
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Special Forces

I walked into the royal dining hall so that I could eat with the dwarf King once again. wow I was walking into the room I felt a rush of excitement as well as a rush of renewal since my look had been entirely changed. it was like I was a totally different dwarf.

"well it looks like the servant definitely did a total redo on you" the king said to me while he was looking at my new appearance.

"so your highness what are we going to be doing next. now that my appearance has been changed and we have also agreed to go to war against the orcs what will we do to prepare for that?"

"well first let us decide what group of dwarf warriors you want to be a part of."

"are you telling me that there's different kinds of warriors for the dwarfs. my honest I thought we were just warriors, miners, blacksmiths, and merchants. it is truly interesting that there is more detail to this." I said with a look of curiosity across my face.

"the first group of warriors that we have is known as The Iron Wall. they are an impenetrable wall of defense and they slowly approach and move as one. second group that we have is The Dwarf Lightning Riders. this group of fighters use various different types of weapons and fight while mounted on our tamed wolves. our final type of dwarf fighters that we have is the specialists. they are a select group of talented dwarves that work together directly under my command to do the more difficult missions in times of war as well as peace."

"they each seem truly interesting I believe that I would want to join the specialists. if I am a specialist I am able to help you directly as well as keep a constant eye on your youngest son while I am not fighting since you tell me that my friendship to him is very important."

"all right then let us go to the Royal armory and get you some high quality gear first. then I will take you to the specialist headquarters in the capital city. when we get there I will assign you to a team that still has an opening for whatever role you are intending to play in their squad." King told me as he rose from his chair in the dining table and waved at me to follow him.

so I left the room and followed him through the entrance hallway to the other side of the stairs and we entered into a room that had a massive rack of different weapons on the left wall. on the right wall I saw a rack full of different runes. against the rear wall I then saw a large variety of different armor sets and types. the final thing that I saw was a massive oak table near the center of the room.

"okay first I will need to know what weapon specialty you have" he told me while he pointed at the rack of weapons.

"my specialty is in the great sword" I told him with a boost of confidence behind my voice.

"all right well we have four different types of metal that we make great swords out of. iron, steel, magic steal, and finally Zinthon".

"Zinthon can you tell me what is so unique about that kind of metal." I asked him with a look of curiosity across my face because I had never heard of that metal before in any game that I had played in the past as a dwarf.

"this metal is super rare. no other race has this metal it's one of our more valuable trading items. what makes this unique when it comes to weapons or armor is that it actually doesn't need to ever be resharpened. we also have to use a unique type of sheath for this so that it doesn't tear through the sheath itself while not being used."

I continue to think for a few seconds trying to decide what type of metal I wanted to use on my new greatsword.

"I have decided that I want to use a great sword with the metal of Zinthon."

then the dwarf King grabbed a great sword that had a Black sheath over it and placed it on the oak table in the room.

"now that you have chosen your weapon next I will need to know if you want any magic runes in this weapon. we have five types of runes. The runes are of the elements of ice, fire, lightning, holy, and finally darkness. type of runes do you want on your weapon because of the type of weapon that you chose it can hold two runes at once."

"I want to use a darkness rune as well as a fire rune."

then I saw the king grab a redstone as well as a black one from the right wall and place it on the table.

"the final thing that I will need from you is to know what type of armor do you wear."

"I wear massive armor since I am a tank style dwarf."

he grabbed a full set of black colored armor that had his royal insignia on it and then put it on the table.

"now that you have made all of your decisions I will get the Royal blacksmith to make sure that the runes are engraved into your weapon before your first battle. then I will have a servant bring all of your armor to the special forces headquarters so that you will have them for the battle as well."

the king then snapped his fingers and a guard came into the armory and kneeled before speaking submissively to the king. "yes your majesty you needed me".

"please get one of my servants to take this armor to the specialist headquarters and give this dwarf here a storage room for all of his items. his name is Gilltrude. finally get one of the servants to take this weapon and these runes the royal blacksmith and ask him to infuse the runes into the weapon." the king said to the guard in a dominating voice.

"yes your majesty" the guard said before rose to his feet and grabbed all of the items from the table before leaving the royal armory.

"now I am going to take you to the special forces headquarters in town" the king said to me as he walked out of the armory and asked me to follow him with a wave of his hand.

when left the comfort of the Palace could feel a sharp cold morning breeze rush across my face. despite the cold air the smell of fresh air was truly relaxing.

we want through the streets until we made it to a restricted area where I saw three guards that had unique uniforms unlike any of the other guards in this town on standing in our way in front of a thin metal gate that was quite rusty and looked very old. it would only fit one person at a time.

"this area is restr....." the guard said before stopping when he saw the king. "I am sorry your majesty allow me to let you in".

he then open the gate and as the king walked in he closed it and did not allow me to go through.

"sorry but this area is something of a private area that I will not allow you to enter".

"he is with me. I am allowing him to be a member of the special forces; so please let him in."

the garden opened the gate and allowed me to pass through the thin entrance.

the king guided me through the thin alleyway and when I made it to the other side I saw a section of the city that looked to be so much more advanced than the rest of the sections of the city.

this section had roads that were made out of a much more sturdy stone. the walkways were made out of brick and there was a iron railing system dividing the road and the walkways.

the streets were quite busy with carriages being pulled by wolves and the catwalks were quite busy with high valuable merchants and warriors in different types of fancy armor with a lot of weapons being carried around.

"yes as you can tell I put a lot more time and resources into this part of the city than any other. after all they end up doing most of the hard work as well as some of the dirty work that the typical soldier merchant or blacksmith would not take on."

"looking at this makes me insanely happy as well as tells me how advanced dwarf engineering has come" I told the king with a large smile on my face cuz I truly knew that the possibilities would be almost endless since this dwarf species was obviously more advanced than the typical ones that I encountered in a video game.

we both turned right and walked down the catwalk and passed a large variety of merchants and different types of smiths. it took us about five minutes to make it to the end of the street. when we made it to the end I saw a massive building that had a massive glass window on both sides of the door and it also looked fancier than the rest of the buildings within this district.

we entered the massive structure and I saw a massive open room with a large variety of different people that were talking to each other around the tables in the entrance room.

the king then guided me to a room that had lockers inside on the right side of the building.

"you need to get your armor and items out of the metal locker with your name on it and put the armor on. after you do that we will go and the only team of special Force members that need a tank." he said to me as he walked out of the locker area so that I could grab my armor and change.

I then looked around until I found a medium sized metal locker that had my name on it. after looking inside I saw the exact set of armor that I had chosen from the Royal armory stored inside. then I grabbed the armor and put it on after removing my set of nice clothes and putting them in the locker in place of my new set of armor.

"all right follow me to the team that you will be joining I believe they are in a meeting at the moment." the king told me after I left the locker room and shut the door behind me.

I followed him up the stairs that were against the rear right corner of the room until I made it a door where I heard some dwarfs screaming at one another.

as the king stopped moving I knew that the screaming dwarves were going to be my companions during this current conflict against Zog the Destroyer. I did not know if it was going to be fun or exciting or just a pain in my ass to work with these people.