
Reincarnation to be Invincible

Luo Fan is a man named The greatest mafia in the world He ruled half the world and had more power than any country. He died for an absurd reason. A two meter meteorite flew at high speed. down to his mansion The effect was equivalent to a nuclear explosion. After his death, Luofan entered the world of magic. With passive skills [The Sage] and [Devour], [Devil's Heart] after he was reborn, he was born into a floating energy sphere. He met the Demon God Emperor who had been sealed. After listening to the story of the Demon God Emperor He had bestowed the blessing of all power. The blessing that Luo Fan received gave him the skill [Limitless], which allowed him to instantly restore mana or any form of power. or it means Luo Fan had no power limit. Luo Fan received many skills from [The Sage] who analyzed what Luo Fan used [Devour] to consume.

TianzunOz · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 / Gift

Luo Fan didn't have any panic or shock at all, only suspicion. From what was written on the wall, just a glance, and even a fool would know that it was something that was years old. Which is definitely not in the hundreds or thousands.

"That's right, kid. The story you read was about millions of years ago. The time when this realm connects with heaven."

Luo Fan did not panic. But still wondering how this person read his mind. Is this the power of a god?

"It's the power of the gods."

Demon God Emperor thought back and thought of telling Luo Fan a story.

"A long time ago In the days when it was still in the beginning At that time, heaven had just been established for 1 million years to celebrate. The gods created the human world."

"But after humans became more influential They have a greed that is hard to describe. Even a deity like me is shocked by the greed of humans who want to occupy the heavens."

"The gods saw the beasts that they raised came to kill themselves. Therefore, there was a resolution to destroy all mankind."

Hearing Luo Fan was not surprised. But there is also doubt that it is about Demon God Emperor?

"But after an agreement have the highest god which is an ancestor of the gods They disagree, they don't want to destroy humanity."

"At that time, there was a war between the ancient gods. and new age gods."

"At that time was the time when I was born."

"I was born with the ability that if I kill someone, I'll gain all of that person's ability."

"After I joined the war I have made the Old Gods win the war. But those gods saw that I was too powerful to the point of eliminating me."

"At that time I realized that Being a good person has only one end: being a victim of bad people."

"At that time, I decided to spend my life killing all the gods. and has become an existence that rules all things with all the power of all gods."

"It won't take long for me to kill all the gods of the heavens. But unfortunately, All the gods in the heavens have set up a special formation that brings all the gods' bloodline powers to seal me."

"If it wasn't for that reason, I would have become the only god in this world."

Luo Fan heard and thought. It's really ridiculous, the gods tried to kill each other but in the end no one survived.

"That's right, the gods are foolish. That's why I want to make an offer."

Luo Fan thought nothing of it because the Demon God Emperor could read minds.

"Come on"

The Demon God Emperor saw Luo Fan begin to dodge his mind reading and felt that Luo Fan's talent was so terrifying.

"I will give all my power in the form of a skill. And since you're not a god, you won't have the ability to use those powers. Therefore, I will use my power and transform you into a god."

"After I used all my strength This seal will also be destroyed because it is fed by my energy."

"What I request is I need you to devour me so I can end up here."

Luo Fan didn't understand. People with such powers want to die. no way possible

"The reason why I want to die You probably don't know but seeing this black lump Normally it's not ,it is transparent white But when I tried to break the seal again and again It was starting to turn black. and tormented me in various ways whether mentally or physical"

"I think death is better than this endless torment."

Luo Fan understood now. It turned out that there was no way that the Demon God Emperor could really break the seal.

"If I can, I'll agree."

Luo Fan replied emotionlessly.

The Demon God Emperor began to let out a violent energy and sent it into Luo Fan's body. At this moment, Luo Fan's body That lump of energy began to transform into a young man with an incomparably beautiful face, white hair, red eyes.

Right now, in the black lump, there were many needles that hurt the Demon God Emperor. But it was noticeable that the current Demon God Emperor did not suffer any pain, but was filled with determination and determination.


[Host discovered "Sacred Power"]


[Host received the power of "Sacred Power" "Too many words to describe]


[Host discovers "Demonic Power"]


[Host has received a huge amount of "Demonic Power" beyond description.]


[The skill [The Sage] has attempted to fuse divine energy and demonic energy.]


[Host discovered "Power of Chaos"]

The Demon God Emperor was shocked. The power of chaos was the result of him killing all the heavenly gods. and brought the power of all the gods as his own, thus becoming the power of chaos

Demon God Emperor also decided to transfer the Chaos Energy to Luo Fan as well. which may cause a new race


[Host has gained a huge amount of "Chaos Power" beyond description.]

Luo Fan was currently losing consciousness, and [The Sage] skill took care of it all.


[Host has met the conditions and has been transformed into the "God of Chaos" race.]

Luo Fan's body began to transform into a human and had an aura that seemed to devour everything.


[Conditions are met, the unique skill [The Devour] has been upgraded due to race. It's a special unique skill [Heaven Devourer] Completed].

After a while, Luo Fan woke up in a sleepy state. and found that his own body was already human

"Human body Whatever it is, I really miss it."

Luo Fan walked towards a nearby lake. and look at their own faces

"Who is this handsome?"

Luo Fan couldn't help laughing at the same joke.

And finally, Luo Fan became serious. and walked toward the body that appeared in place of the black lump.

It was the body of a young man with black hair, red eyes, and looked terrifying in some ways. Luo Fan decided to swallow it, but

"He didn't tell me I couldn't take his suit."

Luo Fan didn't have any hobbies like stripping clothes, so he needed to put on some clothes.

Luo Fan took off his clothes. Demon God Emperor and very fond of because it looks luxurious but suitable for combat What a functional but very beautiful item.

Luo Fan devoured. The Demon God Emperor entered with the [Heaven Devouring] skill.


[Start analyzing the target body. The identity "Demon God Emperor"]


[Host received a thank you gift from "Devil God Emperor"]

[Host has acquired the ultimate unique skill [Limitless] ]

[Skill ability It allows the user to use powers such as mana, holy power, demon power, chaos power. and power in all its various forms without limit.]

Luo Fan heard this and was shocked. Does this break the rules of balance?

But Luo Fan didn't care either and waited for the results of the Demon God Emperor's body analysis.


[Host received a thank you gift from "Devil God Emperor"]

[The skill [The Sage] calls for evolution.]

[The skill [The Sage] has successfully changed to [Heavenly and Demon Sage]]

[[Heavenly and Demon Sage] Emperor of Wisdom knowledgeable in every subject And can do everything like The Sage, but in the highest quality. and can also be used in all situations Can be an assistant and so on]

[[Heavenly and Demon Sage] demanded that the host give her a name.]

"What's your name? Let's just say Raphael."

[Host has finished choosing the name "Raphael"]

"All right, now we'll have to find a way out."

Luo Fan slowly ran at a high speed. Soon, Luo Fan discovered a 9-headed snake demon, each head as if it were one.

"Raphael, what is this?"

[This is an ancient magical beast, the ancestor of the "nine-headed serpent".]

Luo Fan decided to use mana.

[Host has acquired a unique skill. [Perfect Mana Control]]

Luo Fan picked up the stone. and put in enough mana and make a decision

Luo Fan immediately threw the stone at the Nine-headed Snake. The rock flew at a very high speed. This caused the upper body of the 9-headed snake to disappear immediately and the cave wall was destroyed.

"This is a new world."

Then Luo Fan used [Heaven Devourer] to Devour the Nine Headed Snake and Let Raphael Analyze it