

"Of all the characters, why am I the villainess?" Soo-young, a hardworking young woman struggling to make ends meet in modern Seoul, finds herself abruptly thrown into a fantastical and perilous world after a tragic accident. Reincarnated as Princess Lexzandra von Leynthall, the infamous villainess in a novel she once read, Soo-young must navigate the treacherous waters of royal court life in the Syltrea Empire. Lexzandra, the outcast princess, was notorious for causing trouble. While being reincarnated might seem like an opportunity, waking up inside the body of a villainess who is destined to die is a nightmare. Determined to avoid another untimely death, Soo-young devises a plan for her survival, willing to do whatever it takes to change her fate. Staying far away from the main characters is her number one priority, mending her reputation comes second, and ensuring her survival is paramount. As she tries to adapt to her new life, another mystery begins to unfold: the truth about her existence and the disappearance of her mother. On her quest for answers, she encounters a handsome stranger who, despite his insistence on being a commoner, radiates an air of mystery and intrigue. Soo-young can't shake the feeling that he holds secrets she needs to uncover. Caught between the challenges of court politics and the enigma of her own past, Soo-young must navigate a world where every move could spell her doom or lead to the truth she desperately seeks. The stakes are high, and the danger is real, but Soo-young is determined to rewrite her story and carve out a destiny of her own.

Xia_Xia89 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Selection

During the day, as Lexzandra was reading a book in her chambers, a knock on the door interrupted her quiet time. She glanced up to see Elara, her loyal maid, standing at the doorway.

"Your Highness, the candidates for your ladies-in-waiting have arrived," Elara informed her with a bright smile.

Lexzandra's heart quickened with excitement. She had been looking forward to this moment. Selecting her own ladies-in-waiting was a significant step in asserting her autonomy and building a trusted support network within the palace. She closed her book and rose from her chair, smoothing the wrinkles in her dress.

"Thank you, Elara. Let's go meet them," she said, following her maid out of her chambers.

They made their way through the grand hallways of the palace, Lexzandra's mind buzzing with anticipation. She knew that choosing the right ladies-in-waiting was crucial. They would be her confidantes, her helpers, and her closest allies.

As they approached the room where the candidates were waiting, Lexzandra took a deep breath to steady herself.

Opening the door, she was greeted by the sight of fifty young women, all from distinguished families, standing in neat rows. The room buzzed with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Lexzandra's eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the various faces and noting their expressions. She knew that behind each facade was a different story, a different motivation for seeking this prestigious position.

"Welcome, everyone," Lexzandra greeted them with a warm smile. "I appreciate your interest in becoming my ladies-in-waiting. I will be interviewing each of you personally, so please be patient as we go through this process."

She motioned for the first candidate to follow her into an adjoining room where the interviews would take place. Lady Eunice Mckinnian, the daughter of House Mckinnian, stepped forward.

She was a striking young woman with orange curly hair and piercing grey eyes. Lexzandra noted that she was a year younger than herself.

Eunice greeted her formally, her demeanor serious and reserved, with no hint of a smile. She took her seat across from Lexzandra, who maintained her warm, approachable demeanor.

"Lady Eunice, thank you for coming. I appreciate your time," Lexzandra began, offering a reassuring smile.

Eunice nodded curtly. "Thank you for considering me, Your Highness."

Eunice had heard the rumors about the princess—stories of a spoiled, ill-tempered royal who treated her servants poorly. She had expected to face a rude and demanding figure, but this was something else entirely.

As she sat across from Lexzandra, observing her warm smile and patient demeanor, Eunice couldn't help but wonder if this kindness was a carefully crafted facade or if the rumors were simply false.

The princess's unexpected behavior left her intrigued and uncertain, challenging everything she had believed about the notorious Lexzandra.

Lexzandra decided to start with a simple question to ease the tension. "Why did you want to take on the role of my lady-in-waiting?"

Eunice shrugged, her response surprisingly candid. "My mother and father forced me to apply. They think it's a prestigious position. Plus, I've heard the royal delicacies are something else."

Lexzandra couldn't help but chuckle at her honesty, a reaction that seemed to surprise Eunice. She decided she liked the girl's straightforwardness. It was refreshing compared to the usual courtly pretense.

"And what are your hobbies, Lady Eunice?" Lexzandra asked, leaning forward slightly.

Eunice seemed to relax a bit at the question. "I enjoy playing chess, eating good food, and playing dress-up games."

Lexzandra's eyes twinkled with interest. "Do you have any dreams or aspirations?"

Eunice pondered for a moment before replying, "I want to marry a handsome, rich man."

Lexzandra laughed softly. "Other than that?"

Eunice shook her head. "Not really, Your Highness."

Lexzandra remembered Eunice mentioning dress-up games and decided to probe further. "You mentioned that you like playing dress-up games. Does that mean you have an interest in fashion designing?"

Eunice looked puzzled, clearly not expecting the question. "I guess... I never really thought about it that way."

Lexzandra didn't push further. She appreciated Eunice's honesty and saw potential in her bluntness. "Thank you for your time, Lady Eunice. You can take your leave now."

Eunice hesitated, clearly curious. "Did I get selected?"

Lexzandra smiled warmly. "I'll inform everyone of my decision later. Thank you for your time, Lady Eunice."

Eunice nodded, still apprehensive. She had expected the worst from the princess based on the rumors, but this interview was far from the horror stories she had heard.

She left the room with her fingers crossed, hoping for the best, but preparing herself for any outcome.

Lexzandra took a deep breath and called for the next candidate. After interviewing five more candidates, she called for the sixth one: Lady Lucy of House Laroche.

Lucy entered the room with hesitant steps, her dark brown hair neatly tied back, her jade green eyes wide with a mix of fear and curiosity. Freckles dotted her cheeks, giving her a youthful and innocent appearance.

"Good day, Lady Lucy," Lexzandra greeted warmly. "Please, take a seat."

Lucy seemed to relax slightly at the princess's kind tone. She had heard many rumors about Lexzandra's temper, but the person before her seemed different. She sat down, her hands folded neatly in her lap.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Lucy replied, her voice steadying.

Lexzandra began with the usual question. "Why do you want to become my lady-in-waiting?"

Lucy took a deep breath. "I want to be noticed, Your Highness. In my family, I am the youngest daughter. My two older sisters are excelling in different fields. One is a renowned musician, and the other is an accomplished scholar. I feel like I am not doing much in comparison, and I want to make a name for myself. I believe serving you will give me the opportunity to grow and prove my worth."

Lexzandra listened attentively, taking note of Lucy's sincerity. She appreciated Lucy's honest and personal reason for wanting the position. It showed a desire for self-improvement and a sense of responsibility.

"That's very admirable, Lady Lucy," Lexzandra said. "Now, let me ask you a hypothetical question. Suppose you are attending a social event with me, and someone tries to indirectly mock or undermine me. As my lady-in-waiting, what would you do in that situation?"

Lucy thought for a moment, her brow furrowing slightly. "Your Highness, I believe the role of a lady-in-waiting is not only to assist you but also to protect your dignity and honor. If someone were to mock you, I would first ensure that you are not affected by their words. I would then address the person subtly, perhaps with a remark that highlights the inappropriateness of their behavior without causing a scene. It's important to handle such matters with grace and tact."

Lexzandra was impressed with Lucy's composed and thoughtful response. It showed that she understood the intricacies of social interactions and the importance of maintaining decorum.

"Well said, Lady Lucy," Lexzandra replied, smiling. "I appreciate your thoughtful answer. It's crucial to handle such situations with the utmost care. Now, let me ask you another question. Do you know all the prominent figures in the social circle?"

Lucy nodded confidently. "Yes, Your Highness. The most prominent figures include Lady Evelyn of House Whitford, Lord Cedric of House Blackwood, Lord Aballach of House Waymont, Lord Ignatius of House Stoneshire, and the Dowager Countess Rosalind. These individuals hold significant influence within the court and are known for their social acumen."

"Very well answered, Lady Lucy."

Lucy smiled, feeling more at ease. The interview was going better than she had expected. The princess's warm demeanor was a stark contrast to the rumors of her being ill-tempered.

Lexzandra noted down a few points and then looked up. "Thank you for your time, Lady Lucy. I will inform you of my decision soon."

Lucy stood up and curtsied. "Thank you, Your Highness."

As Lucy left the room, she felt a mix of relief and excitement. The interview had gone well, and the princess seemed genuinely kind. She couldn't help but wonder if the rumors were just that—rumors.

Lexzandra leaned back in her chair, feeling satisfied with the interviews so far. Each candidate had their unique qualities, and she was starting to get a clearer picture of who might be the best fit for her court. She called for the next candidate, ready to continue her search for the perfect ladies-in-waiting.