
Reincarnation in One Piece: The Adventure of Ian Louis! [COMPLETE!]

This story is about Ian Louis, a normal young person who had plenty of money on him, as a result of a successful company he raised from scratch. He used his money wisely making it grow and even donated regularly to charities and orphanages, remembering his own past. He had grown up parentless and was lucky enough to fall in love with a girl and ask her hand in marriage. The girl shared the same feelings as him and they even had many similarities, including love for anime, novels, and manga. Sadly for the two of them, they died in an unfortunate accident before they had gotten married. Among the various animes, the two of them had been avid lovers of One piece and always fantasized about what it would be like to live in that world. Now with a twist of fate, that wish would be fulfilled. ..................... {This is a reincarnation story in the world of one piece. the mc will be extremely overpowered, and to a certain extent, this can be considered a wish-fulfilment story.} (I'm told the fun part of my story starts around the 'water seven' arc which is in chapter 18, so please read until then first before judging the story) Also, the mc won't join the straw hats and would have his own crew. so ignore the comments where I had said he will join, as at the time I was still undecided. ..................... For advanced chapters ahead of the release schedule, head out to my Patreon page! -www.patreon.com/CrazyGuest ..................... Discord: https://discord.gg/a2KkGghPDZ ..................... Disclaimer 1: I do not own one piece. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. Note: The cover photo was drawn by a friend of mine at my request. ..................... This is my second time writing a story and the first time writing fanfiction, and English is not my first language, but if you have any suggestions for me on where to take the story then please leave them in the comments or reviews. This is an AU of one piece. ****(There will be sexual content at some point in the future) so this novel would be only for those [+18]****

CrazyGuest · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

-Devil child 'Nico Robin'

Ian mostly wanted to go to Alabasta so that he can see Robin and ask her to join. You can't blame the guy, as he was always one of her fans and admirers.

But there was also a reason to find out if there was any strong beasts in here unlike shown in the anime or manga. It was possible as the manga could not cover every inch of this world.

Take the Bananawani for example. Who are giant crocodiles with banana-shaped growths on their heads. They are so fierce that they even prey on Sea Kings and are to date the Sea Kings only known natural predator. But Sanji easily beat them. And their size as shown so far would not let them be able to compete with even the smallest of sea kings. But they are named as such, therefore he guessed that there must some of them that are big enough to prey on the sea kings.

Which is why his next destination was, after meeting robin, to explore the Sandora River. The most likely place for the bigger beasts to be.

Since a week had past, and Ian was already adapted to his new strength, he could already undergo the process once again. However, he will wait before going through the process again using the island eater's bloodline.

Not until he set sail at the least. At any rate his stay in Alabasta would not even be for more than a day. There was literally nothing for him to do in a dying country. Even finding a companion here would be just a dream due to the country's state.


Ian has been flying for a while now, and he finally could see the city due to how high he was in the sky.

He stopped a bit away from it, then came walking, while wearing his cloak.

When he entered he went to a restaurant to eat something. Since this was the most prosperous city in here, it had things in stock even if the rest of the country is in a crisis.

After eating he went to the casino that crocodile runs. It was after all the only place he could see Robin in.

He played there, won some, lost some, until he was able to see her. Robin before the time skip was already 28, therefore certain assets of her were already at their peak or close to that. Unlike Nami who could still grow a lot at this time.

'Nico Robin, also known by her epithet 'Devil Child" and the 'Light of the Revolution", hmm even if the chance for her to join me on my journey is low, I could still ask.' Ian mused to himself as he admired her form.

Robin was one of the few characters he knew a lot about. But now that he could see her face to face he was absolutely amazed by her beauty. She is a tall and slender young woman with shoulder-length black hair and eyes that has dark, wide pupils and she also has a long, thin and defined nose. In the anime, Robin's skin tone is a slightly darker tan unlike in reality where he could see now that it is lighter.

She wore a revealing cowgirl outfit consisting of a purple cleavage-exposing corset and matching miniskirt, both with white ornaments hanging from them, and a white fur-lined coat paired with a white cowboy hat and white high-heeled boots. Ian thought that she must be fond of wearing revealing clothes just like a certain thief.

Since he was staring at her for a very long while Robin took notice of him and came to sit beside him.

"What is a handsome man like you doing in here, and also do you not know that staring at people is rude?" Robin said with a smile. He was a new face, as such she came to investigate a bit.

And Ian who got out of his dazed state when she spoke could tell her smile was fake.

Smiling in return he said.

"What do you expect me to do when I see such a beautiful girl like you in front of me? And I'm here just passing by waiting for my log pose to reset." Ian said with a smile that was genuine.

"Hoh what a charmer you are" she said while inside she was trying to figure out what a young man like him is doing here. After all she felt a different air about him then the rest of the people she has met so far. Like he was brimming with confidence.

Which was something Ian did without knowing.

"So tell me can we go to someplace more quiet to talk more?" Ian said.

Robin gained a cautious look in her eyes but still nodded yes, and got up with Ian following her.

She took him to small dining place she usually comes to.

It was almost empty except a few people here and there. They were served two glasses of tea, to which ian took a sip.

"So what did you want to talk about Mr.?" Robin said.

Ian who had finished looking around the place, using his observation Haki of course, turned to look at her and replied.

"My name is Ian Louis. You can call me Ian. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join me on my trip. Right now it is only me, but in the future it would be more" Ian said. And didn't bother asking her name as she will just say something fake.

"Mr. Louis I'm sorry to say but I can't join you as I have a prior commitment. Not to mention we have only just met you know" Robin said still with a smile on her face. But the cautious look in her eyes was still there.

"Call me Ian. And I would go straight to the point. I know who you are, and I want you to join me. I can protect you and even train you if you like. I am stronger than your current employer and though i do not know what is it he promised you i can do the same perhaps even faster" Ian said with as honest of a tone as he could manage. Though he knew what she was here for, he can't say that to her, as he wouldn't be able to explain how he knew.

'This guy… he is serious, but I don't sense anything from him…'Robin thought to herself, but then she felt an absolute sense of being powerless when she met Ian's eyes but she still replied in a shaky voice.

"I-I don't know what you mean by that Mr. Louis" Robin said.

'Please don't do anything, not when i'm this close to my goal...' She thought and started to panic before Ian spoke to her.

"Alright, suit yourself, but just to say my offer still stands in the future. And sorry for scaring you. It was just to prove that I can protect you and myself." Ian was truly sorry as he had released a bit of his conqueror's Haki on her to prove his power.

He then got up after leaving some money on the table and leaned to whisper to her.

"It was nice seeing you in person, Nico Robin. Also don't think too much I just wanted to ask for you to be my companion on my journey" Ian said in a voice only she would hear. She was able to detect a hint of sadness in the voice.

Then he went on his way to finish his business in Alabasta. The reason he didn't continue bothering her was that he sensed her emotions. they were going out of control possibly because all she worked for until now could be ruined by him if interfered with her.

Then it was that he had already expected it. After all she was here putting herself in danger all so that she can read the Poneglyph that is here in Alabasta. She couldn't put her trust in him while she was so close to her goal.

Meanwhile robin inside was entering into a panicked mode.

'H-he knows me… maybe he'll give my location to the marines… but I can't leave now especially since I'm already close…'

But she then calmed down due to how experienced and mature she had become.

'If he wanted to do anything like that he would have already done so… not to mention that the power I felt from him is even more than my current 'boss'… I couldn't even move… well I'll just wait and see what happens…' she took a last sip of her glass and then got up and left to return to her 'duties'.

well here is the second chapter today. hope you enjoy.

also if possible leave some reviews, just so that it can receive a rating.

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for any who would like to support me! the content will still be free it is only for the willing!

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