
Concepts | God Ouranus

Kai being too cautious towards the goddess Ishtar having no info that the gods of this world are heavily restricted from using their divine power he decided to stay in his cave for the next following weeks.

He wanted to badly join the civilization of people and to gather information about this world but decided otherwise.

He is too cautious he didn't want to take any chances.

He don't have a plan of dying again just after he got reincarnated.

The next days was spent doing magic research just like what he always does back in his previous life when he is alone.

Kai opened a portal using his dimensional magic that he named [Gate Of Bifröst] this magic allows him to connect to a separate point of space granting him the easy access to freely move between places.

It only consumes a bit of mana and mental power.

The mental power is needed for him to have a clear picture of the two places he wanted to connect while the mana purpose is to stabilize the space allowing people or objects to pass through without any problems.

So he must have first visited the place before being able to establish a connection between two spaces.

Instead of appearing where he previously encountered the goddess Ishtar, Kai decided to open a [Gate Of Bifröst] just outside the forested region not too far yet also not too close to where he had encountered the goddess.

He is still cautious…

It was 4 am in the morning the sky is still dark and the cold breeze is present.

Kai spread his domain sense trying to make sure that the goddess or its followers have truly left.

Sensing no anomalies or movements in the surroundings except some normal insects that he also checked suspecting them to be familiars Kai let out a deep sigh.

'Its good that goddess doesn't seem to adamant about me, or she might be also cautious about me, didn't she suspected me for a god, that must be it.'

He assumed looking at the far distance where the towering babel tower that pierced the sky stood high and mighty.

Kai's eyes sparkled as gold, red, purple, grey, white, and black strings appeared right in front of him, this strings stretching long until it reach the huge city where the towering structure is located.

'Just what's going on there?' Kai couldn't help but questioned as he look at the city on the distance. 'A nexus event?' he suspected.

Better avoid such troublesome events for now I don't have the power to keep my life if there's really a nexus event going on out there.

Gods are roaming the land so involving myself in a nexus event at my current level where gods are included doesn't seems to be a good idea.

Knowing what type of entity I was surely these strings of fate, fortune, misfortune, karma and destiny would surely be drawn to me the moment I enter that city and that will be very troublesome.

The mystical strings that reflected before his eyes were the strings that represent fate, fortune, misfortune, karma and destiny.

His vision allows him to see through the workings of this concepts and other more things such as the nature of an individual, emotions, what's in their mind and their intentions.

He can also freely see the natural and unnatural energies moving around in the surroundings.

This is not a skill or magic that he gained or developed but a natural innate trait of his since birth the moment of his birth back in Gaia.

This innate trait is what allowed him to see what awaited his Empire back in Gaia the moment he left the throne to the revolutionary army.

By spending a considerable amount of mental force and soul force he is able to do many things such as peeking at the possible future fate has to offer, seeking for the more fortune related event where he could benefit the most, probably avoid misfortune, puppeteer a destiny, and see through one's karmic value.

A overpowered ability…

However, it isn't omnipotent and omniscient, the workings of concepts were mostly unreadable and unpredictable.

There's a chance that the future he saw about his empire would change instead of falling it would instead rise.

There's a chance that he wouldn't die facing the Heavenly True Dragon and he would ascend into a higher realm of life.

The laws and concepts of existence are unpredictable no matter if you are a god or a mortal no one have the capability to freely.

Kai looks in the opposite direction of the city.

There he also saw some big strings of concepts.

This nexus event doesn't seem that simple if multiple strings of concepts are intertwining all around spreading all around the land.

I guess avoiding the natural order is not really possible.

Let's see where should I go…

For now going to that city that's clearly the center of this nexus event is a no go.

There are some big strings of concepts at that direction.

He pointed to the north east.


There's no avoiding this, my curiosity is almost like a unrestrained instinct.

I can't help but try and get to know things.

Then I'll be going east at least there I am able to avoid direct contact with the city while also getting to know why there are huge strings of concepts present in that place.

Let's see what fate has to offer me.

The moment Kai decided to head to the east a huge golden string attached itself onto him.

Seeing this he couldn't help but develop a weary smile and shook his head expecting something like this to happened the moment he move out of the forest.

In a dark hall where a throne that resembles an altar a certain god opened his eyes a frown developing on his face after perceiving something great from the simple action of Kai going to the north east of Orario just to satisfy his curiosity.

Ouranos has white hair and blue eyes. He wears a white robe with a black hooded cloak.

Ouranos follows the philosophy of ruling but not governing, while being the undeniable administrator of the Guild he left the matters of the Guild to someone else.

/He was one of the first Gods to descend from heaven./

"Is something the matter Ouranus?"

A hooded figure in the corner made an appearance and asked.

He is Fels the mysterious mage that is affiliated with Ouranos one of the few people acting behind the scenes in Orario.

He works directly under orders of Ouranos, although he would always act on his own if necessity comes.

The same as Ouranus wears black robe but covers his face, making it impossible to tell their gender or any other features.

But behind that enigmatic appearance is nothing but a bag of black skeletons.

/He is more than 800+ years old yet still at level 4./

"This is the second time I've felt it, first it was a month and a half ago, now it was triggered again…"

Ouranus said.

"I can't get what you were pointing out can you elaborate?"

Ouranus shook his head denying Fel's request which surprised the latter greatly.

"For a mortal even for you the specifics is something that cannot be disclosed easily."

/Things that affect the natural order of things such as concepts of fate cannot be disclosed easily./

"I understand…"

Fel's just nodded returning back to the shadows.

Ouranus looked at the ceiling his gaze bypassing the ceiling and he shook his head a dejected look on his old face.