
Mistaken | Goddess Ishtar

/Kai is currently on the northern side of the continent./

He suspected it beforehand due to the air in the place being a bit cold.

His stats drastically increase thanks to his skill that boosts his growth combined with his extreme training that could have easily killed any other person.

He woke up every 4 in the morning climbing the tall mountain just beside his backyard.

/He is currently living in a cave./

It always took him two hours before finally reaching the top of the mountain.

After reaching the top he would then descend while avoiding the traps he laid beforehand.

He would seal a bit of his memories that were related to when he set up the traps.

The traps include throwing knives, arrows, logs falling, boulders rolling, pit falls, and sticky liquid that can make one lose their balance.

Moreover, before going down he first consumes specially made paralysis pills, poisons pills, sleeping pills, sense distorting pills and many more negative status effect pills.

/He created these pills using the herbs around him/

This is the reason why his resistance against negative status effects had increased drastically in a short time.

After his descent from the mountain he would then seek creatures a level stronger than him giving his all except magic to defeat them.

Defeating one creature he would move to the other and so on until he is beyond worn out to even lift a finger.

Recovering from the exhausting hunt he would then go for a meditation session to clear his mind and enhance his profound spirit veins.

The extra stat in his intelligence increases drastically due to his continuous automatic absorption of natural energy in the surroundings.

It took me a whole day just to exit this damn forested region.

The early morning sky is a bit cloudy.

Grey clouds covered the sky creating a disconcerting atmosphere.

He let out a sigh as he looked around happy to have found at least the road.

At this rate, I'm going to be soak whet from the rain.

This thoughts' in his mind, Kai cautiously walk took a step to the road pavement that should lead him to the civilization.

He looked left and right there to his left he found could see a towering structure that reached the clouds.

/Time passed by/

While walking absentmindedly, I hear a sound coming from behind.

He looks back and sees something in the far distance closely approaching.

Is that…a carriage… no, a caravan?

Back in Gaia carriages is a thing for other countries except the Nexus Empire… my Empire.

I assume this world relied too much on these so called blessings that they neglected other fields such as scientific research and development.

I hope these people are reasonable and I might be able to get some info from them.

Right, this should be my first contact after coming to this world.

As the caravan approaches, he discovered one of the carriages to be remarkably high class.

Marvelous craftsmanship and a sturdy build.

I am certain only a noble or rich person can ride one such carriage.

I don't want to attract attention for now lets step aside.

I give way to the carriage approaching from behind and move to the side.

The caravan carriages rattles and raises a dust cloud while it passes by me.

The people riding the simple carriages guarding the probably noble are equipped with differing weapons from simple swords, spears, axe to bows.

I notice that they are all women and every single one of them gave off a strong feeling but not intimidating enough to pressure me.

There's one that gave me a intimidating feeling but that one look like a gigantic frog in human skin.

I covered my face to avoid the dust entering my nose or mouth.

Having passed by without much of a trouble, I go back on the road and continue to the city at a distance.

But as I start walking, I notice the caravan stopping.

I can see the people guarding the caravan looking in my direction.

Is something wrong.

The carriage door slams open and a purple haired tan skin woman with a splendidly dangerous body appears.

She was wearing an overly seductive dress and on her chest was a shining rose brooches glittering amidst the cloudy skies.


"You! You over there. Who are you? I've never seen a god like you…"

Did she just mistaken me for a god I couldn't blame her…

Wait I'm in a another world and I've already lost my status as a true god powerhouse so how can she suspect me of being a god.

Wait, this aura and presence!

A divine entity? A demi god… no! A god's avatar.

It's the same energy as my energy core.

What a blunder…

Kai realized that he had just almost killed himself on his first day in this world.

He had created an energy core containing the essence resembling that of gods.

No wonder it was labeled as a chaos core in this world.

Carelessly mixing natural spirit energy, natural mana energy, and natural elemental energy is already absurd enough.

Now I even include divine energy no wonder it was far harder to control.

Just what's with this world having divine energy in the surroundings.

This place isn't a divine realm right?

That should be impossible.

How can monsters freely roam in the divine realm.

He was deep in his thoughts that he forgot the goddess before him.

Ishtar felt annoyed as if the man before her was insulting her.

"This damn…"

Sensing a malicious intent coming from the goddess Kai did not hesitate in using his power over dimensions to quickly escape the scene.

Even if she didn't really have an intention to harm him Kai did not take chances and escape the place.

He don't have the power or capabilities to face a goddess head on right now.

Ishtar looked at the now empty spot where the mysterious god was once at.

Kai ignoring her then vanishing from her sight without saying a word Ishtar was pissed.

She thought Kai was one of those devoteed freya fanatic gods who ignores her.

"Someone similar to Hermes, tsk…"

She bit her nails and got back to the carriage leaving ordering the caravan to continue.

The amazons observing the scene didn't have much of a reaction.

There's a rule…

Mortals should deal with mortal problems.

Gods should deal with godly problems.

Kai appeared back in his cave quickly activating multiple defensive arrays preparing an ambush.

/Time passed/

"It seems I have mistaken, she doesn't seem one of those persistent ones. That moment you annoyed they'll chase you to the end of the world."

What a strange world this is, gods and goddesses paying house with mortals.

They should be gone by now.

They shouldn't have seen my face this far, right.

Hope she didn't developed a grudge against me.

I didn't do anything…

Let's seal the divine energy coming from my body for now being mistaken for a god might being me problems.

Kai's plan to reach the civilization was postponed for the next day.

He did not take chances caution that the goddess might have stayed there waiting for him

Gods are eternal beings waiting for a few hours is like waiting for a single milliseconds to them or so what he thought.