
Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God

Starting over once more, he has entered this “living game” again in order to control his own fate. This time, he will not be controlled by others. Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life. Methods to earn money! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Equipment drop locations! Undiscovered battle techniques! Even the secrets Beta Testers were unknowledgeable of, he knows of them all. Massive wars, life advancement, entering Godhood, sword reaching to the peak; a legend of a man becoming a Sword God has begun.

Lucky Old Cat · Games
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Challenging a Tier 4 NPC

Editor: FluffyGoblyn

Chapter 1237 - Challenging a Tier 4 NPC

The trial can't be a duel against this NPC, right?

Shi Feng was at a loss for words as he looked at the silver-armored Dragon Knight.

As a peak class, the Dragon Knight's Defense and Strength were superior to both the Guardian Knight and Berserker classes. Furthermore, the NPC before him was a Tier 4 class, on par with a Mythic monster.

Even if he had a bag full of powerful tools, he was no match for the NPC in a one-on-one fight.

Unlike monsters, NPCs possessed very high intellect. Their ability to deal with tools was beyond any monster.

A group of ordinary players using special tools might be able to challenge, and even defeat, a Mythic monster. If these players' opponent were a Tier 4 NPC, however, they wouldn't even have a shred of hope.