
Reincarnation of the Reformation Man

As I embark on a long,long journey for the cause of saving.  As I spilled blood with my own two hands to save the world.  I killed...No! I Murdered every Protagonist in the world for their sins.  I reform every world with their own life, I kill the Protagonist, I reform it. My life was filled with nothing but killing for saving the many I later grew tired of.  I want a peaceful life, I want to escape this hellish path I take but to my despair my life was not my control anymore. The God who's watching me for entertainment restricted me to become a God watching me with popcorn. I really want to kill them! Someday,the freedom and peaceful life I wanted. I will but surely gain it. No matter what!

DaoistZeKGbP · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

By the time the woman notices him. He immediately hurried to the door and got out. He ran and stopped at the corner of the wall panting while inhaling some air to recover.

Aster:"ha~hu~ha..! System, can you wrap this up?"


After calming down he looked back at the store and suddenly hid and peek beside the wall when he noticed the door opened by the woman on the cashier. She looked flustered and looking around and decided to go back, her shoulder slumped, feeling guilty of something holding the pouch of money he gave her.

Aster looking at the woman in the toy store pacing back in fort immediately understood why the woman was looking for him and looking at the pouch he gave to her.

"Ah! Wait a minute, I didn't count the money! Is that why she was…" Aster's expression turned pale and looked between the tightly wrapped gift in his hand thinking about the pouch of money.

But after remembering the book his expression grew worse and he signed and shook his head.

*Ha, forget it anyway I should head back to the castle"

Aster immediately walked and planned to explain something on his way back.


On the way back, Aster felt much lighter since he was only carrying a gift compared to the pouch being so heavy and decided to make a plan to train his body. Not right now though, Although he planned to live a normal life he needs to be strong enough to do some task.

After arriving at the gate, the gate opens and Aster walks and greets the guards with a smile. Naturally the guards smiled back and resumed their guard duty.

Aster narrowed his eyes looking around as everything was busy people going around here and there after observing the others he was startled and spotted Butler Kai seriously busy at giving orders of preparation for the celebration.

He laughed because he didn't expect the butler to be so thorough. Well it's his job after all who wouldn't want to do his job to the fullest if he didn't love it?

Next thing was a little shocking. He saw Anna crawling beside the table and nipping some cake after she spotted she ran immediately the maid rushed at her but unfortunately for Anna her mother caught her.

The maid signed and bowed to the queen and thanked her, the queen gesture for them to not worry, the maid immediately dispersed and did their respective jobs. 

The queen,Iduna the mother of Anna looked at Anna and scolded her gently but after that she smiled lovingly. Anna then cuddles to her Mom's embrace.

"Oh you're here Aster I heard from butler Kai that you bought some gift for Elsa birthday?"

Aster looked around behind, responded with a bow and looked at the tall man adorned with many ornaments with a moustache.

"Yes, king Agnar I don't know if she will like it though I, at least need to do this much since you are letting me live here and I appreciate that with all my heart."

"Haha, she will like it of course you don't have to be so formal all the time. Aster, and we are all family."

"I'm sorry you're highness but-" he was taken aback Aster wanted to say something but king agnar spoke immediately with a slightly serious tone.

"No but, as long as you are here Aster you are a family to us ever since you came here we all appreciate you for what you are doing so don't be like that." Ragnar said with a smile looking at aster and thought.

Maybe you don't know this since you only came here Aster but you don't know that your presence is more valuable than others here since you're the only one who glances at Elsa with no fear and didn't break your promise. You are truly a weird kid but we like that aspect of you so don't be. If Elsa became known by others people will fear her as a witch and gossip her for a monster that's why you are…

"Your highness, your highness, the celebration will be held please go to the banquet. The queen and princesses are already there"

A butler appeared; he bowed and spoke to king Ragnar.

"Oh, is the time ready now? Didn't expect that to be quick! I'll go first now" King Ragnar said after he pat Aster to the shoulder and head to the banquet.

"Ah yes, your highness." Aster was quite shocked of course out of the blue king Ragnar said that to him means they appreciate him being here and saying they're family was making his heart warm.

But after looking at the banquet and at his present he narrow his eye's if this is good enough then he smiled feeling hopefull of the word from King Ragnar. Then he decided and walk towards the banquet where many people was celebrating of Elsa's birthday.


Aster was inside the banquet and was amazed by the glittering light beside the wall, the painting was vague and unique and the rosemaling scrollwork trailing down walls and most eye-catching was the cake. It was really huge.

Aster squinting his eyes looking at the surrounding people who were holding a glass on their arms seemingly waiting for the toast although they're too big he can't see anything.

Fortunately butler Kai spotted him and made him come to the front so he could see.

And he could see that other people were giving their gifts or placing they're gift on the table but it was already filled with gifts so Aster can't put his gift there.

At last King Ragnar eventually made a toast and said something to the crowd after he finished speaking he raised his glass and said.

"Happy birthday Elsa!"

The crowd cheered.

"Happy birthday princess Elsa!"

"Happy birthday!"

"Happy Birthday Princess Anna!"

"Wait who said that? Princess Anna's birthday is still in December!"

"I don't care as long as there is a princess's birthday , they're birthday is the same to me! Since I have two present for them hehe"

"This guy! I brought two too, you know!"

"What about it haha"

The crowd laugh and some bickered but immediately laugh together they drink right after.

Aster looking at the celebration looked at Elsa sitting on the chair with her blue dress while Anna was asleep already in her mother's arms.

Seeing that put Aster to smile but he looked quite taken aback when he saw Elsa was also staring at him he shook his hand in front to display that he saw her. Elsa too smiled and waved back to him.

After the party ended the butler and maid immediately cleaned the rest. He wanted to clean too since it was his job but butler Kai said to him that he needed to rest since he was only a child. Aster wanted to decline but since he saw Butler Kai expression he immediately accepted it.

Aster walking towards his lodging he looked around to his hand that he was still holding his gifts he forgot to give it to the sisters well maybe the next day he thought while walking.

But unfortunately for Aster he saw his lodging open and he frowned and  immediately became cautious and made a light step. He heightened his senses and the feeling of his cold hands tingle.

He said something to the system and scanned the area of his lodging and confirmed who is inside Elsa huh? Why is she here?  Oh right he forgot that Elsa was always going to his lodging to sleep. Does he not want to sleep with her sister? So strange but why is she hiding? Is she trying to surprise me?

Oh right he forgot his present again I think this is a perfect time to give it to her? Aster thought.

He proceeded with a light step towards his lodging and pretended not to see her hiding on the door.



Elsa jump over to him that made him groan in surprised he didn't expect that though to jump to of all things and the gift he was holding slip through his finger's 

Elsa saw that and caught the gifts with her ice magic. Looking at the gifts and the groaning Aster on the ground, she asked in a trembling voice.

"I-is this a gift for me?"

Aster groaned a bit and stood up looking at Elsa with his gifts.


Elsa asked.

"But it was two though?"

"One for you and you sister"

"Is that so? So which is mine though?" Elsa asked in confusion.

"Yours is white while you're sister is brown wrapped"

"Ah o-okay can I open mine then?"

"Suit yourself" Although aster said that and appeared nonchalant he was hiding his nervousness with his cold demeanour all along his finger was also sweating. It was his first time giving someone a gift in all his other life! Although in the past he was the receiving end of gifts now he was the one giving Naturally he would be nervous.


After all the unwrapping, what appeared for Elsa was a toy that looks like a penguin. It's adorned with many designs, a birthday hat,a celebration bell and many more. Its appearance was quite unique even for Aster so why did he pick it up as a present? He doesn't know!

After a moment of silence Elsa started to tremble and her hand started to move and she immediately hugged her new toy with an expression of happiness and joy.

"Waah, so cute! So cute! What is this called Aster tell me,Tell me please~"

Aster looked worried and wanted to apologise after he saw Elsa start to tremble but after what he saw he looked shocked. Is it really that cute though? But after hearing what she said with her puppy-like eyes he blurted out the answer he couldn't handle.

"A-a Penguin, It's a penguin!"

"Huh a penguin? Is this a penguin!? I haven't seen one like this!"

"Ah yeah you probably haven't heard of it or seen one since it's actually not from here but you can look it up in some books." After explaining Elsa nodded, seemingly understanding it.

Aster then closed his one eye and said looking away from Elsa.

" Do you like it then?"

"Yes of course why wouldn't I? It's a gift from you. Thank you so much I'll treasure this for my whole life!? Oh right Anna's gift too! I'm going to give it to her." Elsa was jumping on my bed. She was excited and elated as she was going out of the door when Aster called back to her.


Elsa looked back at Aster. He was red as a tomato. Why does he look like that?

As Elsa was about to get out Aster didn't know why but he called out Elsa without knowing why but deep down if feels like his chest was hot and his face was also hot he didn't know! But a charming smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Happy Birthday Elsa!


Elsa was stunned to the point of being still she couldn't look away. Why couldn't she look away? Is it because Aster's smile appeared on his face that made her couldn't look away from the scene? But it was just a smile though? She didn't know but she couldn't help it. It's too mesmerising…


A single word blurted out her imagination. What happened? Elsa was confused looking at Aster who was worried about her. She couldn't help but have a flush of red on her cheeks. And then she hurriedly ran to their bedroom.

"T-that a, I'm going to give Anna her gifts goodbye!"

looking at Elsa in a puzzle, why was she in a hurry though? Or is my gift that good? Aster thought.

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