
Reincarnation of Balance

This story is about Balance, the former God of Balance. He has been living the life of a normal human for the past 18 years. He describes his life as dogsh*t and wishes to cause some chaos in this too peaceful world. Like his wish was heard by the gods, the world fell into chaos. Having an exceptional power as a former god, he is unstoppable... Or is he? ... 'Ah it's time...' The 'man' saw a light, the light became bigger and bigger. And at last he reached the light. Right after that sounded a loud baby cry. 'I'm crying? I haven't cried in who knows how long...' ''It's a boy! Congratulations!'' ' Unfamiliar language? Impossible, The reincarnation seed couldn't have gone so far. Even us gods couldn't find anything out there...' A slight smile appeared on the face of the baby. ''Ahh look! He is smiling, can I have him now?'' ... 18 years later. Balance was out of options, his life was sh*t. Being the reincarnation of the God of Balance, this world was too peaceful for him. He wanted to create some chaos instead of working in this sh*t hole. ''There is no other way around, I wi-'' [The world has now entered the apocalyptic era] PS: Cover is not mine

Kyliantheman · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Hayze's Interview

''Who are you? Where did you come from? And why are you misusing your powers?''


''Balance, Northern Continent, Didn't know the laws'' Balance gave a short answer.

The boy's eyes squinted, he seemed very suspicious.

''Hah, as if I would believe that. Everyone knows that the northern continent is inhabitable.'' The boy obviously didn't believe a single word Balance spouted.

''It's the truth'' Balance shrugged.

''Hmph, as if I would believe your nonsense. Come with me, we will verify if your saying the truth or not'' The boy grabbed Balance by the shoulder, trying to pull him into the shadows.

But the boy was surprised that Balance didn't even budge. His grip tightened and he put more strength into his arm. But Balance still didn't budge.

''You could have just asked'' Balance had a wry smile on his face.

The boy's eyes shrunk a bit out of fear. But he quickly recovered.

''J-just jump into the shadow already'' the boy demanded while being a little embarrassed and scared.

Balance jumped into the shadow. While he was at it, he released a little God Force to absorb the shadow element.

God Force's potential was increased by 0,05%.


Balance and the boy arrived at a large room with all sorts of equipment.

''This is the equipment room, only A Ranks and above can come in here. There is a certain special device that can detect lies in here.'' The boy said while looking around the room.

The boy began his search for the lie detector.

10 minutes later...

Equipment was all over the ground, and finally the boy exclaimed.

''I've finally found it. This is the lie detector, an Epic Grade Item.''

Balance inspected the 'Epic Grade Item'.

He was quite interested with all these rankings, he would investigate it later.

The boy watched Balance's impassive face. The boy suddenly felt very irritated.

''Don't try anything funny okay? We will begin the test''

Balance didn't understand why the boy was so cautious of him, not that it mattered.

''Boy, what is your name?'' Balance asked, he began to get tired of calling him boy.

''Tell me one reason why I should tell you my name?'' The boy asked in annoyance.

''I told you my name, what is yours?'' Balance asked still impassive.

''Sigh... My name is Hayze. But don't try anything funny, alright?'' The boy answered.

Balance grew used to the over cautious character of 'Hayze'.


An hour later, the lie detector was finally ready to use.

Balance looked at Hayze's embarrassed face.

Hayze had been aggressively struggling to activate the Lie Detector for an hour.

Balance had been staring for an hour at Hayze's struggles which made Hayze very embarrassed.

''D-don't try anything funny okay?! If you laugh you die!'' Hayze almost screamed.

Seeing Balance's impassive face, Hayze calmed down a little.

Balance didn't laugh, but he was quite amused by Hayze's character. Although he was 16, he acted like a 13 year old spoiled kid.

The two sat down opposite to each other.

The Lie Detector was in between the two on the table.

''Okay, now don't try anything funny and answer the questions truthfully. Not that you can lie about it ha ha ha'' Hayze sneered.

Balance ignored Hayze's remark.

''Ask your questions'' Balance went straight to the point.

''Okay, Who are you?''


The lie detector shone green.

''Where did you come from?''

''Northern continent''

Green light shone again.

''You really came from the northern continent huh'' Hayze exclaimed a little surprised.

''Last question, why are you misusing your powers?''

''Didn't know the laws'' Balance answered truthfully.

Seeing the lie detector shine a green light, Hayze sighed.

''An extra question. Are you from any kind of evil organisation, like a spy send from the northern continent? Or do you have any relationships with monsters from the northern continent?'' Hayze's asked this question with squinted eyes.

''No'' Balance answered.

The light shone green yet again.

Hayze breathed a sigh of relieve.

''Congratulations on passing the Lie detector test'' Hayze said while clapping his hands.

''I will report this to the dean. We will go from there.'' Hayze said with a slight smile.

Hayze used [Shadow Manipulation] and disappeared.

Balance's eyes twitched a bit. Was he being left behind by this kid?

'Maybe he will come back?' Balance pondered.


After 3 hours, Balance was sure Hayze wasn't coming back.