
Reincarnation of Balance

This story is about Balance, the former God of Balance. He has been living the life of a normal human for the past 18 years. He describes his life as dogsh*t and wishes to cause some chaos in this too peaceful world. Like his wish was heard by the gods, the world fell into chaos. Having an exceptional power as a former god, he is unstoppable... Or is he? ... 'Ah it's time...' The 'man' saw a light, the light became bigger and bigger. And at last he reached the light. Right after that sounded a loud baby cry. 'I'm crying? I haven't cried in who knows how long...' ''It's a boy! Congratulations!'' ' Unfamiliar language? Impossible, The reincarnation seed couldn't have gone so far. Even us gods couldn't find anything out there...' A slight smile appeared on the face of the baby. ''Ahh look! He is smiling, can I have him now?'' ... 18 years later. Balance was out of options, his life was sh*t. Being the reincarnation of the God of Balance, this world was too peaceful for him. He wanted to create some chaos instead of working in this sh*t hole. ''There is no other way around, I wi-'' [The world has now entered the apocalyptic era] PS: Cover is not mine

Kyliantheman · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Bully the Bully

The four watched Balance walking down the huge staircase.

A creepy smile surfaced on their faces.


Balance already noticed the four young men watching him.

Yes, the four creepy guys were young.

Rising Star School wasn't called a school for nothing. This school groomed young talents with ages from 12 to 20.

Using [Eyes of Balance], Balance knew that these guys were 17 years old. Although they looked like 60 year old creeps.


Balance walked to a random empty table, he didn't like crowds. Talking wasn't of importance, what matters to Balance the most was fighting and gathering information.

Just as Balance wanted to sit down, his chair was pulled away.

Balance saw this coming, he just sat in mid-air. Like sitting on an invisible chair.

''Tch'' One of the 4 young men exclaimed while walking by Balance's table.

The young man walked further away until he approached a group.

''He doesn't seem to be an easy one, what should we do?'' One of the 4 asked nervously.

''Tsk, don't be so nervous dimwit. Let's see how he will react to this!'' The one in the back said.

He grabbed an empty can, and threw it with C+ rank strength at Balance.

''C-calm down Jameal'' the thin looking guy at the left said anxiously at the guy named 'Jameal' with a hoodie.

The can flew at high speeds towards Balance. Three of the four punks looked at Balance anxiously, hoping not to critically injure him. This would expand their stay in the 'Prison Faction'.

The can arrived at Balance's head, but what everyone would have seen coming didn't happen.

''Hah?'' Jameal said with some disbelief.

The can that was supposed to hit Balance head, just disappeared out of nowhere.

''Did you see what ha-'' Before the fat punk could talk any further, a can hit his head.

The fat punk, who looked very heavy. Was thrown 5 meters back by just a can.

The three other punks looked at the fat guy, after a couple seconds they looked back at Balance with wide eyes.

Balance was just sitting, as if nothing happened. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at the fat man who lay unconscious on the ground with shocked expressions.

The three punks felt a suffocating pressure descending on them. They could hardly breath. One of them fell directly to the ground and started begging Balance.

''We're sorry! No... I'm sorry! It was them! Yes it was them!'' The thin guy pointed at Jameal and the other dude.

Balance stood up and headed towards the group of 3.

''Ah n-no no no nonono, don't come closer! Stay away! The one on the ground begged.

The others looked at Balance while backing away slowly until they hit a wall.

Balance came closer and closer while the guy on the ground started crying louder and louder.

But Balance beating the 3 punks into a pulp never happened, Balance simply walked by the 3. As if they never existed in the first place.

Jameal sighed a breath of relieve. He looked at the unconscious thin dude on the ground. Then he looked at his right, the other punk pissed his pants while embarrassingly walking away.

''Tch'' Jameal also began to walk in a different direction.


Balance sat down on his small bed.

He had a calm face on the outside, but on the inside he was very confused.

He saw the can being thrown at him, but what surprised him was that the can just disappeared out of nowhere. He wasn't the one who made the can disappear.

Balance already knew what happened, the can disappeared using telekinesis.

But that wasn't what confused him. What confused Balance was that the 4 punks were so scared of him that they suddenly started begging him to show mercy.

Balance's thoughts were interrupted by a person suddenly appearing inside his room using [Shadow Manipulation].

''Well well well, If it isn't the famous B+ Rank. I heard you were placed into 'Prison Faction' for violating the laws. Now, why would such a talented person like you be violating the laws, huh?''

A young boy around the age of 16 suddenly appeared inside Balance's room.

''Why would a person like you suddenly appear inside my room? Are you crazy?'' Balance calmly asked.

The boy with pitch black hair looked at Balance as if he was an insect.

''Just so you know, I'm not as tempered as the old man. So you better watch your words'' The boy said with a pressuring aura.

Balance wasn't affected by the aura, but he was quite surprised. [Eyes of Balance] showed that the boy was already an A Rank at the age of 16 years old.

'Impressive' Balance thought.

A normal person would be smashed into the ground by the pressure the 16 year old boy released. But Balance was a SS+ Rank, this was like a gentle breeze passing by.

Seeing his aura not work, the boy's eyes widened a bit but recovered in less than a second.

''Don't try anything funny, I'm an A Rank. If you do not answer by question there will be consequences.'' The boy said while looking down at Balance.

''Ask away'' Balance answered.

Seeing Balance not trying anything, the boy nodded.

''Who are you? Where did you come from? And why are you misusing your powers?''