
Reincarnation in BL but I am straight so I will take over the throne!

I, I have been reincarnated?! In a BL GAME?! hah! I am but straight..... So I will put on the fake facade as a nice, cute and perfect guy until the academy ends while polishing my skills. But wait a minute, I can't act nice all the time! It seems that the ambitious side character of the game isn't that useless. I am not talking about her death being a plot device in bad endings. But why is she acting so weird in front of the crown prince? Don't try bearing any feelings, he likes me anyways. Also, I should also take over the kingdom for fun! I mean, the king is a piece of trash so initiating a coup won't be so hard. And my dear friend is helping as well? How convenient! I am gonna make MLs become my slaves, to make them work to the bones in future obviously~ Story of pretending? and facade? to survive this damn world. (Ana: tell me about it.)

Lily_Heart_7316 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Last Day

Staying in hotel was no big deal now.... what was itching me was the fact about how the path to my misery will start from tomorrow. I even set up a flag with the Diego guy. I shouldn't have! As the day have been coming closer, I have been regretting my decisions!

I did another push up. It was about my 51st, I have been getting better physically, and as for the magic and all, I got no idea what to do but I have been meditating as recommended by Jhonas. He is so cool. He teaches me stuff sometime.

[Man am I getting bored!]

'You are huh?'

[Oh I know! Serb is going to be in this same hotel as you!]


[I CAN do that, I basically make this life a game and I am the system so obviously.]

'You damn box, ugly, invisible with weird font.'

[You really are testing my patience.]

It seems like later in life I have to get rid of it.


*Knock Knock*

"Alex! Come out!"

I walked toward my door while wiping my sweat with the towel as I put my shirt back on.


"What is it, Ana?"

"L- Lord S- Serb! He is exactly in the next room!"

"What a coincidence. A story to share at your hot guys fanclub I suppose." I said dissmisively as I opted to close the door, but she started to push it to open.

"Hey, its a big deal!" Ana said while pushing the door to open.

"Let's not test my patience right now" I tried closing my room's door.

"You were mean to me that night, remember? God I didn't wanted to use that." Fine, she won.

I suddenly stopped applying the pressure and Ana barged in, felling on me as she stood with her hands on my shoulder.

"God it would have been a romance scene if I was taller or you were shorter." I suddenly splurted out.

"True" She said. "But this isn't what I am here for!" She said in a high pitched chirpy voice.

"What do you possibly want from me?" I said as I moved away from her and walked toward my bed to sit on it. "Also, don't burst my ears with that chirp"

"Well my voice isn't THAT high pitched okay?" She walked in closing the door behind and stood in front of me. Her hand was on her waist.

"Uhh sure... Now cut the chase." I ordered with a glaring look. Something was definetly up.

"W- well I kind of want to meet Lord S- Serb..." She said in a sheepish voice.

"So meet him" I intruded without letting her finish.

"I can't! It doesn't work like that! He is a member of one of those top hierchy people! A magic tower's future mage! He won't even budge a eye at a viscount!" She walked closer and sat next to me. Her body was facing me and her eyes were almost shining.

"And what can I do?" I felt tired, like I wanted to collapse right there. Also, the only heir of the only mage tower of Orion is obviously gonna be spoon fed. Probably treated the same as Jake or something.

"But You! You are a marquess! You are known as the magical genius of Miller family! One of the 5 Marquess family from center of the kingdom!" She said it like she genuinely meant it.

[Thoughts: Dear friend, take the bait please! I am buttering you up so much! I want some connections hehe~]

This bitch. 

"There's no way-" My expressions were of disdain but they changed in a second "Sure then!" I spoke with a smile. "Let's meet him!" 

I stood up and pulled her off the bed by her arm. "Let's meet him friend" I smiled happily and walked with her toward the door.

"Uhh... "

[Thoughts: Is he sick or something? What do people call it again? Schiznophrenenia?]

"Schizophrenia" I mumbled




We went down at the bottom floor where the hotel's cafe was at. There he was, sitting with his lavish clothes and jewellery. He looked EXPENSIVE. Like he looked expensive, not his goods. With pale skin and long black hairs, longer than Ana's. Blood red eyes, they were darker than Jake's eyes. He was sipping some sort of tea which smelled normal. Many young ladies were eating their food too slowly, like they were looking at him and eyeing him up and down. Disgusting perverts. We walked toward him and Ana fixed her long blood red skirt andsmoothened her white long sleeve shirt. 

"Serabin Diques, heir of the mage tower. Its certainly pleasant to meet you here. I am-" 

"Alex Miller, I have heard about your phenomenal magic powers despite being of a Marquesses house, the one known for their strength." His voice was elegant and calm.

"I was certainly not aware that my name reached your ears." I said with an ass kissing smile, like I was a salesman.

"Have a seat, I suppose." His eyes were digging my skin. I was in trouble and I knew it.

Ana was going to sit but Serb motioned her not to.

"My Lady, I don't recognize you so I suppose you are not from upper nobility, Yes?"

"G- Greeting Lord Serabin Diques, I come from Viscount Leviza family" Ana was stunned and I could see it in her eyes. But she still tried looking poliet and courteous.

"Lord Serabin Diques-"

"Young Lord Alex, you can call me Serb" He turned his attention to me like she didn't mattered.

"Serb, she is my friend." It was making my blood boil a little, but I was in lower position than him so I couldn't say anything.

"Ah. I thought she was your lackey." His voice became one of disdain when he talked about her.

"Lord Serb, its a little disrespectful of you to talk to her like this." I tried controlling my voice from shaking in anger.

"My apologies Lady. But currently, we are not at the Riverine academy currently, where all the students would be equal." This man was discrimating openly with such elegance!

He sips his tea but continues looking at the statued figure of Ana whose hands were trembling slightly.

"You may join us but if I was you, it would have hurted my pride and I would have left immediately." He said with a polite smile.

"I may take my leave as well then-" I stood up to leave "Let's have this conversation when ALL of us become equal"

"I see. I hoped that we could have gotten closer. It good to know the lord of most influential Marquess family afterall."

Ana finally was back. "No." She said suddenly "I will leave and please Alex, you two have a conversation. Let's talk again when we become equal Lord Serabin Diques!" She said with a smile. 

"Ana-" I tried to resist but she looked at me dead serious in the eyes. 

"Please.... Alex" 

[Thoughts: If you become his friend, then indirectly I will know him as well! So Please! Its seriously Fine!]
