
Reincarnation Of The Greatest Pool Player

In 2022, Roman Pierce, the 'Pool King', reigned supreme, having won every global championship in pool, snooker, and billiards. He single-handedly revived these waning games, standing on the pinnacle of success, only for his life to take a dramatic turn during his victory celebration. Suddenly thrust into a world where magic pulses in the very air and mysteries lurk in every shadow, Roman must navigate this new realm. Drawing on the precision and strategy from his previous life, he begins to grasp the threads of arcane power and delve into the enigmas of his new home. Join Roman in a thrilling saga of reincarnation and magic, where the pool table is replaced by an arena of enchantment. From obscurity to prominence, will the 'Pool King' conquer this world as he did his old? Embark on this epic journey to find out! ~~~ THANKS TO THE_SWEET_SPARROW FOR HELPING WITH THE COVER. @The_Sweet_Sparrow JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/EDeVNzp8r8

Tripple1ZRO · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Absorbing the Heart of the Seraphim Viper

After the conversation with Headmaster Thorne Alcastor, Max made his way back to the dormitory. His mind buzzed with the enormity of what lay ahead.

He could not help but think: 'Well at least I have won my first tournament in this life. Haha. All the experience and talent from my last life have not been wasted.'

'I am indeed fortunate to have been born with a high talent in this world and got an opportunity to attend this academy. It has only been my first year and I am already graduating, given that I breakthrough to the middle of novice realm. It is hard to imagine that this is what most kids have to go through. Well, this is a world where strong rule the weak, so it is nothing surprising, yet where is the joy, the happiness? All I have seen so far is people training and improving themselves, cheering and spectating fights being seemingly the only joyous activity.'

'This world needs a change, it needs thrill, but not only in a form of fights, but in a form of games. Yet, what can I do for now? I have no money, nor the connections to spread around the games that were popular back on Earth. Monopoly? Pool? Poker? I will come back to this in the future!' Determinately thought Max, missing the simple, yet fun games that were so common on Earth.

As he entered the dormitory, his friends Oliver and Andrew rushed over to him, their faces lit up with excitement and admiration.

"Max, you were incredible!" Oliver exclaimed, his eyes shining with awe.

Andrew nodded calmly, "You did a good job!"

Max laughed, slightly embarrassed, "Come on, guys. I just did what I had to do. But thank you, your words mean a lot."

That night, the trio decided to throw a small celebration. The victory in the tournament was a perfect excuse, but more so, it was a moment to celebrate their camaraderie, their journey together. The year has been fulfilling, and it was finally time to catch a breath. The dormitory room was transformed, their schoolbooks and training gear pushed aside to make room for the feast. They shared stories, laughed, and enjoyed the simple joy of being in each other's company.

As they celebrated, Max decided to share about his meeting with the headmaster. "Guys, the headmaster spoke with me after the tournament."

Andrew and Oliver looked at him with curiosity.

"He said...I can graduate next year."

For a moment, there was silence. Then Oliver exclaimed, "What! So soon?"

Max acknowledged with a nod, "Yes, that's true. Currently, I've reached the third stage novice realm, and the academy allows graduation at the fourth stage. The headmaster encouraged me to practice diligently and break through as quickly as possible, enabling me to apply to the esteemed true academies."

Oliver's astonishment morphed seamlessly into an infectious grin. "Wow, Max! That's spectacular! You'll be the youngest graduate in the academy's history!"

Max responded with a chuckle, "Well, I'm not certain about that. But I do intend to pour my whole effort into training. There's still so much to achieve, and I have yet to find my parents. However, you guys can't afford to slack either. Why are you still stuck at the first stage? You've been here for an entire year, and yet you're still at the first stage - you're not using your talents to their fullest potential."

Both Oliver and Andrew were stunned by Max's accusation of their perceived laziness. Oliver, in an outburst, retaliated, "You're the one who's lazy! Your whole family is lazy! How is it my fault that my friend is a monster?"

On the other hand, Andrew's reaction was more subdued, yet carried an undercurrent of sadness. His gaze drifted towards the wall, the emptiness in his eyes conveying more than words could express.

The night carried on, filled with laughter and heartfelt conversations. They talked about their dreams, their ambitions, and the many paths that awaited them in the world of magic. It was a night they would always remember.

The morning arrived all too quickly, and Max found himself walking down the corridors towards the headmaster's office. As he walked, a familiar figure stepped out from a corner, blocking his path. Zephyr. His eyes glinted with defiance and determination.

"Max," he began, "this isn't over. I will defeat you."

Max raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Zephyr, I look forward to it. So, bring it on."

Leaving a shocked Zephyr in his wake, Max continued his journey. The Headmaster's office door loomed large before him, as he knocked and entered.

"Ah, Max. You're here," the Headmaster greeted him, a serious look on his face. "Are you ready for the absorption process?"

Max nodded, taking a deep breath, "I'm ready, Headmaster."

As Max braced himself, the Headmaster carefully retrieved a compact wooden box. With the practiced hands of a seasoned alchemist, he unveiled its sacred contents. A heart of an otherworldly glow and pulsating energy laid in his palms, the life force of the formidable Seraphim Viper, now stilled and preserved for a grand purpose.

Respectfully placing the heart within an opalescent Nephrite crystal container, he added several other items. Dried herbs of potent fragrance, fine powders of assorted gemstones, and granulated bone material of unknown origins. Each ingredient was carefully chosen to augment the properties of the Seraphim Viper's heart, enhancing its efficacy and ensuring optimal absorption, while reducing the pain when absorbed.

With a deep, steady breath, the Headmaster ignited a controlled flame, setting the unique concoction alight. The contents of the container gradually dissolved into a molten mixture, filling the room with a complex, spicy aroma that was both tantalizing and intimidating.

Max's heart pounded in sync with the rhythm of the pulsating liquid. The Headmaster, his gaze steady and serious, handed the warm container to him, "Drink this now, Max."

The liquid, an incandescent red-orange, radiated an intense heat. Gritting his teeth, Max brought the container to his lips. Hesitating for only a moment, he downed the liquid in a single swallow that felt like swallowing a star. A rush of searing heat cascaded down his throat, pooling in his stomach. The fire then flared outward, invading every corner of his body, his meridians feeling as though they were being incinerated.

Max clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white under the strain. His body convulsed as he dropped to the floor, pain searing every fiber of his being. An agonized scream tore from his lips as the liquid continued its merciless purification process. He could feel it rushing through his meridians, burning away years of accumulated impurities, refining, and strengthening him.

"Your body is being purified, Max!" The Headmaster called out, his voice echoing over Max's cries. "The essence of the Seraphim Viper is cleansing and expanding your meridians!"

As Max writhed in agony, the unbearable pain seemed to stretch time into infinity. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, a jumbled maelstrom of doubt, resolve, and enduring pain. 'This is my path...my journey... I will not break!' Max thought, his resolve solidifying amidst the tempest of pain.

Slowly, like the receding tide, the pain began to withdraw. The burning sensation that had invaded his meridians was replaced by a gentle, cool relief. After what felt like an eternity, the heat finally subsided, leaving Max shivering on the floor.

Exhausted but resolute, Max pushed himself up, his hand coming away smeared with a viscous, black substance. His body, now purged of some impurities, bore the remnants of his torment. Max grimaced at the pungent smell, but beneath the exhaustion and lingering pain, a spark of triumph ignited in his eyes.

Gathering his focus, Max activated his water magic. He had cultivated his skill diligently over the past year, and now, it responded eagerly to his call. Forming a shell of water around his body, he allowed the soothing element to absorb the foul remnants of the purification process, cleansing him down to his very pores.

The water pulsed rhythmically, each undulation mirroring his heartbeat, pulling the remaining black substance from his skin. As the water drained away, it carried with it the final vestiges of his torment, leaving him cleansed and renewed.

Across the room, Headmaster Thorne watched in silence, a gentle smile of pride gracing his aged face. "Well done, Max," he praised, his tone filled with genuine warmth. "You handled the purification exceptionally well. The Seraphim Viper's heart is not easily absorbed, but you succeeded.

I have to say that this is tremendous lucky chance for you because you managed to absorb it while your body is still growing. The heart has expanded and purified your meridians, so now they are stronger and more flexible, increasing your mana capacity, absorption speed, allowing you to cast fiercer spells without having to worry about putting too much pressure on the meridians. You really lucked out, as you would not be able to find it in the outside world without luck, and don't even think of purchasing, as you could only find it at auctions being sold for a sky-high price.

Max, still recovering from the purification ordeal, managed a weary smile. "Thank you, Headmaster. Your guidance and encouragement were instrumental."

Thorne gave a soft chuckle. "That may be, but the real work was done by you. Now, I suggest you take a shower. Despite your water magic cleansing, the smell lingers. Afterwards, you can attend your classes. Remember, there is another week left in the school term."

Max nodded, appreciating the Headmaster's understanding. Pushing himself to his feet, he made his way towards the showers, his body aching but his spirit unbroken.