

"Of all the characters, why am I the villainess?" Soo-young, a hardworking young woman struggling to make ends meet in modern Seoul, finds herself abruptly thrown into a fantastical and perilous world after a tragic accident. Reincarnated as Princess Lexzandra von Leynthall, the infamous villainess in a novel she once read, Soo-young must navigate the treacherous waters of royal court life in the Syltrea Empire. Lexzandra, the outcast princess, was notorious for causing trouble. While being reincarnated might seem like an opportunity, waking up inside the body of a villainess who is destined to die is a nightmare. Determined to avoid another untimely death, Soo-young devises a plan for her survival, willing to do whatever it takes to change her fate. Staying far away from the main characters is her number one priority, mending her reputation comes second, and ensuring her survival is paramount. As she tries to adapt to her new life, another mystery begins to unfold: the truth about her existence and the disappearance of her mother. On her quest for answers, she encounters a handsome stranger who, despite his insistence on being a commoner, radiates an air of mystery and intrigue. Soo-young can't shake the feeling that he holds secrets she needs to uncover. Caught between the challenges of court politics and the enigma of her own past, Soo-young must navigate a world where every move could spell her doom or lead to the truth she desperately seeks. The stakes are high, and the danger is real, but Soo-young is determined to rewrite her story and carve out a destiny of her own.

Xia_Xia89 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

The Youngest Prince

Lexzandra carefully seals the last envelope, her fingers deftly folding and pressing the wax to secure it. With a small sigh of satisfaction, she places it alongside the others on her desk. The room is bathed in a warm, golden light filtering through the intricately designed curtains, casting gentle shadows on the polished floor. A delicate floral scent lingers in the air, emanating from a vase of freshly picked roses on the windowsill.

.She calls for Elara, who promptly enters the room, her expression attentive and curious.

"Elara, please deliver these to their respective receivers," Lexzandra says, gesturing to the neatly arranged envelopes.

Elara glances at them, noting the addresses. "Are these for the new ladies-in-waiting, Your Highness?" she asks, her tone filled with interest.

Lexzandra nods. "Yes. I've selected five candidates. I believe they will be well-suited for the roles."

Elara raises an eyebrow, a hint of confusion in her eyes. "Only five, Your Highness? A princess usually has more than five ladies-in-waiting. Shouldn't you consider having more?"

Lexzandra smiles, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "That would be too much for me, Elara. I don't want too many eyes on me. Five will suffice for now."

Elara sighs, but there is a note of respect in her voice. "As you wish, Your Highness. I must say, it's a relief to see this change in you. You've become so much kinder and more considerate. I hope you remain this way."

As Elara takes the envelopes, she reflects on the drastic transformation in the princess. She remembers the old Lexzandra's fits of rage and the way she would scold her maids for the slightest mistakes.

Now, this newfound kindness and thoughtfulness give Elara hope. She silently prays that this change is genuine and lasting, as the palace is a much brighter place with the new Lexzandra at its heart.

Lexzandra's smile widens slightly. "Thank you, Elara. I intend to."

With that, Elara gathers the envelopes and leaves to carry out her assigned task. Lexzandra watches her go, feeling a sense of accomplishment. However, she knows there is still much to learn and understand about this world and her new role in it.

Deciding to deepen her knowledge, Lexzandra sets her sights on the royal library. She has no clear understanding of the royal family's history or the broader world she now inhabits. The royal library, she has heard, is the largest in the entire kingdom, situated in the heart of the royal palace.

As she makes her way to the library, Lexzandra marvels at the grandeur of the palace architecture. The intricate designs and sheer scale of everything around her is awe-inspiring.

As Lexzandra makes her way to the library, she marvels at the grandeur of the palace architecture. The intricate designs and sheer scale of everything around her are both awe-inspiring and a reminder of the immense responsibility she now bears.

Her footsteps echo softly against the marble floors, accompanied by the rhythmic swish of her dress.

Tall columns line the corridors, each adorned with elegant drapery depicting the kingdom's storied past.

When she finally arrives at the library, she pauses at the entrance, taking in the massive wooden doors adorned with ornate carvings of mythical creatures and ancient symbols. The sight fills her with a sense of reverence and curiosity.

Two guards stand at attention by the doors, their expressions stoic and disciplined. As Lexzandra approaches, they exchange glances with each other, their surprise evident though unspoken.

The princess rarely ventured into the library, and her presence here today was unusual. They do not stop her, recognizing her status, but their silent communication speaks volumes.

Lexzandra catches their exchanged looks and offers a polite nod, understanding the rarity of her visit. With a deep breath, she pushes open the heavy doors, stepping into the vast, knowledge-filled sanctuary of the royal library..

Lexzandra steps inside and is immediately struck by the vastness of the space. Tall shelves stretch towards the ceiling, filled with countless books of varying sizes and colors.

The scent of old parchment and polished wood fills the air, creating an atmosphere of scholarly reverence.

Lexzandra begins to walk through the aisles, her eyes scanning the shelves for the book titled "The History of Royal Lineage."

She moves slowly, taking in the titles of other books as she goes. Her fingers occasionally brush against the spines of particularly interesting volumes, but she remains focused on her primary goal.

As Lexzandra searches through the towering bookshelves, the faint sound of a voice catches her attention. Curious, she follows the echoing murmurs and finds herself near a set of stairs. There, she spots a young boy with vibrant red hair and striking red eyes, his small frame and determined expression indicating his persistence. Despite his efforts, it's clear he cannot reach the book he desperately wants from the high shelf.

Quietly, Lexzandra approaches and reaches for the book. "Here you go," she says softly, handing it to him.

The boy turns around, ready to thank her, but his eyes widen in shock as he recognizes her. Trembling, he loses his footing on the stairs in his panic. Lexzandra reacts swiftly, catching him before he falls. "Careful!" she exclaims, steadying him.

The boy's fear is palpable. He stammers, "T-thank you, Your Highness."

Lexzandra studies his face, trying to understand his fear. The vivid red hair and eyes trigger a memory, and she suddenly realizes who he is. "Auden?" she asks gently, recognizing her younger step-brother, the son of the king and his third wife.

Auden nods, still trembling slightly. Lexzandra notices how his fear makes him seem even smaller. "It's okay, Auden," she says softly, trying to reassure him. "I won't hurt you."

His eyes widen further, and he seems to relax just a little, though his wariness remains. "You won't?"

She smiles warmly. "Of course not. We're family. I'm here to help."

Auden's expression shifts from fear to cautious curiosity. He clutches the book to his chest, clearly still unsure but willing to believe her for now.

He nods, still trembling. Lexzandra can see the anxiety in his eyes and wonders why he is so scared of her. Memories from her previous life flash through her mind—Lexzandra had been cold and often harsh towards him, a product of her own insecurities and jealousy. The young Auden had every reason to fear her.

Lexzandra sighs internally as the memory ends, recalling the events in the novel she read. She knows that Auden plays a crucial role in the political landscape of the kingdom.

In the story, he becomes a key ally to the protagonist and helps to bring down those who would betray the crown.

Lexzandra smiles warmly at Auden. "I'm glad you're okay. What book were you looking for?"

Auden hesitates but eventually holds up the book she handed him. "It's a history book. I like reading about the past."

Lexzandra nods, genuinely interested. "History is fascinating. There's so much to learn from it."

Auden looks at her, confusion and curiosity mixing in his gaze. This is not the sister he remembers. She seems different—kinder, more approachable. "Yes, it is," he agrees cautiously.

Lexzandra decides to take a small step towards building a better relationship with him. "If you ever need help with your studies or want to discuss what you're reading, feel free to come to me. I'd be happy to help."

Auden blinks in surprise, unsure how to respond. "Thank you, Your Highness."

Lexzandra smiles again, patting his head which makes him blush. "Please, call me sister when it's just the two of us."

Auden nods slowly, still processing this unexpected kindness. "Okay… sister."

Auden quickly mutters his thanks once more and hurries away, his small frame disappearing among the towering shelves. Lexzandra watches him leave, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

She sighs, reminding herself that building trust takes time. Turning back to her search, she selects a thick volume titled *The History of the Royal Lineage* and settles into a comfortable chair in a quiet corner of the library.

As she flips through the pages, Lexzandra becomes engrossed in the tales of how the royal family was established. She learns about the ancient kings and queens, the wars they fought, and the alliances they forged.

Each portrait of a ruler is accompanied by a brief description of their reign, their achievements, and their downfall. The history is rich and detailed, drawing her deeper into the story of her new family's legacy.

Time passes unnoticed as she delves into chapters about the royal family's connections to magic and sorcery.

Magic, she reads, once played a significant role in the kingdom's history but was banned centuries ago due to its dangerous and unpredictable nature.

The book describes the rise and fall of powerful sorcerers and the royal decree that forbade the use of magic within the kingdom. Lexzandra's curiosity is piqued, and she reads a few lines from an old spell, marveling at the ancient language and symbols.

Her attention is drawn to a detailed drawing of a symbol, complex and hauntingly familiar. Lexzandra frowns, trying to recall where she might have seen it before.

The symbol stirs something in her memory, but she cannot pinpoint exactly where she has encountered it.

She traces the lines of the drawing with her finger, lost in thought.

Just then, a guard approaches, breaking her concentration. "Your Highness, the emperor is looking for you," he informes calmly.

Lexzandra's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "The emperor?"