
Reincarnation in Naruto World : The Rise of a simple man

Unlike many other fan-fiction, Kayle only wishes for a slow and secure life in the Naruto world. Of course, Strength will be needed to protect his loved ones, follow his evolution and training to see how we will become one of the most powerful existences in the Naruto world

Goldeck · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Plan number 1

Yesterday's events gave me a lot to think about, I'm lacking in too many aspects and will have to spend quite some time training, I'm slightly excited as I may have a chance to learn the shadow clone Jutsu soon, which will help me train a lot more efficiently, but I still have to wait for Kakashi to find me himself, I hope he will have time for me.

I woke up two hours early today, as usual, did my routine training, and went to the Academy. the lesson was just as boring as usual... I guess we really aren't learning anything useful for at least the next two months.

At noon, I went to sit below a tree to enjoy my lunch with both Naruto and Shinji, as I saw Shikamaru and Choji not too far I decided it was time to finally start my plan.

Kayle: "By the way, I've been learning how to cook for quite some time now, I'm pretty sure I can blow your mind and stomach"

Shinji: "Wow! that sounds like a very interesting offer"

Naruto: "You know how to cook?! you should definitely treat us to a meal then!"

Kayle: "Well as long we get the ingredients I don't mind treating you guys"

Shinji: "Well it shouldn't be hard to get the ingredients, we can all contribute evenly"

Naruto: "Oh! definitely, I don't have much money but it should be enough for a few ingredients, we can also use my house if you guys want"

Kayle: "That's a good idea! this way we even can have a sleepover if needed and play until late"

Naruto: "By the way what do you plan to cook?"

Kayle: "I have quite a few recipes in my mind but I think we should try with the burgers"

Naruto: "Burgers? what is that"

Kayle: "hmm, it's a recipe I created, I used ground beef, transformed them into patty I then cook the meat in a pan with some oil but I make sure it remains juicy, once they are ready I put them between two special soft buns, add to some sauce, and a few tomatoes or some salade to add some freshness and you get a beautiful burger"

Choji: "That sounds delicious! I want to taste it too"

Naruto and Shinji look quite surprised as they didn't notice when Choji joined us while I had a satisfied grin as the fish took the bait, well, to tell the truth, it seems the bait worked too well as Shikamaru has also joined in with his mouth-watering just as much as Naruto and Shinji.

With Naruto's friendliness, and his desire to make a lot of friends the two newcomers quickly integrated our group and the conversation only got more and more energetic. Even Shikamaru couldn't help but make a few sugestions, it seems he is quite a foodie too.

Kayle: "Well what is a burger without fries ?"

With one sentence I regained the attention of everyone,

Naruto, Choji, Shinji: "What are fries ?"

Kayle: "A S..E..C..R..E..T"

I had to spend the rest of the afternoon pause running for my life, I'm pretty sure running from them is more tiring than the training with Gaï, lucky for me I largely surpass them when it comes to body strength due to my training or else I would have ended up with more than the few bruises I got... a reminder to myself don't annoy this group too much.