
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 22: Taste of Darkness

Chapter 22: Taste of Darkness

After suffering five or six blows in a row, Chris felt that all of his internal organs had moved! Although he can recover instantly after every injury, he is not immune to the pain he suffers!

After being chopped up again and again, Chris felt like he was being tortured! Since he had recovered immediately after suffering the pain, his consciousness had not had time to become blurred due to the injury, and he could only continue to hurt with a clear mind...

What a joke!!!!! This bitch - Are you sick?! Are you serious? Are you aware of what you are doing? You even have time to heal the goblins!!!

Chris never expected that Linsha's field of life would heal the enemy! At this time, he suddenly vaguely remembered the series of strange behaviors that the two men had done a few days ago… when he was acting with Lin Te and Keck.

If they saw goblins, those two uncles would definitely quickly kill them before Linsha even noticed! Then, when fighting against the goblin shaman, the two men kept the shaman stuck ten meters away from Linsha, which was the effective range of Field of Life.

Linsha's field of life would cover a circular area with a radius of less than 10 meters centered around her. If Lin Te and Keke had not deliberately closed the distance and Linsha had shouted from behind not to kill, the goblin shaman would have been killed long ago! Chris also remembered that he once made sarcastic remarks to the two uncles, mocking them for rushing forward to kill the goblins so quickly, as if they couldn't kill the goblins if they were slower...

Now, Chris has finally understood these two uncles. As long as you dare to enter Linsha's treatment range, you will be treated regardless of whether you are an enemy or a friend!

When Chris was cut into pieces, Linsha finally spoke and said loudly, "This... Mr. Goblin! Didn't you realize that no matter how you cut Master Chris, he wouldn't get hurt?"


Hearing Linsha's words, Chris spit out blood from his mouth. If it were not for the blood drainage function built into the helmet, he would have choked to death on his own blood. Chris then stared intensely at Linsha. At this moment, he truly felt the intent to kill Linsha for the first time...

I was not hurt. Good thing no one was hurt! I'm so sorry it hurts like this; it's not an injury!!

Hearing Linsha's words, the goblin showed a cheerful expression, then said, "I realized that! So what?"

"And if Mr. Chris attacks you, you won't be harmed! So in this case, fighting between you two is meaningless!"

In response, Linsha quickly persuaded, "In that case, why don't we end this senseless battle? Then there will be no loss of life..."

"I think it's very interesting!"

However, while the goblin warrior was smiling, he used the scythe to push Chris two or three meters deep into the stone wall, then turned to Linsha and smiled evilly, "A target that keeps hitting back is like a toy that won't break no matter how you cut it, that kind of really interesting stuff!"

"This... how can this be done?"

After hearing the goblin warrior's words, Linsha immediately became worried! She couldn't understand the goblin warrior's harsh words and immediately shouted loudly, "This doesn't make sense! Even if your body isn't hurt, your soul will be tired…"

"Yes, you reminded me."

Therefore, the goblin warrior said logically, "You talk too much, and I feel a little tired from cutting, so as long as I defeat you, no one will be able to heal him!"

The goblin warrior picked up the scythe in his hand and charged directly towards Linsha!


When the scythe fell, Linsha was sliced several meters away! It's just that she wasn't split in half with a knife, but most of her bones were simply shattered…

"Let's see how long you can last."

Swinging the scythe in his hand, the goblin warrior deliberately used the twisted part of the scythe to cut because the leader had personally ordered Linsha to be captured alive!

Although I don't know how the goblin leader knew about this little girl, of course, the goblin warrior must obey the leader's orders. So he planned to use the twisted knife to cut Linsha's body over and over again until she finally suffered a mental breakdown from the pain!

Even if Linsha's body was able to heal itself, the pain could not be compensated. From the fact that Linsha cried in pain after being hit by the fireball, the goblin warrior could tell that this little girl was definitely not able to bear the pain. She also said that the soul will get tired, and if it endures excessive pain, the soul will inevitably collapse. After she collapses, no one will heal Chris anymore...

Painful... painful... painful...

Linsha slowly got up from the ground, held the staff with both hands, and continued to cough up blood. The goblin warrior did not give her a chance to breathe and struck Linsha's stomach with another knife, cutting her several meters away.


At this moment, the violent impact once again shattered Linsha's internal organs, and heartbreaking pain spread throughout her body. Linsha screamed and collapsed to the ground. The pain made her vision blurry for a while, then she recovered on her own and returned to normal.

It was just that Linsha's body had memorized the intense pain caused by the goblin. For a moment, her emotions and thoughts became chaotic due to the pain, and then... strange thoughts began to appear in her brain!

It hurts... It hurts... It hurts... I hate it... just an inferior creature... dares to make me suffer like this...

I will kill you! I will definitely kill you! I will break his body into pieces! I'll tear you apart and feed you to the pigs.

In an instant, Linsha's pale golden eyes flashed with purple light. However, the next second, she woke up. Linsha opened her mouth in disbelief, unable to believe that those thoughts had just appeared in her heart...

How could it be? How do I have wrong thoughts like murder? Obviously, I just need to hold on until this goblin is mentally exhausted from cutting me off. Obviously, as long as I do this, there will be no sacrifice, no lives lost...

[This kind of creature deserves to be kept alive?]

However, at this moment, a cold, feminine voice suddenly appeared in Linsha's mind. This voice was very familiar to Linsha; wasn't this her voice?


But what Linsha didn't know was that the voice that was identical to hers was actually coming from Yaming, who was a parasite in her body. Since she was mentally unstable due to the pain, Yaming's control over her increased.

Finally - I can start giving you a taste of the dark!

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