
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Deltune's Birthday


The Months

1. Zerach [End of Ash] [33 Days]

2. Jopha [Start of Blossom] [33 Days]

3. Zabar [33 Days]

4. Gielaph [End of Blossom] [34 Days]

5. Kiriel [Start of Sorrel] [Current Month: Day 31/33]

6. Ariel [33 Days]

7. Zielaph [End of Sorrel] [34 Days]

8. Ufael [Start of Ash] [34 Days]

9. Rielah [33 Days]

The Days

1. Camue [Start of New Week]

2. Adrah

3. Zadkir

4. Manael

5. Gadraf

6. Jundail

7. Jeha [5/31/AE795]

8. Achiel [End of Week]



Th next couple of chapters will contain content that some viewers might not find suitable! Implied nudity and sexual relations are mentioned. Petting takes place several times throughout this chapter. Recommended Age Restriction of 18+.



Time flowed on, ceaseless and unending. Before they knew it, thirteen days had passed since the ladies returned. Thirteen days since they had received their rings from Sona. They wore them everyday and everywhere, removing them only when necessary. There was only two days left before their Sorrel break ended.

[The Night Before]

Sona decided he was going to take a bath before crawling in bed with the ladies. It had been a long day of training and Sona was exhausted. "Since Subaru's return, my training has nearly doubled. I hope she doesn't blame me for Junichi's injuries. Maybe she doesn't, but because of that, she wants to help me. Ow." Sona complained as his muscles ached.

"Do you have room for one more in there, my son?" A deep, gruff voice echoed from above.

"Arzotz...?" Sona looked up and chuckled softly. "A God of your caliber wishes to mingle with a mortal?" Sona joked. "I could never refuse you, Pops."

"Well, my daughter has chosen to mingle with you, what's so wrong if her father wants to, as well?" Arzotz retorted as he floated down into the hot springs. "Pops? Hahahaha. I seem to like you more and more with each meeting, young one."

"I can't argue with that logic." Sona shrugged and smiled up at the God. "Arzotz, listen, I'm sorry I didn't come to you first. I should have gotten your blessing before giving Deltune her ring. I actually probably should have gotten the blessings from all the ladies guardians or whatever they have."

"My child, that is not necessary. You had my blessing the day she chose to reincarnate with you. I've seen her watching you for years. She's always been drawn to the aura of your soul. It burns so beautifully. You have a gift Sona, and a kind heart. I know you would never mistreat my darling daughter. As for the other ladies, they all chose you, as well. Blessings may be nice, but in this day and age, they aren't required. If you truly love those women, then nobody's opinion should sway your heart from its path." Arzotz explained.

"As wise as ever, Arzotz." Sona sighed softly and looked up at his father in law. "I hope I don't let you or them down. I've been growing stronger. That day...I could have easily lost Junichi. I won't go through that again. I refuse." Sona clenched his hand tightly. "Eslios will pay. I won't let him destroy this world that my women call home."

"You haven't let me down yet, and I know you won't ever. You love this world, your friends, and those women to much to allow that to happen. Be strong, my Champion. Believe in your strength and in those who trust you, and your power and heart will never waiver." Arzotz smiled softly at the young man beside him.

"Thank you, Pops." Sona sighed and leaned back against the side of the springs. "I'm guessing you didn't come here just to give me a pep talk?"

"Hahaha. Pops, huh? I could grow use to that." Arzotz bellowed loudly. He leaned back and stared up at the half moon. "No, I came for two reasons, actually. First, you've heard the story of the God Slayer and how he possessed a weapon that could cut heaven's divinity, correct?"

"Yeah, we've covered that in school. A weapon able to kill Gods and Heavenly creatures. Mortals could never hope to kill anything protected by divinity without a tool that could harm them. What about it?" Sona eyed the God curiously.

"Well, I learned how he was able to kill the First God. He came into possession of a magical blade, Astral Tyrant. I'm still at a loss as to how and where he obtained this weapon, or even what his goal was after he killed the First God. Nothing about his actions made sense to me. What was his goal? I couldn't hazard a guess. The reason I mentioned this is because, we found out what happened to the weapon." Arzotz looked at Sona.

"I've been at a loss, too. Searching for records and documents from eight hundred years ago has been a slow process. I'm with you. What was his purpose? Why kill a God?" Sona pondered these thoughts over until Arzotz mentioned he found the weapon. "Seriously? I can use that to beat Eslios. What happened to it?"

"I'm not entirely sure how this even came to pass, but the weapon, Astral Tyrant, was broken and scattered over the three continents. A piece of the weapon has somehow come into your Headmaster's possession. Hawthorn has the handle. The rest were splintered. There are two pieces on each of the three continents. The Farlesian Deadlands, Ayes, and Trowan. You must find these fragments and restore the blade if you wish to have any hope of destroying Eslios." Arzotz instructed.

"No way. But, how can I reach the other continents? It would take months to sail there!" Sona shouted. "And more importantly, how do I find the pieces of the blade? Where am I supposed to look?"

"Relax, my young champion. You already have the means to travel to the other continents with ease. Baenthor. With him, you can cross the seas. A trip that would take three months by boat, would only require three days on the back of a dragon." Arzotz grinned. "As for how." He gently placed his massive hand on Sona's head. A small aura of light radiated from his hand and slowly traveled into Sona's mind. "There. I've imparted you with a mental compass. It will point you in the general direction. The closer you grow to a fragment, the stronger you will feel its location."

"Right, Baenthor." Sona smiled. 'We are supposed to meet him tomorrow evening for the first time.' He looked up as a massive hand grabbed his head. "Just the general direction? You can't just give me the exact location?" Sona questioned when everything was done.

"I cannot, young one. I am bound by certain rules the same as any other. There is only so much help I can bestow without over stepping my bounds. I have the utmost faith in you, though." Arzotz smiled softly. "My second reason for being here. Did you know that tomorrow is Deltune's birthday?"

"I understand, Pops." Sona nodded. 'Though I don't agree.' He looked up when Arzotz mentioned tomorrow. "No, she hasn't told me. I don't think she was going to, either."

"Well I'm glad I mentioned it. Take her out on a date tomorrow. As a request from one man to another. It would make her day, I just know it. Can you do that?" Arzotz petitioned.

"As if you even needed to ask. Of course I will!" Sona shouted matter of factly. "I would do anything to see her smile. She is my woman and I'll do whatever it takes for her happiness."

"Good. Then I'll leave her in your very capable hands." Arzotz laughed heartily before taking his leave.

[The Next Morning]

Sona awoke to the sound of soft breathing. He looked around and smiled warmly. 'It's good to have them back.' He looked around at the eight sleeping beauties who surrounded him. "It was...so lonely without you ladies." He whispered softly. 'Okay. Now...how to get out of this entanglement of arms and bodies without waking anyone...'

"Mmm...Sona...?" A sleepy feminine voice reached his ears. "Go back to sleep, my foolish student. It's still early." Saphira whispered softly in his ear.

"Master..." Sona blushed when he felt her breathe against his ear. "I know. I have a full day, though. I need to train, then shower before I take Deltune out for her birthday. We have to meet Baenthor near the end of the day, too. I can't skip my training, even if it's only one day and everything hurts."

"I understand, my love." Saphira caressed his cheek with the back of her hand. "Then allow me to accompany you. I wish to see how much my disciple has progressed in nearly three months."

"Saphira..." Sona grabbed her hand and held it to his cheek. "I could never deny you anything." He whispered and brought her hand around to his lips. He planted a gentle kiss on her palm and smiled warmly.

"Hehe. My, my. You've become quite accustomed to showing affection lately." Saphira giggled innocently. "Well, let's get out of here then."

After several minutes and varying degrees of success, the two managed to slip, slide, and crawl out of the bed without disturbing the others.

Sona and Saphira grabbed some clothes and headed for the dorms exit. They both changed clothes back to back with a verbal agreement to not peek.

"We already all sleep together, Sona. We've bathed together, as well. So what's wrong with watching your fiancé change?" Saphira tormented her young student with a smile.

"While that may be, until I graduate, you are still my Teacher. There are some lines even I won't cross, Saphira." Sona retorted as he slipped his shirt over his head.

"Oh, boo. You're no fun." Saphira teased. "Though, I can't say I don't mind the wait. It'll make it that much more meaningful when the day finally comes." She giggled innocently as a blush graced her face. 'The day I make you mine forever.'

"Such a pervert." Sona teased as he pulled on his shorts and boots. "Well, I'm ready whenever you are."

"Master. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Junichi's voice echoed down the stairs as a yawn escaped his lips. His toothbrush was in his mouth and he went back to brushing.

"I'm heading out to train. Deltune's birthday is today so I wanna spend as much time with her as I can. Plus, we have to meet Baenthor today, remember? So I wanted to knock my training out early." Sona informed his familiar.

"Ah, glad to see you haven't forsaken your training. After we meet Baenthor, I have a surprise for you and the ladies, my Master." Junichi took his toothbrush from his mouth and pointed it at Sona. "You will take a break tomorrow, Master. To much training can do more harm then good." He slowly walked back upstairs to finish brushing his teeth.

"A surprise?" Saphira looked to her young student.

"Arzotz only knows with him, baby." Sona ran his hand backwards through his hair. 'Oh...' The realization just dawned on him what he called his Teacher and a blush formed on his cheeks.

"Baby...? Oh, Sona." Saphira walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You know just what to say." She continued as she rubbed her cheek against his. 'He's getting so much bolder.' She mentally giggled to herself.

"I suppose being around you all is changing me. Whether that's a good thing or not his to be determined." Sona looked over at Saphira's left hand and smiled softly. "You really love it?" He asked and gently grabbed her left hand and stared down at the ring on her ring finger.

"I guess time will tell." Saphira blushed when she caught Sona staring at her hand. "Of course I do, love. It's a precious gift from you. One that conveys your deepest feelings and your future intentions. I'll wear it and cherish it always." She placed her palm flat his and laced their fingers together. "You and only you were the only man in this world who could tame the storm that lurks inside my heart." She continued as she clutched her chest above her heart. "And you alone are the only one who I would trust with this heart of mine, my foolish student." She leaned in close and proceeded to share a passionate kiss with her young lover.

"Saphira..." Sona smiled softly and his face lit up from such a passionate kiss. He closed his eyes and pushed back as the two of them shared an intense and heated moment. "I promise you, that trust won't be misplaced, Master...no, I mean Saphira." He spoke when their kiss ended. He blushed softly as he rubbed his nose against hers gently.

"It better not. I would hate to have to eat you, sweetie." Saphira teased and giggled when he rubbed their noses together. "A woman could get use to this kind of treatment. Come on, Sona. We're burning oil here. Let's go see what you've learned. I want you to show me that Level 11 Incantation you've created."

"Right." Sona smiled as he maintained his hold on her hand. The two walked in blissful silence until they arrived at the training ground he had created almost three months ago.

Sona left her side and started to channel his mana as he began his Incantation.

Saphira stood on the sidelines and watched in awe as he chanted.

"....What I seek is the Heavenly Fire! Divine Ignatius." Sona shouted as he completed the Incantation. Flames leaped from Sona's body and danced around him. The image of a massive red dragon formed from the flames and flowed around Sona's body. As it slowly circled the young red head, a Heavenly light started to flow from his body and feed Ignatius. The flames started to change color and went from a fiery red, to a golden glow with hints of red. "Go Forth and Burn!" He pointed straight up into the sky. The Dragon's head reared back as it let out a deafening roar before surging upward to the sky. Sona dropped to one knee and grinned. "There. That was for you, Saphira." He looked back at her and grinned ear to ear.

"You have exceeded my expectations and then some, my young student. Look at you now. When you first cast both of those spells they completely drained you, and one even put you into Over Limit, and yet here you are now, conscious and alert." She made her way towards him, smiling the whole time.

"You're right. It seems my connection to my Mana is growing stronger." Sona looked down at his hands with a smile. "I can do this. I can save this world. For everyone."

"And you won't have to do it alone, my sweet, foolish student." Saphira crouched behind him and buried her face into his back. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she pressed herself closer to him. "I...no. We will be beside you every step of the way." She held her hand in front of his face and the ring caught the light of the sun. "After all, you have a promise and a role to fulfill when the world is safe."

"Saphira..." Sona blushed from the actions of his affectionate Master. "You are right." He gently grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. He planted a gentle kiss on her fingers. "A role and a promise I am all to happy to fulfill." He pressed her hand to his cheek. "With you, with them beside me, we can change this world and start a new Era of peace that Osgilith has never seen before."

"Hehe. If you didn't have eight lovers you would be quite popular among the ladies, but I regret to inform you that, now that we have rings, we won't welcome anymore outsiders. Even for your lustful ways, eight should be more then enough." Saphira grinned into his back.

"You act as if I had a choice in the matter, Saphira, but, I can't deny that I'm not happy to have you eight beautiful ladies at my side. Do you think..." He turned around to look at Saphira with a soft smile.

"What, my love?" Saphira met his gaze as her eyes shifted from a bright yellow to a dark and loving blue.

"That I'll be able to have the last restraints removed to access the full depths of my power?" Sona smiled warmly. 'When she looks at me with those eyes...I just want her. All for my self. I know it's selfish, but I...'

"Soon, child. Give me a few more months. The last restraints are what hold back about forty percent of my remaining Mana within you. If I remove those to early, it could permanently break your connection to your Mana. You would lose everything and no longer would you be able to become a mage. Now your life isn't on the line, but your livelihood. We would still love you, regardless, but you have a duty to this world first. I won't be the reason you can't save us. Do you understand?" Saphira explained why the last seals had to remain. 'His eyes...they almost pierce my soul. He can see everything I have laid bare with those eyes.'

"I understand. Then..." Sona placed his hand on her cheek. "I won't force the issue. Under your tutelage, the time will come. Right, Master?" He leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers. "Please don't leave me, Saphira. My heart couldn't bear the thought of losing you or any of them. I love you, now and forever."

"Yes, just have some patience. You will soon reveal to the world that you truly are the greatest mage to ever exist. I believe that with all my heart." Saphira closed her eyes when their foreheads met. "I could never leave you, silly. They could never leave you. Our fate and our lives are now intertwined. I love you, as well." She ran her fingers through his hair. "Come on, you need to wash up for your date. I expect to be the next woman up for that pleasure, my love."

The two ended their time together and returned home. They washed up and bathed together as they spoke of the state of the world and their plans for the future. He explained what Arzotz had told him, specifically of the fragments of the Astral Tyrant. When everything was said and done, Deltune was waiting at the front door, dressed in her best attire. A long, flowing blue dress that perfectly complimented her hair.

"Wow..." Sona had fallen behind Deltune and she had beat him to the door. He descended the stairs, all the while never taking his eyes off her. "You look..absolutely divine, Del." He scratched his cheek shyly. "Pardon the pun, but I mean it, you really look beautiful in that dress."

"Hehe. Well, soak it in." Deltune spun in a circle several times, the bottom of her dress fluttered upwards with her movement. "If you stare so much, though, I'll get a little self conscious." She placed one hand on her cheek and swayed side to side. "You have all our lives to stare."

The dress hugged her body and revealed her various womanly assets. 'Wow...' Sona's face lit up as he reached her side. He looked down and smiled softly. "That ring really suits you." He grabbed her hand gently and brought it to his lips. He planted a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

"Oh, Sona. Such flattery." Deltune blushed as he pressed his lips against the back of her hand. "Of course it does. You really outdid yourself, babe. I'll wear this everywhere and never take it off." She smiled warmly at her lover. "I have to know, though. How did you know it was my birthday? I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it. That's why I wasn't worried about telling you." She scratched her cheek shyly with her free hand.

"Babe? Hehe. I think I like that one." Sona blushed as the two of them started walking to the Academy. "Seriously, you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you ladies love them so and want to wear them." He laced their fingers together as they walked. "Why wouldn't you want me to know, at least? As your future husband, shouldn't I be privy to that information?"

"Hehe. I'll...call you that more often then. Of course we love them. You put so much effort into your proposal and I'm sure a lot of money. I'll show the whole world if I must." Deltune blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Well, true, but it's not that big a deal. I'm only turning one hundred and ninety five today." She squeezed his hand gently. "You still haven't answered my question."

"Hehe. The whole world, huh? I'd certainly die of embarrassment. It still feels like this isn't real." Sona rubbed the back of his head with his free hand. "Well, it's still your birthday, whether your 195 or 400. I'll celebrate every year that day comes, because..." He gently swung Deltune around and into his chest. "That's the day that means the most to me. You've done so much for me, Del. You gave me a new life, a chance at redemption, and a blissful and happy future. I owe you more then I could ever repay." He leaned in close and gently kissed her red painted lips.

"You can't die. You have a future to plan with us." Deltune giggled and let out a squeel of delight as Sona brought her into his chest. "Babe, we're still at school." She blushed at his words. "You are to kind, Sona. That's what I love most about you. You put everyone's happiness and wellbeing above your own." Her face turned as red as her lipstick when Sona pushed his lips against hers. 'I can't believe...how happy you make me. Even though I must share you, you don't treat us any differently. I love you. Now and until the end of time.' She looped her arms around his neck as they shared a gentle kiss for several minutes. "You owe me nothing, Hero." She joked and chuckled softly once the kiss ended. She traced his lips with her fingers. "My father said something to you, didn't he?"

"Why should it matter if we're at school? Weren't you just talking about showing the whole world if you must?" Sona joked and smiled softly as her fingers traced his lips. "Hero? Oh, don't you start now, too." He retorted and gently kissed her finger. "Perhaps. I was hurt to find out that you didn't tell me, Del. Please, don't keep secrets from me. I want you...to always be as open and thoughtful as you are right now. There is no need for secrecy with me. Can you promise?"

"You know, sometimes you can just be so unreasonable." Deltune giggled softly when he kissed her fingers. "Well, what do you expect? Three months into your studies and already you're setting records. First student to cast a level 10 Incantation on Day One of training, created a Level 11 Incantation, and managed to complete a five star bounty request. What other title would suit you better then Hero?" Her face turned into a frown and she buried her face into his chest. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean it like that. I just..I don't know. I really didn't think it mattered. It seems that it mattered to you, though. I'm sorry I hurt you, even though it wasn't my intention." She grabbed his shirt and held on tight. "I'll promise you anything, just don't leave me, Sona. I want you, now and forever. If you died or left me, it would kill me inside, so whatever I have to promise you, I'll do it. Just please don't leave me."

"Del..." Sona wrapped her in his arms and held her tightly against his chest. "Hero, Lover, Husband. Call me whatever you like, just please don't cry. It's your birthday, I didn't mean to upset you. I should have waited to speak my mind until tomorrow." When she clenched his shirt and started sobbing softly, Sona started to run his fingers through her hair. "What kind of sane man would leave such a loving and devoted woman like you? I feel for you, Del, I love you. More then I thought I could ever love another person. I still don't feel worthy of this life, but..." He put his fingers under her chin and gently lifted her gaze to meet his own. "I'll prove that I am worthy of your feelings. I'll show you just what happens when you put your trust in me. My love for you has only grown since we met, and it continues to grow stronger with each passing day. Del, you are mine, now and until the end of time. Not even death could stop my love for you, but just know, I won't die. I promise you. I'll swear it, whatever it takes. Just love me as you always have, and support as you've always done. So, please..." He took the sleeve of his shirt and gently dried her eyes. "Show me that beautiful smile, the one I fell in love with."

"No, Sona. Don't apologize for speaking your mind. Be open with me like you've asked me to do. I don't want to keep any secrets from you, and I never will again." Her eyes were watery as his fingers landed under her chin and he turned her gaze to meet his own. "You wouldn't be a sane man to leave someone like that, but I know you would never do that. You are already worthy of my heart, you big idiot." Her blush only deepened when he spoke of his love for her. "Sona..." She sighed happily. "That's true, I am yours, and nobody else will ever get this heart of mine. It will always be yours, my love. I love you, more then I thought was possible. I never expected my feelings would be requited like this, but my life is yours. I want you and only you." When he gently dried her eyes, Deltune couldn't help but kiss him once more.

"Del..." Sona smiled softly at her as he gazed into her eyes lovingly. "Please trust me more, baby. I will never let you fall, unless you are falling deeper in love with me. Then, I would let you plummet to the very depths of my soul. I guess you are right, though, I am a big dumb idiot. I still have a lot to learn about a young maiden's heart." When her lips met his once more, Sona felt heat rise in his body. 'Del, I want you. I know I shouldn't, but I do, I know we're still young so please, let me reign in these desires of mine.' He gently pulled back from the kiss.

"You have such a way with words, but.." Deltune tucked another strand of hair behind her ear. "I would plummet to the depths of your soul and bury myself there. You will never be rid of me then." She smiled softly as she stared at his lips. 'I want more. I want you to accept all that I am. It should be wrong to long for a man in this way, but I can't help it. I want you, Sona.' She bit her bottom lip nervously. "Was I...being to forward?"

"The words may be sweet, but they are spoken from my heart, Del." Sona gently grabbed her wrist and pressed her hand to his heart. "My heart races for you, my love. You do this to me. It's a feeling I honestly enjoy." He caressed her cheek gently with the back of his free hand. "No, but if we kiss anymore, I'm afraid I'd lose my self control and carry you back to bed." Sona looked away shyly. "Is it wrong to think such things?"

"You..." Deltune sighed softly. "You don't play fair sometimes." Her eyes went wide when he spoke those last few words. "C-Carry me...back to...bed..." She nearly fainted in his arms. "No, it's not wrong...because..." She squeezed his arms tightly. "Part of me really wants that. I ache for your touch, Sona. I know you want to wait, but sometimes those thoughts overwhelm me. It's like an urge I can't control, or a scratch I can't reach. I thought I was above such lewd behavior, but being with you, those thoughts arise like clockwork. I want to wait for at least another year, but..."

"Del..." Sona's eyes went wide enough to almost pop out of his skull. 'I...' Sona pressed his forehead against hers once more. "If you speak such things, I will indeed lose control, but I understand wanting to wait. If...that were to happen, and by some force of Arzotz you get...ya know? I wouldn't want to...bring a child into this world when my own future is filled with so much uncertainty. I know that...there are ways to prevent that, but Del..." Sona's mind was racing. For the first time since coming to this new world, his mind was at a loss. "I'll defer to you. I trust your judgment more then my own right now. Plus, it is your birthday...Gods, I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just rambling at this point."

'A child...?' Deltune's heart was almost ready to give out. 'We could...have a child. I wouldn't mind, if it was with him.' Her mind had gone to lewd places once he mentioned ways to prevent her from becoming pregnant. "Sona...shh." She put her fingers to his lips. "I think...I wouldn't mind. If you're okay with it, we could...tonight, after our meeting with Baenthor." Deltune's face got even darker. 'What am I saying, and why am I still talking? It's because I really want this...' She paused for a second. "So, um. Come to...my room...later..."

"Del..." Sona swallowed hard. 'I...I want this...' His heart was pounding so loud he thought for sure Deltune would hear it. "O-okay...wow...this is...not how I saw our date going..." Sona chuckled nervously.

"Hehe. Me, either, but if it's you...I wouldn't mind." Deltune cupped her face in both her hands and giggled bashfully. "Oh, what am I saying? You probably think I'm weird now."

"Del, you aren't making this any easier. My poor heart might just give out." Sona blushed and rubbed the top of his head frantically. "If it's you, I wouldn't mind either." He gently poked her nose. "That thought has never once crossed my mind."

"Then..." Deltune leaned her face in close. "I'll expect you in my room tonight. After we meet with Baenthor." She giggled softly when he poked her nose. "No, I guess you haven't. Well, come on. Where are you taking me?" Deltune wrapped her arms around Sona's right arm and leaned into him. 'Tonight...we will...' Her face lit up once more. 'Oh, Sona. I'm so nervous and anxious, but I'm also...happy...'

"I'll be there..." Sona's heart still hadn't calmed itself. 'Tonight...oh, Gods, I think I might die before then...' He clutched his chest and sighed softly as Deltune wrapped herself around his arm. "Well, I was thinking Drasphia, but now...I'm thinking we go somewhere else."

"I'll be expecting you." Deltune's gaze had dropped to the ground as they walked arm in arm. "Did you think of something else?" She continued to gaze at the ground as steam started to spew from the top of her head. 'Oh, Gods. The more I think about, the hotter my body gets.'

"Yeah. I was up late last night researching places that would be romantic. I came across this one place that I think sounds fun." Sona replied as he tried not to give away to much information.

"You did all that...for me?" Deltune turned her attention back to her red headed lover. "Where are we going? Now I'm curious."

"I would do anything to see you smile, Del. I would travel to the edge of this world and slay every God and Demon that stood in my way if it meant you would smile." Sona spoke sweetly and then put a finger to his lips. "That's my secret. It's a surprise."

"You..." Deltune sighed and blushed. "What am I going to do with you, Sona?" She questioned rhetorically and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Okay, I'll be patient."

They eventually reached the Gate room and Claire was sitting at her desk, same as every other day. "Oh, hey Mister Hero. Off on a date? Who's this now? I swear every time we meet you have a different girl clinging to you. You aren't perhaps stringing these beautiful women...along..." Her voice trailed off when she noticed the ring on Deltune's left hand. "Oh, my. You're the man that has the whole campus talking about a playboy. I didn't connect two and two until now. Wow. I'm sorry." She placed her hand against her forehead. "Well, congratulations." She whispered and pointed at Deltune's ring. "That looks expensive. I hope he treats you well."

"Yeah, this is the infamous Playboy." Deltune sighed and chuckled softly. "He treats us very well, though, so I can't harbor a grudge."

"You guys..." Sona whined and scratched the back of his head. "Claire. I wanna go here." He quickly wrote down his destination as he hid the paper from Deltune's prying eyes and slid the paper to her.

"Ah, wow. Are you guys going on your honeymoon? Well, I wish you the best. That'll be twelve silver." Claire smiled and took Sona's payment. "Have fun you two."

"Seriously, where are you taking me?" Deltune tried to get a look through the Gate portal.

"Ah, ah!" Sona jumped behind her and quickly covered her eyes. "No peeking. I'll guide you to the portal." He kept her eyes closed as he led her carefully through the Gate.

The Academy once more disappeared around them and was quickly replaced by the sound of many voices and running water. The area was hot and steam hung heavy in the air. The sky above them was replaced by a rock and mineral ceiling.

"Okay. You can look." Sona uncovered her eyes and stepped around in front of her. "Welcome, to Yopford, The City under the Mountain." Sona extended his arms outward to encompass the city.

"Oh, wow. Sona..." Deltune covered her mouth with her hands. "This place is so lively and beautiful. It's really hot, though. I wish I would have known ahead of time so I could wear something cooler."

"Well, that's another reason we are here. We can pick you out a cute bathing suit to wear and...I..." Sona scratched his cheek shyly with one finger. "I could help you...pick out a cute one."

"Oh, so you just wanted a chance to check out most of my bare skin before tonight. Now who's being impatient?" Deltune teased and stuck her tongue out at him.

"It wasn't like that...this is just, something I've always wanted to try." Sona rushed to explain himself.

"I'm only teasing, babe. I don't mind, because it's you." Deltune grabbed his hand. "Come on, let's go find a bikini shop!"

"O-oh, okay." Sona blushed slightly as the two set off on their date. Along the way, Sona couldn't help but eye the dwarves as they passed. 'I've only seen Master Kilmug, but I didn't know Dwarfs would be this hard to tell apart.'

After asking a local for directions, the two lovers finally found the shop they had been trying to find. "Wow..." Deltune gasped as they walked through the shop, eyeing the racks upon racks of designer bikinis. "So...pick out a few, and I'll...try them on for you. Don't pick anything weird or I'll hate you." She teased him some more.

"Oh, right, of course." Sona blushed as he walked off to scan the racks on his own.

'Now, I just need to find one in secret. I want one that I can surprise him with later.' Deltune thought to herself as she scanned the racks on her own.

[Ten Minutes Later]

Sona's face was cherry red by the time he returned. He was carrying three sets of bikinis in his hand as he made his way to Deltune's side. "I found some, and I hope to the Gods I got the right sizes because that was embarrassing." He smiled warmly and handed Deltune the three he picked out.

Deltune was caught by surprise when Sona walked up behind her. She quickly hid something behind her back and blushed as Sona handed her his three choices. "Oh, okay. Then...go sit down and I'll...try them on for you."

The two walked over to the dressing room where some nearby chairs awaited them. "No peeking." Deltune grinned and flicked his forehead gently.

She dipped inside the open dressing room and looked through Sona's selections. "Oh, wow. Well, at least he has an eye for fashion." She blushed softly. 'Two of these are so revealing, and the other is a one piece.' She thought aloud. 'The one piece is even more skimpy then both two pieces. That man...' She giggled softly as she began to strip.

Sona sat nervously outside the dressing room as he waited for Deltune, growing even more anxious the longer she took.

After a few minutes, Deltune poked her head through the curtain. "I don't know if...I'm courageous enough to show this one..."

"Come on, Del. It can't be that bad." Sona smiled at her.

"Fiiinnee. But just because it's you asking." Deltune hesitated before walking out slowly. She had tried on the purple one piece first and walked forward so Sona could get a better look.

"Oh...wow..." Sona's nose started to bleed a little bit. "Hubba hubba. That looks sexy on you."

The deep purple one piece was open down the middle all the way down to her belly button. It revealed a lot of her midriff while separating her breasts to either side. "I...I...Oh, you did this on purpose." Deltune pouted and stomped her foot on the ground.

"Maybe, but it doesn't change the fact that you totally rock that look." Sona smiled softly. "It really suits you. It brings out your more feminine physique."

"We...well, if you like it..." Deltune tucked a strand of hair behind her head. "Okay. I'm ready to be out of this one. I think this will only be worn when we're alone." She stepped shyly back inside to try on the other two he picked out for her.

The next one was a two piece with a light blue, push up top that laced in the back and a black bottom that was tied on both sides. "Wow. This one I like." She walked out once more and showed off her body to Sona.

"Oh, that looks nice. A very mature look. The light blue really compliments your fair skin." Sona critiqued as he observed her body. "I like it. Now let's see the last one, love."

"Patience, baby. Patience." Deltune retorted and walked back inside. 'I'm showing so much skin...but tonight...' She bit down on her finger gently and smiled. She grabbed his last choice and looked it over. 'Hm. Black isn't really my color, but I'll try anyway.'

She walked out in the last one. It was midnight black in color and was decorated with a multi colored nebula design all around it. "Well..." She gave a small spin. "It isn't really my color."

"I think it still looks good, but if you don't like that one, we can just pick one of the other two." Sona admitted. 'Though my favorite is probably that one piece. It definitely showed off her curves.'

"Well, if you think it looks good." Deltune placed a hand on her cheek. "So, my love, which one suits me more?"

"They all looked really good on you. Each one added certain charms to your appearance. Though if I'm being honest, I really liked the one piece you tried on first." Sona scratched his cheek shyly.

"I figured you would." Deltune chuckled softly. "Okay, I'll go put that one back on." She blushed and walked back inside to change once more. "Here love, put these back, please?" She held out the other swimsuits for Sona.

"Alright." Sona walked over and grabbed the two she held out of the changing room. He gently took them from her and walked to the counter. 'I'll just buy all of them.' He placed the two up on the counter.

"Just these today?" An old dwarf woman asked as she walked to the counter.

"No, my girl will be wearing one out. It's that one on the wall there." Sona pointed to the one piece.

"Oh, you've got a good eye. That's our highest selling item. So, three swimsuits comes out to ten gold." She tallied up his total.

"Here you go." Sona slid the money across the counter.

"Thank you kindly. Enjoy your purchase." She bagged up the swimsuits and passed the bag to him.

"Sona!" Deltune rushed to his side and threw her arms around him, her chest pressed into his arm. "Why did you buy all three? You didn't have to do that." She kissed his cheek gently.

"Of course I did. It's your birthday, after all. I wanna spoil you every so often. Is that so wrong?" Sona smiled and looked down at her beautiful body.

"You've got a good one, missy. Wrap him in your arms tight and never let go. You don't find men like him every day." The Dwarven female bellowed loudly.

"You're right. You won't." Deltune blushed as the two left the shop. She carried a small bag with her dress and her own secret purchase. "Well, shall we hit up some of those famous mineral springs?" She suggested.

"Sure. They have one that's like a river that you can float around in as you soak." Sona replied.

"That sounds fun. But what about you? Don't you need a swimsuit?" Deltune looked him up and down. He was in some rather nice dress up clothes.

"I've got mine on underneath. We can leave our clothes in a basket before we enter." Sona smiled softly at the blue haired Goddess.

"Oh, wise guy. I could have done the same." Deltune gently nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. "Well, lead the way." She latched onto him again as they made their way to the building.

"Hehe. But then we wouldn't have had your little mini fashion show." Sona retorted. "Here." They walked inside the building as a young male dwarf sat behind the counter with a newspaper.

"Price is twenty five silver per head. Drop your payment in the bowel. Men to the right and women to left." He explained without ever looking up from the paper.

"Alright." Sona dropped fifty silver into the pot and the two parted ways for a moment. Sona pulled off his clothes and revealed a bare chest and black swim trunks. He dropped his things and Deltune's gifts into a nearby empty tray and walked out the back to the river. Deltune was already outside waiting for him.

"They've got tubes we can float on." Deltune pointed down at the pier. "Would you...like to share one?"

"Yeah...that doesn't sound so bad..." Sona grabbed her hand as they started to walk down the pier. They grabbed the nearest one and Sona laid down on the tube first. "Well, come here, love." He held his arms out towards her.

"Okay.." Deltune crawled into his arms and laid her head on his chest. Once she was comfy, Sona used his foot to kick them away from the pier. The rivers gentle current started to carry them away. "Wow..." She closed her eyes as she snuggled into his chest.

"Yeah..." Sona's feet dangled off the side and were soaking in the hot mineral water. He leaned back and closed his eyes as the two floated around in silence. "I really needed this. This month has just been so crazy."

"Thank you, baby. I'm glad daddy told you about my birthday. It's only started, but I'm having so much fun." Deltune gently rubbed his chest with her hands. "Relax, Sona. Enjoy today. As long as I'm with you, my birthday will be a good one."

"You are to kind. Haha. Del, that tickles." Sona gently grabbed her wrists and held her palms against his chest. "You're really having fun?"

"Hehe. Everyday with you is fun, Sona. I've never been happier, but thank you, for spending all your time with me on this special day." Deltune gently kissed his bare chest.

"Ah, stop. Not there." Sona blushed and bit his bottom lip.

"Oh? Did I find something sensitive?" Deltune grinned mischievously and kissed his chest a few more times.

"Hey, come on." Sona gently grabbed her chin. "Now who's not playing fair."

"Doesn't your world have a saying, paybacks a bitch?" Deltune giggled softly and blushed as Sona grabbed her chin. "Sona..." Her lips ached for his touch.

"Ah, ah." Sona put a finger to her lips. "You wanna be mean? I can play that game, too." He grinned as they continued to float around the river.

"Fine." Deltune pouted and folded her arms across her chest. She sat up and put her back to him as she dipped her feet into the water.

"Don't be like that." Sona gently ran his fingers up her back.

"Mm." Deltune shivered at his touch and closed her eyes. "You can't just let me be mad at you for one minute?" She sighed.

"Of course not." Sona sat up in the tube and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Don't be mad on your birthday. I'll do whatever you want until midnight. How's that?" He kissed the back of her neck gently.

"Ah, s-stop..." A small moan escaped Deltune's lips as he kissed her exposed neck. "Anything?" She started breathing heavily as he continued to kiss around her neck. 'Ah, he's being so attentive. Not missing a single spot.' She bit down on her finger. "Wait until tonight...baby..."

"Yes, anything you want." Sona whispered in her ear softly. "Will you stop being mad at me?" He paused his torment for the moment and tightened his grip around her waist.

"Y-yeah...I will..." Deltune moved her hands down and placed them on his. "Just...don't do that...here..." She blushed a deep red. 'He's found a weakness for me, too. Oh, Gods. He's going to torment me more now.'

"Oh, not here? Then I'll wait until tonight." Sona grinned and gently bit down on her earlobe.

"Ahh." Deltune covered her mouth as a soft squeel escaped her lips. "S-Sona...what are you...ah.." She let out another small moan. "What's gotten into you today?" Her breathing became more unsteady. 'He's...being so attentive to my body's wants and desires...'

"I just want to...satisfy you.." Sona whispered softly. "Am I getting a little to bold?" He blushed softly. 'She's enjoying this, despite her protests.'

"S...satisfy me...?" Deltune's heart started pounding loudly against her chest. "A little...but...I don't really want you to stop. Even though, we're in such a...public place..." She leaned back into his chest. "Just a...few more seconds. Then you have to stop. Okay?" She closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side, baring her neck to him.

"Okay." Sona smiled softly and went back to kissing up and down her neck. Her soft moans only caused him to pay more attention to the parts he had already kissed.

"Mm. Ah...there..." Deltune softly moaned some more as she placed her hand on the back of his head and grabbed a fistful of his hair. 'This is...making me so hot...but...'

Sona smiled when she grabbed hold of his hair and kissed her neck a few more times before he pulled himself away. "Sorry. I got a little carried away." Sona's breathing was a little heavy.

"I..enjoyed that..more then I thought..I would..." Deltune kept her eyes closed and maintained her grip on his hair. 'Should I...look at him?' Her chest was heaving slightly.

"Same." Sona laid back down and pulled Deltune with him, her back pressed against his chest. "Wow..."

"Sona...is it wrong...that I still..want you to continue..?" Deltune finally opened her eyes and looked behind her at him.

"I don't..think so...It's a natural response.." Sona smiled softly and locked eyes with her.

"How did you get to be such a romantic?" Deltune caressed his cheek gently with her hand. 'He was responding to what my body wanted...so well. Like he'd..done it many times...'

"I'm just an...avid reader. That's all I've done since I came to this world. I can read most books in a short span of time, and retain almost every single bit of information. And, yeah, maybe a couple of them...weren't exactly on the Academy curriculum..." Sona blushed and closed his eyes as she caressed his cheek. "I just wanted to..make sure I was prepared.." He admitted honestly.

"Hehe. You did all that...for us?" Deltune smiled softly as she watched him enjoy her hand brushing across his cheek.

"I would do anything...for you ladies." Sona sighed softly as they continued to float around the river. "I could easily nap right here, just like this."

"Just nap...?" Deltune rolled onto her stomach and laid her head on his chest again.

"Well, we could...keep...making out?" Sona grinned as he stared down at Deltune.

"Oh, you." Deltune gently hit his chest with a balled up fist. "And yet...I wouldn't mind if we did..."

"Hehe. Del..." Sona reached down and started to twirl her hair around his finger.

"Sona..." Deltune leaned up and started to kiss his neck a few times.

"Mmm...Del..." A few moans escaped Sona's lips as he tilted his head to the side. "I guess it's my turn...?" He asked rhetorically and closed his eyes.

"It's only fair...right?" Deltune retorted as she bit down on his shoulder.

"Ss...ah...I suppose..." Sona gasped and moaned as she started biting and kissing his neck and shoulders. "Mmm...Deltune..."

Deltune's face had long since stopped turning red, until he softly moaned her name. "Oh...Hehe...Moaning my name, are you?" She teased and nuzzled her face into his neck. "My heart is pounding so violently. I feel like it might explode at any moment."

"I feel the same. After we reach the pier one more time, let's try out some of their other attractions." Sona tried to bring his breathing under control, but it was more difficult then he realized.

"Mm, yeah, let's see what else they have." Deltune nodded in agreement. "What else do they have here, Mr. Tour Guide?" Her face was still nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

"Well, they have a hydrogen infused bath. The bath is filled with hydrogen bubbles that sooth and have skin rejuvenating abilities. I know we're a little young to worry about that, but it still sounds fun to try." Sona suggested.

"Oh, that sounds wonderful. We won't have to separate, will we?" Deltune looked up at him.

"I'm not sure. Most attractions they say are coed. I guess Dwarfs aren't as concerned with coed activities as much as other races, so I don't see why we couldn't stay together." Sona shrugged. "If not, we can find something else that let's us stay together. I did say I'd do anything you wanted until midnight."

Well, this chapter got long, and definitely a little hot around the collar. Hope you guys enjoy it!

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