
Reincarnating into a magical world with One wish

Welcome! Join law on his adventures in the magical world of blue star after his conversation with God

When_they_cry · Fantasy
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14 Chs

5 year's later

Sitting in lotus position in my room meditating letting my will flow through the air trying to expand my range, it's been 5 years since I started training my haki and swordsmanship I had yet to unlock my armament haki but I could feel it it was close...my senses had gone from 20 meters to 300 meters a staggering improvement for a 10 years old,I'm now standing at 4'8 i wonder how tall I would be when I'm fully grown.

I could sense my dad training his mana some times I forget that he is a magic warrior with the way he trains.. This world has both magic warriors and mages, magic warriors use mana to augment their physical bodies boosting it with elemental powers they are basically like benders from the avatar world, while mages are the o'l fashion spell type and can deal more damage in large scale but they have weaker bodies i wonder why though.

I could feel his mana almost reaching the 7 stars mana rank, to be at the this stage and also be a sword master.. His a monster but he says I'm more monstrous than him. Ranks are from 1 star to 10 stars in both magical occupation. In a world like this there is bound to be higher.


i heard my father shout my name, jumping through the window of my room all the way down i ran to the training field.

"let's spar"

I could see the seriousness in his face, i pulled out my wooden sword from the weapons rack taking a deep breath I holding the sword with my two hands on the hilt.