired the skill [Intermediate Black Mage]]


[Host has acquired the skill [High-level Black Mage]]


[Host has acquired the skill [High-rank black magician]]


[Host has acquired the skill [Great Black Magician]]


[Host has acquired the skill [Black Magic Emperor]]


[Host has acquired the skill [God of Black Magic]]

[God of Black Magic] This skill allows the host to use all spells. and know every chapter of black magic in this universe.

Mother Fox wondered if Luo Fan was this powerful.

"It is.."

The seal suddenly broke.

Luo Fan also joked.

"It's actually the devil's seal."

Mother Fox was completely stunned. Devil Seal. One of the most difficult seals to break if one is not a high-level black magic user.

"Alright then, can you tell me?"

Mother Fox tells a story. Which is about 100 years ago when the monsters became violent. And associated with demons, only the demigods were fine.

Luo Fan thought and understood. There is this type of magic, demonic magic. It was a magic that awakened the demons in the monster's heart.

These monsters will always try to summon the subordinates of the master they serve. and find a dwelling body for its master

"What's your name, four-tailed fox?"

Mother Fox replied quickly and respectfully.

"My name is Rim."

"My daughter has no name."

Luo Fan didn't have much doubts because naming in this world consumed magic power, so naming a high-level race would consume a lot of magic.

The nine-tailed fox Even if the magic power of the entire clan was used, the entire clan wouldn't be able to name her.

And if he wanted to name a race like this, there would definitely be a problem. Because naming by different races is mostly a symbol of naming between master and slave or pet.

The nine-tailed fox was the ideal god of the beast clan. There's no way the foxes Or other tailed beasts will definitely accept the name.

Luo Fan thought. 'But at the same time, the nine-tailed fox's mother ,no Rim wanted to give nine-tail fox a name very much. Because a nine-tailed fox can't show true power without a name, a nine-tailed fox is only a 5-6-tailed fox at best.'

Luo Fan lightly smiled. and saw that there was a large wound on the tail Probably because the goblins wanted to use the blood of the two foxes to draw a demon summoning circle.

'A level 10 magic should be enough. I'll show you some power.'

Luo Fan cast down a magic spell which Luo Fan cast was 'Instant Heal' which could heal any wound that was not attacked by higher level spells.

Rim was shocked after sensing the magic power that healed himself. and remembered that this spell was a level 10 spell which was extremely difficult to cast.

It was a magic that she knew had consumed a lot of mana to such a degree that it required one to cast it. Hundreds or even thousands of very high level mages would have enough mana.

Luo Fan, seeing Rim's shocked expression, wanted to laugh. If it wasn't for his [Limitless] skill, he would have been reversed by mana and turned into a dying vegetable.

At this moment, Luo Fan looked at some wounds and was satisfied.

'Deserves to be a level 10 magic'

But Luo Fan was also suspicious. Just now when he cast Instant Heal

The Nine-Tailed Fox acted a little like Mana Resisting.


[Nine-Tailed Fox has been detected as a special disease, "Resisting Mana."]