
Reincarnation of the Strongest Demon Emperor

A story of a Demon, Abaddon whose soul was reincarnated into an old man's body in another world accompanied by the Legendary Energy Dagger that he painstakingly searched for which turned out to be a system. With his profound knowledge and tens of thousands of years of experience , he seeks to extract revenge on his enemies that dared to kill him while simultaneously trying to break the cage that's called the universe, and reach the true pinnacle of life. Not bound by any morals, he doesn't hold back in pursuing his ultimate goal. In a world where power is everything, Abaddon must rise above all with his own power, bathing the sacred realm with rivers of blood, and then breaking the cage and step in it to see what's beyond it. 100 power stones = 1 extra chapter 200 power stones = 2 extra chapters 300 power stones = 3 extra chapters

Choka · Fantasy
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120 Chs


Abaddon stroked his long white beard, " You never change, huh? Always playing tricks on your grandpa. I'll wait for whatever you have in store for me this time."

It was a piece of cake for him to take the role of this old man and act the same as he did. Abaddon is, after all, a demonic cultivator who lived for thousands of years, and it's definitely not his first time playing a character of a different man.

He had to constantly flee the scene whenever he killed someone or robbed clans plus sects, so infiltrating certain places and hiding in open view as another guy with another life was almost his daily routine when he was weak.

He obviously had a method to alter his face and aura, or yet no matter how good his acting might be, he would be instantly found out cause of people recognizing him or even sensing his aura.

So taking on the character of this old man that even his full life memories were accompanied with it, it simply can't be any easier for him to adopt his role.

In fact, he liked this old man's role for now cause it's literally a stealthy character that would face almost no trouble if his luck wasn't so bad.

Generally speaking, problems don't occur every day for people in any world, and some people can even manage to live peacefully till the day they pass away.

However, despite that fact, Abaddon's case was a bit different. Cause he isn't gonna be staying in this forest anymore, for the need to accompany his so-called granddaughter.

And in this dog-eat-dog world, problems might really pop up out of nowhere in the city that he will be living in. So increasing his strength is really so fundamental for him if he wants to survive the unexpected situations that might happen to him.

Nevertheless, he also can't stay in the forest cause he doesn't know how the Fang Clan will act regarding his decision.

Almost everyone might think that he will get free resources sent to him every here and then cause he was Mia's grandfather. But that would only happen if they were good people, and Abaddon didn't wanna take that chance.

Cause if they weren't a good-hearted clan, or even if only some of them weren't, his death is beyond assured. Cause no one will want their wife, Mia, or their daughter-in-law, in the case of the husband's father, constantly visiting her grandfather in this forest.

And even given the fact that they will be losing resources simultaneously, they might as well get rid of him for good and blame it on old age or beast attacks.

Abaddon kept taking a sip of his tea from time to time, constantly solidifying his plan. And the first part of it was not to do anything and simply let the events flow as they should.

He had started pondering the need to start cultivating before the Fang Clan visits and stepped into the foundation establishment realm.

Opening his meridians and stepping into the first layer of the foundation establishment realm isn't any different from breathing for him cause of his heaven cultivation technique.

But that's risky cause the people who will come will for sure have a decent cultivation base. Thus, they will surely sense his first layer of cultivation.

And that will utterly destroy his plan for getting resources to cultivate cause they will think that he has close to no talent for cultivation since he had already obtained a spirit-ranked cultivation technique and was still stuck at the first layer after so many years.

Thus, they won't bother to give him any resources cause that will be just a waste for them. And Abaddon's plans were all around those resources that he would obtain to support him in getting his foothold in his current world.

They will only think he had a spirit-ranked cultivation technique cause there is literally no way for a poor guy like him to get his hands on anything stronger than that.

In the Saint Continent, cultivation technique and martial arts were split into five ranks: spirit, profound, earth, heaven, and lastly, saint. Each, in turn, was split into low, mid, and high.

In the sacred realm, spirit-ranked cultivation techniques and even martial arts were at every corner and mere trash in the eyes of a demonic emperor like Abaddon. He even had countless of them that covered all the paths in existence and were known to their realm.

After a good chunk of time, when the sun was still high in the sky, warming the forest with its golden-like rays. A platinum-decorated carriage that two horses were pulling halted its movements in front of a plain-looking wooden house situated in the middle of the forest.

Two young-looking people could be seen exiting the room of the platinum carriage. One wore a delighted warm smile on his face, while the other was sneering in annoyance.

The moment Bam's brown eyes locked into Mia, he felt his legs weakening, and his heart was invaded by a strange feeling, not helping it but beating faster than usual.

It must be said but Mia's appearance is quite flawless for Bam.

Her features are delicate and well-formed.

Her eyes were like autumn streams, her brows as beautiful as the mountains. Her hair perfectly framed her face, which was kind of pale and smooth, glistening with a light that captured the heart.

Her white dress flowed about her, giving her an otherworldly impression. Her aura was peaceful and calm, to the point where it was hard to describe with mere words.

She was like a divine maiden of the Heavens that had accidentally fallen to the world below. However, all of that was just how Bam viewed her.

In reality, she was nothing like what he was seeing in his eyes. Mia was only average in looks and could hardly be called a divine beauty. Yet, love can blind people to a point where return can be found impossible.

With a slight bow, Bam and Ben greeted the old man situated right next to Mia, waiting for him to invite them over. Ben was inwardly dissatisfied by acting in such a way in front of a mere mortal but only had to do it cause of his brother's instructions.

' I almost died out of boredom from waiting; they finally arrived.' Abaddon thought.

He then invited the duo to join them at the table with a causal hand gesture. While simultaneously asking Mia to bring the teapot and additional cups for the guests.

With a red face, Mia hurriedly went over to do as she was told. Obviously already informed him about the reason for their arrival, and Abaddon already recognized Bam from Chester's memories anyway, so he understood that they were the Fang Clan.

Hope you enjoying the novel so far. Any thoughts will be appreciated and any questions will be answered. I'll be updating a chapter each day from today onwards.

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