
Reincarnation of Balance

This story is about Balance, the former God of Balance. He has been living the life of a normal human for the past 18 years. He describes his life as dogsh*t and wishes to cause some chaos in this too peaceful world. Like his wish was heard by the gods, the world fell into chaos. Having an exceptional power as a former god, he is unstoppable... Or is he? ... 'Ah it's time...' The 'man' saw a light, the light became bigger and bigger. And at last he reached the light. Right after that sounded a loud baby cry. 'I'm crying? I haven't cried in who knows how long...' ''It's a boy! Congratulations!'' ' Unfamiliar language? Impossible, The reincarnation seed couldn't have gone so far. Even us gods couldn't find anything out there...' A slight smile appeared on the face of the baby. ''Ahh look! He is smiling, can I have him now?'' ... 18 years later. Balance was out of options, his life was sh*t. Being the reincarnation of the God of Balance, this world was too peaceful for him. He wanted to create some chaos instead of working in this sh*t hole. ''There is no other way around, I wi-'' [The world has now entered the apocalyptic era] PS: Cover is not mine

Kyliantheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Starting the Investigation

''hahah... damn''

He spoke his thoughts. These skills greatly increased Balance's battle power and overall stats.

He felt like he could easily defeat SSS+ Ranks and maybe even low X-Ranks.

This further increased his Fighting Spirit. That made Balance even stronger.

But suddenly a loud alarm went off.

Balance was confused at first. But suddenly all the doors began to close.

He was instantly locked inside this department room. But Balance didn't worry, he only needed to use [Space Manipulation] to escape the scene.

But to his surprise, an [Anti-Magic Field] was created. He couldn't use [Space Manipulation].

Still, Balance wasn't worried.

He released some God Force to form a dome around himself. This dome was instantly filled with 'mana'.

He used [Space Manipulation] to teleport to his room.

Just as Balance thought his mission was a success. He found there was a person inside his room.

But because Balance was still shrouded in God Force mixed with the {Shadow Element}, the person couldn't see or sense Balance arriving in his room.

Balance used [Eyes of Balance].

The person inside his room was a S+ Rank. He hit the age of 43.

Seeing the person in his room just staring at a wall, Balance almost wanted to laugh but he held it in.

But actually, Balance was quite conflicted on what to do. If he took out this person, the person who sent him would make Balance a thread to the school. This wasn't what Balance wanted.

So, Balance didn't see another way. He removed his God Force and made himself visible to the person sitting inside his room.


The man that sat inside Balance's room, his name was Cerulle.

He was sent because someone decided to leave his room after 9 PM.

He already decided to beat this person into a pulp when he came back.

Cerulle was the type of guy who thought he was extremely mysterious and cool. Sitting in the dark, awaiting the person who would be beaten into a bloody mess.

Just as Cerulle thought of himself as 'really cool' and 'Mysterious', the person who he has been waiting for suddenly appeared.

''h-huh? w-what?''

On the outside he looked only a bit stunned and scared. But on the inside, he almost had a heart attack.

He looked at the person who broke the rule. And he was quite surprised.

He heard from the dean that there was a promising talent joining the Rising Star School, but the person was placed in the Prison Faction due to breaking the laws.

The person in front of him matched the appearance of the promising talent.

''A-Ah, it's you. The promising talent, huh.'' Cerulle said while still recovering from his internal shock.

''Sigh... not only do you break laws, you also break rules'' Cerulle said.

''Why are you in my room?'' Balance calmly asked.

Cerulle froze for a second, he was here to beat him into a pulp. But he wasn't allowed to beat promising talents into a pulp.

''Ah yes, I am here to tell you not to do it anymore. I-i will take my leave now.'' Cerulle awkwardly answered.

Cerulle walked towards the wall. But instead of making a hole or suddenly disappearing like Hayze did, he walked straight through it.

Balance was speechless, he pitied Cerulle. He could feel how awkward the situation was.


Cerulle walked into his room.

He jumped onto his bed.

'F*ck, that was the most awkward sh*t I've ever experienced'

After this, he started cursing himself to first investigate what person he needed to pay a visit.


The next day, 5 AM

A car arrived in front of a super large mansion.

The door of the mansion opened.

The person who opened the door had a heroic suit on. This was of course Hero Alexander.

''Goodmorning Hero Alexander!'' The driver said with excitement.

''Morning'' Alexander replied while still being a bit sleepy.

Alexander got in the car.

The driver started the car and drove to the headquarters of Rising Star City.


Alexander arrived at a certain part of the headquarters.

Seeing Alexander arrive, Commander Brack and other assistants instantly became excited and happy.

Alexander's team was already here.

This team was a team of 5 people, Alexander included.

Seeing everyone gathered, Commander Brack started explaining his plan.

''Yesterday, we detected insanely high {Space Elemental} fluctuations in the Northern Continent. These Space Fluctuations have reached up to SSS Rank levels. This means their must have at least been a SSS Rank entity present. Alexander, I want you and your team to investigate this disturbance.

We ask you just to investigate this. Don't do anything reckless''

The team members showed some surprised expressions before quickly recovering. They had fought many strong beings, including SSS Ranks Monsters. But never had they fought a SSS Rank Entity who used the {Space Element}.

Alexander's face was impassive.

Seeing Alexander not showing any emotions, the team members calmed a little down.

Alexander looked at his team members, seeing their determined looks, Alexander showed a slight smile.

''We are ready, Commander Brack''