
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Unreasonable Rules of the academy

After walking around for a little over an hour, Asdekhad finally found his class.

"Finally class 1A" he said with a sigh of relief.

"Mehn you are also in this class?"a very familiar voice was heard from behind him.

"Jordan what are you still doing here? I thought we parted ways to each fund our classes" Asdek said as he turned to look at Jordan who had a wide grin on his face.

"It just so happens that we are in the same class" Jordan said as he started to walk towards the class. He got to the gate and the opened automatically to let him in.

"Come on let's go" Jordan said as he went into the class. Asdek followed afterwards and entered the class. The class was a large one. It had fifty desks that currently had around thirty students in uniforms seated on one. I would seem as if Asdek and Jordan weren't the only students that had a hard time finding the class. Jordan went to sit on one of the seats that were in front of the class. It was an odd seat to choose due to the jovial behavior of Jordan but Asdek didn't mind as he went to sit in one of the seats positioned around the middle.

After waiting an extra two hours all fifty seats were filled. The teacher came in soon after. She was a beautiful young woman in her mid-twenties sporting a smooth long beautiful and lustrous blonde hair. She had a curvaceous body with considerably larger breasts. Her peerless beauty unconsciously drew attention to her. Her smooth skin was spotless and so eye catching that no one could help but envy.

"Hello class" she said in a nice melodious voice that could calm raging seas.

"My name is Amanda Light" she said in her melodious voice.

" I'm not going to waste our precious time with mediocre introductions. I believe we're going know each other as time goes on. Anyway I'm your official teacher so be expecting to see me in almost all your classes. And please put up your best behavior and also work hard to achieve your best results and break past that each time" she said as the boys in the room all had astonished and worshiping looks. The girls on the other hand all had envious looks.

Asdek couldn't help but compliment her looks. But he didn't have such shameful looks like the ones I the boys' faces. As a matter of fact he did not have any expression on his face. It was totally cold and indifferent . Miss Light couldn't help but take notice of Asdek's expression. It's been long since someone looked at her with such indifference even married men looked at her with longing looks. So she wandered why this teenager was so matured mentally that he didn't even have a slight look of astonishment on his face.

"So let's start with some important things you need to know in this school." She said as her look turned dark.

"Here are some unreasonable things you need to know. This school allows bullying." She said as the students in the class gave out a loud gasp.

" But you are not supposed to beat them close to death. No fatal injuries should be dealt to the victim. And monthly duels are held for students who want to go at it formally. This duels are mostly in the favor of those who get picked on by groups. So that they can single out one of them and if they are strong enough, give them a memorable beating to get back at them." She said still having a dark look.

"The school also believes background is also power so expect unfair treatment. I know it's a stupid ideology but you don't expect to be treated fairly in the real world do you?" Miss light said as she continued.

"The second years and others that are of a higher year than you have total control over you and you are not supposed to object or fight back until the end of the semester where an all round duel will be held so that you can get what ever revenge you want in the duel. This is also to let you learn restraint. In a case where a senior picks on you, your background or family doesn't have any power. This is to give the rich and powerful people….. I mean those with powerful and respectable background a feeling of powerlessness. That's what the higher ups say by the way."

"Also there will be a grading system where based on your academic performance you will be ranked. This, as you all have figured already, is to bring a sense of competition. And also the school wants to know which ones to give resources to that won't count as a waste. And in the ranking, you will be able to take the rank of the one you defeat in the monthly duel." Miss light said.

"And that's definitely not all of the unreasonable rules around here, but I can't be bothered with that I have way more important things to do. Anyway, your rankings will be displayed on your badges."

Everyone turned to look on their badges and below the badge was a small metallic that displayed [0000]. The first year students were around 2000 so the number of zeros were actually reasonable.

"Right now you've not been ranked yet that's why your badges each displays zeros" Miss light said.

"Oh and before I forget, the best hundred students will be place as the elite students of the school specifically your year group.And also their ranking will be different from the ordinary students. Their ranks will end at rank one hundred. But the ranks of the ordinary students will start at rank one, totally unaffected by the ranks of the elite students."She said as she concentrated on the surface that seemed like a board as she said

" I believe there are no questions. Now let's get down to business"

And of course there were no questions as every one was dumbfounded. Asdek knew both his mom and dad were elite students of both their schools. Which made Asdek really acknowledge their talents.

" I can't help but feel excited at this information" Asdek said as he gave a light smirk.

Miss light saw the slight look of excitement on Asdek's face instead of the scared look on everyone's face as she thought to herself.

" this kid is very peculiar I'll have to pay extra attention on him. He's piqued my interest"

Please if any mistakes are spotted don’t hesitate to inform me. Thanks for reading.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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