
Reincarnation in Yu Yu hakosho

The journey of a guy through a world of spirits and ghost trying to become the strongest and enjoy his life,let’s see if his involvement in this world will change anything

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8 Chs

Waking up

POV: Daisuke

My eyelashes shuttered as I tried to open my eyes slowly opening my eyes I found my self still in the forest as the sun was slowly coming up indicating a new day has started.

I was unconscious for a few hours it seems my body is hurting and itching like hell my injuries are slowly healing passively but my demonic energy is so low right now so it's effect isn't that great.

I checked my body and well what can I say I look terrible a blue and purple right arm wounds all around my body the only clothes remaining were the jeans wich now have become short.

That fight was intense I nearly lost my life but at the same time the adrenaline the danger made it enjoyable yeah I know I might sound crazy saying that but go fight with someone nearly your equal in strength with your life on the line and you will see.

I tried to slowly stand up using a stick from the ground as support I made my way to the crater that the explosion caused.

No my sword where is it I tried to search around but didn't find it oh come on such a waste it was quite a sharp sword.

After taking another look around the place I decided to leave before someone came over and saw all of this I don't want to be a suspect for something I can't explain.

So with that said I took my leave.



1 Week later

It's been a week since my confrontation with the demon my injuries have healed completly

After the fight I realised that I shouldn't take things for granted and think that everything will go my way there are monsters that can wipe me away with just one hit.

I should strive to improve my strength and become more powerful but I also need to increase my battle experience fight with different type of opponents and different weapon wielders.

Plus the feeling of fighting is really addictive I might become a battle junky.

Do I really need a reason to fight? Not really I simply enjoy fighting putting my life on the line I crave power and would love to measure that power against my opponents.

My goal is simple but yet difficult to achieve and that is to become the strongest.

My fight with him was a wake up call for me.

Just because he wasn't a character shown in the show I subconsciously thought that he was weak.

But if my technique didn't work I would be dead.

Anyways now that my injuries are healed I should continue with my plan of going around the world fighting people and training while also trying to learn different techniques.

But I would prefer to hide my identity so people don't come bother me all the time so for that I am going to need a few items wich I can purchase easly.

Lets check my status and see what has changed.


[Status Window]

Name: Daisuke

Age: 13

Rank: D-class (upper)

Strength: D (upper)

Agility: D (mid)

Durability: D (upper)

Energy: C (low)

Abilities: Demonic Enhancment, Fire manipulation, Rasengan(incomplete)

Remark: Average Demon,but you have the potential for better.

My stats have grown a lot since last time and it seems my durability increased in a sub rank because of the fight.

As I already mentioned it's really hard to increase your stats with the normal training, so I will have to come up with something new some new and harder methods and fighting to the side hopefully when I am back I would be at least a mid C-class demon.

Only time will tell if I will be successful with my plan.

For now let's order the items needed and take a rest after all after tomorrow I will be busy with a lot of things.

After doing what I needed like bath eating and changing clothes I threw my self on the bed ready to sleep while listening to the TV about a strange explosion on the back forest.

My eyes got heavy as sleep slowly overtook me taking me to the land of dreams.


Without anyone noticing the strings of fate seem to change as the known future slowly becoming blurred as the balance seems to shift on unpredictable ways.

Only the future will tell what happens from now on.