
Reincarnating into a Wyvern with an Evolution System: Tbate

I died on my planet called 'Earth' and found myself floating in the void, there I found myself meeting your typical ROB who gave some wishes after deciding to reincarnate me in another world of a book called 'TBATE', unfortunately for me I haven't read it before. Follow someone who doesn't remember who they were in there past life surviving in a world of sword and magic in search of a way to live there life to the fullest with loved ones and experience the wonders of life.

Cyrus_Cairncross · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Telepathy - ()

Thinking/ Talking to self in head - -

Talking" "

- I died.

Now calm down, I know what your thinking. 'Thats cliche as hell', huh you don't have to tell me that. It seems I died on a planet called earth although I don't know who I am, I only know that somehow or another I got hit on the head by a toaster.

Now I know that sounds stupid but it's just the truth, I was walking down a street and past a building when bam, toaster to the head. There wasn't even a window nearby!! Where the fuck did a toaster come from!!. *Sigh* No point in thinking about anymore, It appears in floating in dark void but the odd thing is it's oddly calming and I'm extremely calm for being someone who just died. Now that I think about it I don't know what I was like before I only remember that I died. Guess I'm a blank slate huh, well know what do I do, im just floa- I didn't even get to finish my thoughts before I got rudely interrupted by a bright flash and a old and calm voice of a man.

(Hello Child)

After squeezing my eyes shut from the intense light I heard a voice in my head. After the light died down I tried to open my eyes and what I saw in front of my was not was I expecting from the voice to say the least, It appears the voice that belongs to an old man Is really a guy appearing to be in his mid 20's with should length white hair, In a fully white robe covering the rest of his body from my vision. The oddest thing though is I can't actually tell what he looks like, I mean there's a fog covering his face so I just have no clue. After all these thoughts rush thought my head I decided to speak to this weird old man.

"Uh Hello sir, May I know who you are? Or where am I? I know I'm dead I just don't understand why I'm here."

(HoHoHo you appear rather calm child, Very well you may call me ROB as most people do. Now for where you are or why your here, well of course your the void, a place where nothing should exist including you, but for why your here that is because I brought you here.)

"Okay now I don't really understand how I can exist here then but that's kind of a small detail that doesn't matter to me at the moment, May I know why you've brought me here Mr Rob?"

(Rob is fine child, as for why iv brought you here truthfully I was bored and decided to reincarnate a random being into another world with a few wishes, and it just so happend I pulled your name out of the hat Hahahaha.)

"Wait a moment, my name got pulled out of the hat?" While asking this incredulous question I was currently thinking something different in my head

- What the fuck is wrong with this person, first they tell me I'm reincarnating in a different world, then that they pulled my name out of a hat? Why do I have the feeling this isn't going to end well-

(Well of course.)

"Yeah whatever, okay so now what?" I really couldn't be bothered to deal with this guy anymore, I don't know why but I feel so exasperated so just want to get this over with, although I'm also feeling extremely exited and that it because of reincarnation. Now I may not know who I am but I still have some general knowledge from my past life, so iv heard of these kinds of cliches in fantasy books where a Rob gives someone wishes and reincarnate's them in another world. Now the question is where am I going and how many wishes do I get.

(Well child, you have will be reincarnated to a different world and born anew, with some gifts from me of course. You may choose 2 wishes and just a heads up no they can't be overpowered.)

-Hmm I thought so, now the question is where am I being born and what as?-

"Excuse me sir, what world am I being born into and may I ask what as?"

(Ho your a smart child, I did never say I was birthing you as human. Although it spoils the fun I'll tell you, but if you wish you can waste one of your wishes to change it. Now your being reborn in a world of swords and magic, The world's actually from a book from your previous world titled 'The beginning after the end' and there are many different races in that world. You will be reborn as a Wyvern and as for information about the world, I'm sorry but I can't share that with you unless you wish for it)

- 'Tbate' why does that sound so familiar. Hmmm, Shit! That book was a book I was planning on reading. Fuck me why didn't my past self just read it, Ugh-

As I was scolding myself inside my mind I decided to ask for a suggestion on wishes since I really have no idea what to wish for.

"May I get a suggestion for one of my wishes Sir?"

(Hoho certainly, I suggest wishing for a system. Now if you do and stay as a Wyvern I will customise the system to a evolution system. This system will show your 'status' and let you gain experience from fighting monsters to evolve. These experience points will be called evolution points but depending on the evolution your trying to achieve with these points certain requirements must be fulfilled, For example certain mastery over said elemental skill or certain core level etc etc. Now these terms may not make sense yet but in due time they will.)

-Hmm it sounds rather interesting to say the least. Now something that would go very well along with that would be photographic memory, So I could read information about magic and fullfill the requirements easier. Well I guess these are my two wishes.- While deciding that in my head got curious what element I would be allowed to use when I was reborn.

"May I know which elemental affinity I will have?"

(Very well child, you shall have the water elemental affinity, but as a perk I'll add in the ice affinity)

"Cool! Thanks Sir Rob. Now as for my wishes I would that System you mentioned and photographic memory if that can be done please."

(Very well consider it done child. Now I will send you along your way, You will be born in a place called the beast glades in a cave, now for what you do or how you live your life, that is your choice, Good luck my child.)

"Thank you for this opportunity sir"

(No problem child now begone)

As I was wondering what kind of goodbye greeting that was I felt a pulling sensation on my body, it kept getting stronger and stronger until I felt myself flying through the void at an incomprehensible speed until everything turned black.

[Diacathen/ Somewhere in the Beast glades]

Somewhere in the beast glades, in a small cave barely even noticeable to the eye, a deep blue egg rather large in size can be seen. The inside of the cave can be described as breathtaking, There's a crystal clear stream flowing along the inside meeting the wall and continuing out of the cave, the roof has green vines and moss covering it with bright yellow lights flying around the inside making the cave bright as day, and the floor is covered in grass that looks as soft as clouds.

On this grass sits an egg, deep blue in colour with some white now and then. This egg appears to be the only thing inside this cave that has any sign of life as from time to time it wobbles side to side as if it's going to hatch at any moment.

:Nameless Pov

Ugh jeez that bloody hurt. Getting reborn was not the most pleasant experience if I must say so myself. One minute I was whizzing through the void at speeds I couldn't comprehend then and excruciating pain of my soul getting pulled apart and rebuilt countless times over and over, for what felt like hours on end until it just stopped and I didn't feel pain. Instead I now felt warm and calm but cold at the same time. It was such an odd sensation I couldn't really comprehend what had happened.

As my consciousness was coming to I realised I was in a liquid of some sort and couldn't exactly move my body. Remembering I was being born as a Wyvern I instinctively knew I was in an egg, but the question for me was how to get out.

After thinking for awhile I first tried to get a feel for my new body. I started with what I believe to be my toes or may I say claws now being a Wyvern, I tried to wriggle them one by one and eventually I could do it, I feel my claws moving, then I moved onto just wriggle my whole body. At first it took awhile but after who knows how long really I managed to do it, I could the liquid inside sloshing around with me as I wriggle from side to side trying to break free from my cage. I don't know how much time I spent wriggle as time inside this egg was impossible to tell, but at last I finally saw light, I bright yellow light started to shine through I crack I managed to make in the egg and the liquid started to spill through said crack.

Using said crack as a medium I began to wriggle whatever part was near there making it larger and larger until finally, my egg burst open with a crack sound and I was bathed in a light.

After clenching my eyes closed I waited a bit then very slowly began to open them, and what came into site to my breath away. Never before in my past do I remember views as beautiful as the one before me, the green moss and grass looked so soft and the lights that flew around the cave made everything to beautiful. As I sat there for awhile admiring the view I finally decided to fully take in my surroundings. I realised I was in a medium sized cave of sorts with only one exit, and there seemed to be a small creak off to the sides. Deciding to check my appearance I made my way over to the creak, at first it was a little hard being a two legged creature hunched over having to use my hands or claws should I put it now, which also happened to be tiny wings as support. After my struggle of semi four legged walking session I may it to the stream and as I looked at my reflection so say I was surprised was and understatement. Now Wyverns and dragons are usually portrayed as violent evil existences, but how could someone think something as cute as I be evil. In my reflection of the the water staring back at me was your typical Wyvern head, A long snout of sorts with bright red vertical slitted snake like pupils, and to top it off I had two tiny onyx Balck horns spiralling upwards for about 10 CMS. My whole head size was probably about the size of a football and seemed so cute and innocent. I had crystalline white scales covering my entire body but the skin inside of my wings seemed to be a light sky blue, which matched perfectly with my white scales. My whole body size was about four feet in height resting forward onto my claws, but if I stood on my two hind legs I'd say about 5 feet tall. My wings seemed a little large for my overall body size spanning up to 3 feet per wingspan but that only heightened my slim body size to make me more agile. I did have a rather long neck compared to my torso and legs but it's stream like and skinny.

After observing my appearance I was thinking about my next course of action. Obviously learning my capabilities would be number one so that's what I did. Walking over to the cave Wall I dug my front claws into and what do you know, my 5 cm long onyx black claws sliced like a hot knife through butter into the wall. With that little experiment done I tried to see if I can fly yet so using my back muscles I tried to flap my wings as hard as I can which while at first was a struggle worked after awhile. The result was disappointing to say the least, it seems I'm not matured enough to fly as of yet but can cause a fairly big gust of wind and kick up dirt. With those few little experiments done and a few others that aren't particularly important I have fully concluded I function as a Wyvern should function. I'm agile and fast even on land and my claws and teeth are sharp as knifes.

Now onto my next problem. How do I use magic?. I never had anything like that in my old world and don't have a single clue as to where to begin. From what iv read of stories usually you can 'feel' what they call mana inside of you, and Rob did say something about 'mana core', so I guess I should see if I have one of those. Without further ado I closed my eyes and focused inside myself. At first I struggled but in a couple minutes I felt something inside me, I could every part of my inner being beating and moving and could even feel my blood flowing through my veins. After awhile of searching through my body I came across a round sphere like object just below where my heart would be. Focusing on it I somehow knew it was my mana core, so focusing on it I tried to understand it and as soon as I did I felt it. Mana. I could feel the mana in my body but not only that I feel the mana in the atmosphere. Mana was coursing through my body as if I was made of it and after focusing on it I knew It could some amazing things. Focusing mana to course through my body from my core to it got to my claw I saw my claw shine a dim white colour around it and wondered what it did I slashed towards the ground. What I was not expecting was to make a fairy deeper gash then usual in the ground.

After calming myself down a little I started to feel excited. This feeling mana gave me was amazing, it felt like I could do anything with this magical thing and the possibilities were limitless. Breathing in and out slowly to calm myself down and to make sure I didn't get a big head from just this tiny interaction with mana I began to think. Now I have mana but how do I really use it? I mean I can wrap it around my claws and spread it through my body so if my guess it correct I could strengthen parts of my body with it. Doing a little test I found that correct, mana flowed through pathways inside my body and began to strengthen my body making me feel lighter, making me faster and stronger. After playing around with it for awhile I began to feel drained. It seems I don't hold much mana at this time.

Sitting on my little wyvern behind I began to absorb mana from the atmosphere, it appears that meditating to fill my core reserves back to full. Whilst doing this I saw that my core was black in colour, but as I absorbed more and more mana it slowly began to peel showing a dark red colour. This baffled me for awhile but then I realised there's probably stages to cores and I'm at the very bottom. This did make me feel sad for a split second until I got extremely motivated and determined to break through the strongest stage. I don't know the strongest stage as of yet but I'll get there one day. Thus began my journey on the path of magic.