
Reincarnation Of The Greatest Pool Player

In 2022, Roman Pierce, the 'Pool King', reigned supreme, having won every global championship in pool, snooker, and billiards. He single-handedly revived these waning games, standing on the pinnacle of success, only for his life to take a dramatic turn during his victory celebration. Suddenly thrust into a world where magic pulses in the very air and mysteries lurk in every shadow, Roman must navigate this new realm. Drawing on the precision and strategy from his previous life, he begins to grasp the threads of arcane power and delve into the enigmas of his new home. Join Roman in a thrilling saga of reincarnation and magic, where the pool table is replaced by an arena of enchantment. From obscurity to prominence, will the 'Pool King' conquer this world as he did his old? Embark on this epic journey to find out! ~~~ THANKS TO THE_SWEET_SPARROW FOR HELPING WITH THE COVER. @The_Sweet_Sparrow JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/EDeVNzp8r8

Tripple1ZRO · Fantasy
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45 Chs

New World

Roman's last thought was: "At least I have achieved what I wished for, so I can rest in peace now".

An eon seemed to pass before Roman's awareness sparked back to life, pulling him from a realm of infinite emptiness. He found himself cocooned within impenetrable darkness, akin to the profound stillness of a starless night. Despite the alien setting, he was swaddled in warmth—a comfort that challenged the unfamiliarity.

His mind played back the final moments of his previous life—a jubilant celebration, followed by quiet reflection under a sky peppered with shooting stars. A smile ghosted over his subconsciousness at the absurdity. "Could that wish on a falling star have orchestrated this?"

His present reality defied every known law of nature, yet there he was. Among the chaos, one pressing concern rose—his inability to see or move. "Am I... ensnared in some limbo?"

A tidal wave of fatigue washed over him, threatening to drag him back into unconsciousness. Despite his resistance, understanding his predicament proved a Herculean task.

(Fast forward four months)

Roman found himself stuck in a strange loop of waking and slipping into darkness. With each lucid interval, he drew closer to a grim realization—a hypothesis he wished was nothing more than a figment of his somnolent mind.

"Did I meet my demise that fateful night?" Roman pondered, his subconsciousness embittered by the thought. "Was my premature departure the result of a whimsical wish or a curse cast by a green-eyed competitor?" He wrestled with the enigma, a hint of frustration sneaking into his internal monologue. "Regardless, I find myself here. What does this signify?"

A thought dawned on him, gripping his awareness. "Am I in the process of reincarnation? Was my aspiration of being a triple crown champion overly ambitious that it angered the Gods?"

His silent contemplations resonated within his peculiar confinement. He yearned for nothing more than to reach the zenith of his sport and ignite a resurgence of pool. However, the acknowledgment of his untimely death and his virgin status was a harsh pill to swallow. "First, a pandemic derailed my dreams. Then, just as I was nearing my goal, this...end. It's exasperating!" His frustration formed a silent scream, reverberating within his mind.

Regret weighed heavily on his heart, "To my parents, my friends... I'm sorry. My single-minded pursuit of pool might not have made me the ideal son or friend, but such an abrupt departure... It's unjust." His silent apology echoed within his solitary realm.

Another bout of exhaustion took hold, his consciousness slipping away gradually.

(An unknown amount of time later)

Suddenly, he was stirred awake by an immense pressure, a sensation akin to being compressed and propelled forward. Gradually, the pieces started falling into place. "I'm...I'm experiencing birth!"

He was catapulted into existence, his first cry echoing in the modest birthing room. As his sight adjusted to the intense brightness, he found himself locked in the gaze of a woman, her face streaked with tears of joy and exhaustion. "So, this is my new mother?"

Staring at the world through fresh eyes, Roman braced himself for the journey that awaited. His unwavering determination, a simmering flame of competitive spirit, refused to be quelled. Poised to traverse the winding path of life once more, he was set on reclaiming his glory and defying all odds. The silent laughter in his thoughts was potent, a pledge made by a prodigy ready to claim the world. Once again.

As he was cradled in his new mother's arms, Roman started to study his surroundings. His understanding of the people and their language was limited, a barrier he had to conquer. He noticed another lady standing in the corner, looking to be preparing something. There was no sign of another living being, nor any male who could be his father.

Looking around, he found himself in a humble dwelling reminiscent of a rural shack. "Seems like this life starts in a village. That's alright. I will once again rise to prominence, bring honor to my family, and guide them to a more prosperous life," Roman thought with a silent, steely determination.

His mother, who had remained quiet until then, spoke words he couldn't decipher. She gently pulled her shoulder strap aside and nudged him towards her chest to nurse.

"Oh no, don't! I'd prefer chicken, woman! Ugh." Despite his internal protests, Roman found himself suckling on his mother's breast, the milk tasting sweeter than honey. "Perhaps this isn't so bad after all. It's a change I can adapt to." With that comforting thought, he drifted off to sleep, nestled safely in his new mother's arms.

Discord: https://discord.gg/EDeVNzp8r8

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