
Reincarnation: A New World

The First Paragon who had risen to the very limits of cultivation found herself facing the final heavenly tribulation before ascendency. In a vulnerable state, she was confronted by the only other pseudo-ascendant who could challenge her, the Demon Beast Emperor. Unable to bear the strain of the heavenly tribulation and the frontal attack from the Demon Beast Emperor she lost her life. The cultivation of billions of years which had brought her to the very limits of power wasted in mere moments of weakness. As she entered the Samsara cycle she recounted her memories. The struggles she faced when she was born into slavery. The struggle to earn her freedom. Her late start in cultivation. Her entrance into an immortal sect. The false friends who betrayed her. The death of her master. The memories flashed by at a blistering speed until she found herself once again viewing her death. Sadness struck her as she fully realized her error. She had done it all for nothing. Her soul began to blur and fade as the samsara cycle started to make her anew. Unwilling to admit defeat she fought against one of the very principles of the universe, rebirth. Her near almighty soul that she had slowly cultivated over eons fought with unending might. The samsara cycle unable to cycle the unyielding soul cast it out and sent it to the void outside the universe. The First Paragon found herself flung far past the bounds which she recognized as the known universe. Through an undeterminable amount of time, she eventually reached an entirely separate universe. Although fundamentally similar, also vastly different. Her hostless soul unwilling to fade eventually found a world teeming with life. In dire need of a host, she found the nearest being and forcefully occupied the lifeform. Once her soul settled into the new being she heard a distinct *Ding* in the back of her mind. *System Activated* Starting her journey in a new world. --------------------------- Forcefully reincarnated into a fantasy world with a system. Will the once pseudo-ascendant First Paragon be able to rise from her birth to new heights? A world filled with everything from sages to mages. Will she rise above all others? Will she be able to survive in a world with countless possibilities? In an environment where only the strongest are free, will she thrive or will she die?

Aardae · Urban
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52 Chs

Karthus & Malphus

In a dark a dingy secret room within Lucius' Mansion, Sev had commenced his 'new experiment'...

The room, large in nature, contained a myriad of complex, and simplistic tools. The tools lining the walls, attached to a metallic rack. Just below the rack lined with tools, a series of cauldrons and furnaces spanned the length of the wall. Each and every cauldron varying in size and material.

The two skeletons who had once been named Scraps and Brook, now lied lifeless and scattered on top of two large mysterious tables. The odd tables strongly resembling wood, yet pulsating in rhythm with a string of demonic runes, which ran across the entire length of the table.

"Oh my, oh my!" the giddy expression across Sev's face failing to hide his childlike excitement. Having long wanted to correct his mistake, finally having the opportunity brought endless joy to Sev.

While dancing to his own hummed tune, Sev wiggled his way around the dark room and towards the tools. After grabbing a large bronze maul, he wiggled his way back towards the two piles of bones.

With all his might, he heaved the bronze maul over his head and smashed down onto the bones. The bones immediately crumbling under the sheer force of the large bronze maul. The sight of disintegrating bones bringing an even larger smile to his face.

In a joyful ecstasy, Sev swung the bronze maul, again, and again, and again...


Great Mage Mirlie, dressed in a black robe, had begun her journey towards Retford. Each and every one of her steps holding a restrained urgency. Having enough experienced to pace herself in order to arrive at Retford in the most efficient and timely manner.

Not long after she started walking, she saw a series of large dug up graves. Simply on the side of the road, the graves held an impromptu appearance. Clearly having been dug quickly and excavated soon after. The dirt surrounding the graves still thin and loose.

"These goddamn monsters, they wouldn't even let the dead rest before rising them into undeath!" her fury against the undead flaring at the thought of undeath, "I swear I'll make them regret ever returning to this plane!"


Sev stood beside the now two piles of bone dust. Sweat gleaming from his brow. The complete mauling of the skeletons taking more out of him than he originally estimated.

'This frail old body of mine hasn't aged well...' The saddened smile of a wizened man regretfully stretched across his face.

'At least the physical part is over...'

Returning the maul onto the rack, Sev then grabbed a mortar and pestle which had been resting on top of one of the larger furnaces.

After collecting the ground up bones, Sev further ground them up with the assistance of the mortar and pestle. Refining the bone dust into a fine powder.

Pouring the bone powder into a mediocre sized gray cauldron. Sev poured three distinct pre-made potions. Each of the three potions containing their own sharp and bright colours.

The three potions only mixing once all three had been added into the cauldron. Quickly turning jet black, the darkened liquid began to emit a stench of death. The sickly-sweet odour, intoxicatingly familiar to an experienced black mage like Sev.

Relishing the in the odour, Sev waved his hand and activated one of the many arrays inscribed onto the mysterious tables.

Instantly transforming the flat tables into two identical moulds. Each of the moulds containing a spherical core at their centre and a foot above the core, skull-shaped masks.

With a few pushes, Sev moved the cauldron off the wall and towards the tables. Carefully leaning the cauldron over, he poured the black viscous liquid into the moulds.

The liquid itself quickly solidifying after leaving the cauldron. Yet, somehow Sev masterfully poured the black liquid.

Pleased, Sev pulled out two fist-sized purple cores from his ouroboros spatial ring. Their appearance, strikingly similar to Nora's original tiny purple core.

Carefully, Sev slowly lowered the purple cores into the spherical moulds with the black liquid. Undisturbed by the cores, the black liquid rapidly engulfed the cores. Satisfied with the acceptance of the cores, Sev activated a secondary array, completely sealing the moulds. The mysterious tables applying immeasurable pressure onto the moulds.

After a few breaths time, Sev completely deactivated the mysterious tables, reverting them into their original flat, pulsating state. Revealing two perfectly smooth black spheres and two large eerie masks.

Concentrating his very being into his words, Sev shouted at the top of his lungs, "I NAME THEE KARTHUS AND MALPHUS!!!"

The black cores responding, began to move and writhe. Shortly before they exploded into black mist. Reforming into two large humanoid figures, roughly enshrouded in a cloak of pitch black feathers. Their eerie masks completing their figure. Their eyes replaced with hellfire, their gaze unnerving.

'I can't believe it... They're actually Shroud-Wights...'

Some new friends to the party!

I apologize that the chapter was somewhat delayed. I was distracted by the premiere of Game of Thrones and unfortunately realized that I was late...

Aardaecreators' thoughts