
Reincarnation Of The Greatest Pool Player

In 2022, Roman Pierce, the 'Pool King', reigned supreme, having won every global championship in pool, snooker, and billiards. He single-handedly revived these waning games, standing on the pinnacle of success, only for his life to take a dramatic turn during his victory celebration. Suddenly thrust into a world where magic pulses in the very air and mysteries lurk in every shadow, Roman must navigate this new realm. Drawing on the precision and strategy from his previous life, he begins to grasp the threads of arcane power and delve into the enigmas of his new home. Join Roman in a thrilling saga of reincarnation and magic, where the pool table is replaced by an arena of enchantment. From obscurity to prominence, will the 'Pool King' conquer this world as he did his old? Embark on this epic journey to find out! ~~~ THANKS TO THE_SWEET_SPARROW FOR HELPING WITH THE COVER. @The_Sweet_Sparrow JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/EDeVNzp8r8

Tripple1ZRO · Fantasy
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45 Chs

The Fight


Chapter 2/2 for the day.


The sun was beginning to set, the training yard humming with energy as the usual tranquility of the late afternoon was replaced by the hushed chatter and expectant gazes of the gathered students. Standing alone amidst this whirlwind of anticipation, Max seemed like the calm eye of the storm. He watched as Skal approached, a grin etched across his face, and felt his heart sync to a rhythm that felt both new and ancient at the same time.

Coming to a few feet away from Max, Skal came to an abrupt stop and said: "How about we make it more interesting? I say we use weapons. Or are you too afraid? Don't worry, they will be wooden, so at most you will get a few bruises."

Knowing that he could not really back down, Max accepted the proposition. With that, both of them went to the nearby weapon stash and picked out the ones they were going to use.

Skal being a big burly kid, he chose a bigger sword, not to the level of a great sword, because despite his size, he would fail to lift it. Yet, the sword he picked was big enough to break someone's bones upon direct contact.

Max on the other hand, had never used any type of weapons in both of his lives. So, as he was browsing through the options, his eyes couldn't help but run around looking for a weapon that he could handle.

That was until he spotted a wooden staff.

The staff was not much to look at, its surface sanded smooth, devoid of any ornamentation or markings that signified its importance. Yet, it was this simplicity that caught Max's attention. It reminded him of a pool cue – long, slender, well-balanced, a tool that demanded precision and skill. It was not unlike the one he had used countless times in his previous life when he ruled over pool tables, his shots calculated, decisive, and most of all, victorious.

He picked it up, testing its weight, and felt a strange sense of familiarity. The staff was noticeably heavier than a pool cue, of course, and the balance was different. A pool cue was designed for fine control with a lighter tip and heavier end, but the staff was balanced in the middle, designed to be wielded with both hands.

Max twirled it around a few times, getting a feel for its balance and length. It was 6 feet long, standing much higher than Max. He experimented with different grips, swung it through the air in a few mock strikes. It was different from a pool cue, yes, but it felt right in his hands.

It may have been his first time holding a staff, but his previous life as a pool champion had granted him a certain kinesthetic understanding. He knew how to adjust his grip, how to compensate for the shift in balance. It was an unfamiliar weapon, but he was not unfamiliar with the principles of wielding it.

A knowing smile spread across Max's face as he gripped the staff, its weight comfortable in his hands. The balance, the feel of it, even the slight thrill that came from wielding a weapon – it all clicked together in a way that felt almost like destiny.

"Yes, this will do," Max murmured to himself, feeling a newfound confidence seep into his bones. The crowd had watched with interest as he selected his weapon, their whispers growing louder as they speculated about the upcoming fight.

Walking back to his place, the staff in his hand, Max felt an indescribable calm. This was his moment, a chance to prove himself, to stand up for what he believed in. The staff was his tool, a link between his past and present, a symbol of the challenge he was about to face. And Max was ready.

A hush fell over the yard as Max and Skal moved into position, their chosen weapons in hand. Skal was grinning confidently, his large wooden sword swinging ominously by his side. Max, meanwhile, was quiet, his focus solely on the burly boy standing before him.

The first to move was Skal, breaking the stillness with a mighty roar as he charged forward, his wooden sword slicing through the air. Max moved in response, sidestepping the haphazard strike and countering with a swift swing of his staff, using its length to his advantage, and managing to connect with Skal's side.

"Oof!" Skal grunted as the staff hit him, staggering a step back. Max didn't let up, swiftly following up with a series of quick jabs and strikes, the staff whirring through the air. The yard echoed with the sounds of wood on wood, each impact resonating throughout the space.

Max's pool-playing past seemed to shine through in his technique, his movements calculated and precise. He used the staff much like a cue, each strike deliberate and well-aimed. His pool champion's instinct for angles and velocity transformed into strikes and parries, and despite the size difference, Max was holding his own against Skal.

But Skal was not one to be underestimated. With a bellow, he retaliated, his strength coming into play as he swung his sword with all his might.

Max met the strike head-on, using his staff to block. The impact was enormous, echoing around the training ground like a gunshot. The force of it made Max stagger back, but he quickly regained his footing.

The wooden sword and staff collided again and again, Skal putting all of his brute force behind each strike while Max relied on precision and quickness. Their dance was one of strength against skill, a fierce face-off that had the crowd on the edge of their seats.

Finally, with a mighty swing, Skal's sword came down on Max's staff. There was a loud, splintering crack, and both weapons shattered upon impact, pieces of wood flying in all directions.

For a moment, the yard fell silent, the students watching in awe as both fighters backed away, each holding half of their broken weapon. Max could feel a rush of power coursing through him, a heady feeling that was both exhilarating and invigorating. The broken staff in his hands did not feel like a loss but a gain.

Despite the powerful collision, Max felt more alive than ever. He was weaponless, but he was not powerless. As he stood across from Skal, their eyes locked in an intense stare-down, Max could feel a surge of determination welling up within him.

With the broken staff still gripped tightly in his hands, Max slowly began to understand the feeling that coursed through him. The more he focused on it, the stronger it became - a surging tide of energy that caused his blood to pump faster, his heart to race in exhilaration. The sensation was foreign yet familiar, an experience like no other, marking a definitive change in him. He knew, deep down, this was a pivotal moment.

He could feel the raw energy inside him, the essence of magic that had laid dormant now awakening, filling him with an abundance of power.

The power surging through him was intense, almost overwhelming. But rather than panic, Max chose to embrace it. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation, letting it wash over him, feeling it seep into his very core. He could sense the mana coursing through him, enveloping him in its warmth, strengthening his body from within. He could feel his muscles firming up, his senses sharpening, his perception of the world around him enhancing.

As this power surged within him, Skal watched from the other side of the training yard, a realization dawning on him. His eyes widened in disbelief and then narrowed in defiance. He understood that Max was breaking through, transforming from ordinary to extraordinary, where one's potential for magic and strength were realized. But for it to happen in the middle of their fight, right before his eyes, Skal could not and would not accept it.

He had been in this academy for over a year and been one of the strongest fighters in his class, and yet he had still not awakened, not had he felt it nearing.

In Skal's world, the strong prevailed and the weak perished. He was the embodiment of brute force, a physical titan among his peers. To see Max standing there, a torrent of power swirling around him, was a threat to his reality. He wasn't about to let the fight slip from his hands.

Max, engrossed in the energy coursing within him, was initially oblivious to Skal's intentions. But as Skal pushed off the ground, his form a blur as he charged with a roar, Max's heightened senses picked up on the threat. His eyes snapped open, and he instantly felt the rush of the world around him. Sounds were louder, colors were brighter, and he could perceive Skal's movements with a new clarity.

Get ready for next chapter tomorrow, as Max will finally ...

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