
Reincarnation Of The Greatest Pool Player

In 2022, Roman Pierce, the 'Pool King', reigned supreme, having won every global championship in pool, snooker, and billiards. He single-handedly revived these waning games, standing on the pinnacle of success, only for his life to take a dramatic turn during his victory celebration. Suddenly thrust into a world where magic pulses in the very air and mysteries lurk in every shadow, Roman must navigate this new realm. Drawing on the precision and strategy from his previous life, he begins to grasp the threads of arcane power and delve into the enigmas of his new home. Join Roman in a thrilling saga of reincarnation and magic, where the pool table is replaced by an arena of enchantment. From obscurity to prominence, will the 'Pool King' conquer this world as he did his old? Embark on this epic journey to find out! ~~~ THANKS TO THE_SWEET_SPARROW FOR HELPING WITH THE COVER. @The_Sweet_Sparrow JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/EDeVNzp8r8

Tripple1ZRO · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Breaking the Limit

Max was quick to realize that he couldn't match Zephyr in the manipulation of elements. Thus, he decided to switch his strategy and focus on his physical attacks. With his staff in hand, he charged towards Zephyr. Each strike was harder and faster than the last, his weapon singing as it cut through the air. The thrill of the battle surged through his veins, his heartbeat in rhythm with each connecting blow.

In the heat of the combat, he felt himself becoming in control of his movements. A sudden rush of energy coursed through Max's body. The crowd gasped as the heat surged from him, signifying his breakthrough to a third stage novice knight. His body became stronger, faster, his movements more refined.

With the newfound strength of a breakthrough, Max started pushing Zephyr back. Every attack he made forced Zephyr to retreat, matching his steps with a combination of air and earth to deflect Max's relentless assault. The crowd held its breath, each student on the edge of their seats, eyes wide in anticipation.

As Max kept pushing, an unexpected turn of events happened. Zephyr revealed another element under his control - fire. Without any warning, he set an explosive trap right under Max's feet. But Max, with his heightened senses after his breakthrough, felt the sudden change in temperature. Reacting quickly, he leaped aside, evading the explosive blast just in time.

The fight continued, the intensity undying. Max's staff cut through the air, a streak of bluish light in the illuminated arena. With a swift maneuver, he threw his staff towards Zephyr, catching him off guard. As Zephyr deflected the incoming staff with a gust of wind, Max saw his chance.

Taking advantage of Zephyr's momentary distraction, Max sprinted forward. A burst of wind propelled him faster, and he landed a powerful punch straight to Zephyr's midsection. The crowd gasped as Zephyr was sent flying backwards, crashing into the arena's protective barrier.

"And the match is over!" MC's voice boomed through the arena, silencing the crowd once more. Max was declared the winner, Zephyr's undefeated streak broken by a first year. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and chants of Max's name echoed throughout the arena.

Meanwhile, Giselle was pitted against Edmund. She used her ice magic strategically, creating obstacles and throwing Edmund off balance, giving her the upper hand. Despite Edmund's strength and his robust armor, Giselle managed to secure another win.

The crowd went wild. Giselle's victory meant that the top rankings were now a tight race. With Zephyr, Max, and Giselle all having one loss each, the final rounds promised to be even more thrilling.

"Ladies And Gentlemen, This Has Never Happened Before In the Entire History Of Our Academy. Three people are now tied for first place with seven wins and one loss each. We are now waiting on the Headmaster to respond to this and come to decision on how to proceed. For now though," MC made a short pause to get people expectant on what he was about to say.

"LET US CHEER FOR OUR TOP RANKERS - BEAUTIFUL GISELLE, DIVERSE ZEPHYR, AND TALENTED MAX!" With that the spectators broke out into cheers, a testament to how entertaining and thrilling it was to spectate the matches.

A few minutes passed as competitors retreated to rest, the arena buzzing with excited chatter and speculation. Soon, a figure emerged from the entrance to the arena, the crowd parting to let him through. It was the Headmaster of the academy, Thorne Alcastor.

Headmaster Alcastor was an imposing figure, with a stern countenance that commanded respect. His deep, resonating voice filled the arena as he expressed his pride. "I am elated to see so many talented students growing up within our Academy's walls. Your performances have been nothing short of exceptional."

The announcement that followed sent a wave of excitement through the crowd. "The final round will take place tomorrow, and it will be a three-way battle between our top contenders - Max, Giselle, and Zephyr. This unprecedented battle will decide the top three rankings." He concluded, wishing the competitors luck and urging them to rest and prepare for the exciting battle that lay ahead.

Returning to his dorm, Max was met with Oliver's excitement. "You were amazing out there, Max! I can't wait to see you in the final round!" He said, eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Thanks Oliver, I need to rest and meditate, consolidating my breakthrough, so please don't mind me," saying that Max went for a hot shower.

After showering and feeling refreshed, Max sat down cross-legged on his bed and meditated.

'Let me see what has changed with the breakthrough,' Max mused to himself, shifting into a meditative state.

As he shut his eyes and directed his consciousness inward, he was met with an influx of sensations. He could feel a newfound resilience and efficiency in his viscera, the result of his breakthrough to the third stage of a novice knight. This subtle yet significant enhancement radiated a surge of vitality, which hummed in his veins like a vibrant symphony.

Despite being in the body of a seven-year-old, Max noticed the transformative changes that his physique had undergone. There were no bulging muscles or the towering stature of an experienced warrior, but a distinct form of lean strength, a compact power that was burgeoning from within. His body, shedding any remnants of baby fat, was gradually sculpting itself into the mold of a young warrior - agile, flexible, and incredibly sturdy.

Max also became aware of the amplified physical prowess that now resided within him. This upgrade was far beyond mere muscle or body structure; it was a holistic enhancement that made him more robust, quicker, and more enduring.

He felt his heart pounding with increased efficiency, able to pump blood - and with it, vital oxygen and nutrients - more rapidly throughout his body. This improved circulatory capacity would bolster his stamina and reduce fatigue, allowing him to maintain his peak performance for extended periods.

Max also discovered a remarkable improvement in his lungs, as they drew in more air, expanding his oxygen capacity. This advantage would be invaluable, fueling his physical exertions and spell casting with more energy and enabling him to hold his breath longer in situations that demanded it.

Moreover, the fortified state of his digestive system promised a more effective absorption of nutrients and minimized waste. This change would ensure that his body extracted the maximum energy from his meals, promoting a faster recovery time and efficient growth.

Further probing revealed the reinforced robustness of his liver and kidneys, facilitating a more efficient detoxification process. A more effective expulsion of toxins would help maintain an optimal internal environment for his cellular and organ functions.

In addition, Max noticed the heightened sensory perception that came with the strengthening of his sensory organs. His eyes and ears would now offer him sharper visuals and sounds, fostering a quicker reaction time and a heightened awareness of his surroundings, an invaluable advantage in battles where each second counted.

All these enhancements collectively contributed to elevating his combat capabilities and overall health, promising an efficient growth in his journey as a knight and a fighter.

Finally, with his consciousness, he traced the pathways of energy within him, observing the flow within the tiny vessels that crisscrossed his body to the larger channels. Each one was like a river, its current carrying the life-giving water of his internal energy, distributing it throughout his body, amplifying his sense of unity and strength from within.

Max stayed in this meditative state for what felt like hours. He was studying his body, understanding the changes that his breakthrough had brought, and making plans for his future training. He felt himself becoming more attuned with his body than ever before. His understanding of himself and his powers was deepening, and he was filled with a sense of anticipation for the path ahead. He would need every bit of his strength and knowledge for the final battle.

Meanwhile, the entire academy was abuzz with anticipation for the final showdown. The three-way battle was all anyone could talk about, the excitement tangible in the air. As the night wore on, the academy sank into an uneasy rest, each student awaiting the dawn that would bring the most exciting battle in the academy's history.

As the sun rose the next day, the air was electrified with excitement. The arena was packed to the brim, the students buzzing with anticipation. Flags of the academy fluttered in the early morning breeze, the golden emblem shining under the sunlight. The final showdown was about to begin.

At the center of the arena, the three competitors stood in their respective corners. Max, in his blue robe, looked calm and focused. Zephyr, in his usual black attire, seemed relaxed and confident. Giselle, in her silver and blue robes, looked poised and ready.

The crowd roared, their excitement reaching a fever pitch. Chants of the competitors' names echoed throughout the arena. 'Max!' 'Zephyr!' 'Giselle!' rang out, each cheer louder than the last. Despite the enthusiastic support for all three competitors, it was Giselle who had the loudest cheers, her popularity evident among the students.

And so, the final round of the grand tournament was set to begin - a unique battle that was about to go down in the history of the academy.