
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Slavery or Death

I could feel a rush of fear as I looked into the eyes of Commander Zog. this was the very first time that I had laid eyes on him but yet he still felt very intimidating like someone that I would not want to cross.

Commander Zog set in a Black throne that was made out of a sturdy metal that I had never seen. on the sides of the throne I saw small skulls of different species.

"do you know why the throne of a great orc leader has these skulls of different species around it?" dog said to both of us as he rose from his throne and showed us the different skulls that were on it.

"why would I care about that" Dr Robert told him out of arrogance.

then after Robert spoke one of the guards bopped him on the head with the butt of his spear until Robert was face planted onto the ground.

"as I was saying; the reason why there are so many different schools on the throne of any great orc leader is because each of these different types of schools represent a different species that we as works have conquered to prove our supremacy."

Robert then Rose back to his kneeling position after he got done coughing for a bit of time.

"so you two are my main sources of competition. it doesn't matter either way though since I have you both in custody now and you're both virtually useless as opponents at this moment. oh and before you think that I don't know about them I will eventually kill the other two candidates." dog said to both of us while I saw his gem that was in his head begin to glow a dark red color.

"what are you going to do with us now that we are in your custody" I asked him while I had a look of dread across my face.

"let me guess you are going to kill both of us just to ensure that no one can stop you in your journey of global domination." Dr. Robert said to Zog.

"you are partially right" he said to Dr. Robert as he snapped his fingers.

then I saw a guard walk in while rolling a cart that had something on top of it that was covered by a white sheet.

"inside of here has something that I would love to use in order to test out a theory of mine." dog said as he stepped down from the upper section that he was standing in of the tent.

I could feel a very common voice running through my head at the edge of my thoughts which meant that the thing that was behind that sheet was my bat companion.

"do not worry about me. I can defend myself against this orc. just so you know I have lost my connection with one of the AI assistance. that can only mean one thing that the hero that they were supporting has died." she said to me through her thoughts so that only I could hear her.

"this is someone special to you" he said to me as he quickly removed the white sheet and I saw my bad companion in a cage on the other side. "now I give you an ultimatum. you either have to serve me or you will watch your companion die and fulfill my experiment. I know that when the person dies the companion dies with them but what if it happens the other way around. are you willing to find out what happens if I kill your companion first. in the end it doesn't matter to me which choice you make because I win in the end either way" Commander zogg said as he began to shake the cage with both of his hands.

I then began to think about my decision but I knew I had to be quick because he continued to shake the cage which would probably eventually kill my companion.

"I have decided that I will serve you with all of my heart and soul." I told Zog while I kneeled and bowed to him and began to cry.

"all right then. wow you will serve me I command that Dr Robert be put back into the services of the captain of my assassin's group of orcs." Zog said with a booming and commanding voice before sitting back on his throne.

then as I looked to my left I noticed that Robert was being dragged away by the same man that brought us both in here.

"please bring the crestmaster here." Commander zogg said to the orc that was standing directly to his right.

this work had on a dark gray set of armor that had a set of three spikes on both of the shoulders pointing outwards. his gloves had metal spikes around the knuckles. finally I saw a steel Spike against the toes of his shoes pointing at a 45° angle upwards. then I saw a set of throwing knives on a belt around his waist as his weapon.

he then left zoxide and walked out of the tent to fulfill the orders he was given.

"I hope you understand that I'm going to have to take precautionary measures against the possibility that you might betray me. I am going to place a slave crest on the center of your upper breasts. if you ever defy me it will send an electrical shock through your body. the more times that you defy me the shock will intensify until eventually it will kill you. just to give you something to think about when you choose to defy the orders I give you" he said to me as he began to circle me and play with my hair.

a few minutes later the armored orc came back into the tent followed by a separate work that had on a magical robe that was colored black with blue wristbands and shoes.

the armored orc came and stood to the right of the commander's throne while the orc mage kneeled in front of Zog waiting for his instructions.

"I want you to put a slave Crest on the chest of this female moon elf so that she cannot define me without being punished" Zog told the mage when he stopped playing with my hair and made it in front of me.

the mage then took a look at me and began to prepare the liquid that was used in making slave crests.

then after a few minutes he took a pin and dipped it in a small bowl of this black liquid that was in front of me. then after Zog removed the top part of my dress to where my breasts were wide open and bare for everyone to see the mage Drew a massive z followed by a full circle around it. finally the mage put 12 slashes through the z.

"there it is done Commander Zog" he said is he about to Commander Zog and then slowly backed away before leaving the tent.

"now that you are my slave I will allow you to rewear your magic armor, as well as use your grandma again." Zog said to me as he walked away and from the rear of his throne I saw him grab a box that had my armor and Grandma inside as he placed it down in front of me before he cut the ropes that were binding my wrists.

"can I please have privacy while I change into my armor?" I asked Commander Zog with a look of unsafety running across my face.

"I will not allow that because I honestly prefer to watch you while you change" Zog said while he laughed at me.

so I removed my dress in haste so that I could quickly change into my armor. because I truly did not like it when people were watching me especially if they were filthy orcs.

"you are definitely the prettiest little thing that I have ever captured in my life as an orc commander" Zog said to me while he stared at my body since I had no clothes on at the moment.

so I put on my set of magical armor quickly so that they would stop staring at me. after I did that I grabbed my grimoire.

"oh and so that you know that I do value you as a person under me. I have acquired some ice spells that you can add to your grimoire." he said to me while he put on a breastplate that I had a blue stone in the center of it.

I truly did not know what would happen next because I had no choice but to follow every order that he was going to give to me if I wanted to live.

the best thing for me to do is follow whatever orders he was to give me no matter how twisted evil or messed up they might be. the only silver lining is these new ice spells that he says he has for me.