
Reincarnating into a magical world with One wish

Welcome! Join law on his adventures in the magical world of blue star after his conversation with God

When_they_cry · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Way of the sword

Standing tall holding a wooden sword in his hands was my father, his sleeves rolled up revealing faint scars he calls them battle scars that they are like trophies that shows the strive of a man..am I going to be filled with scars too? Of course i have no mana to heal my self when injured.

Taking my eyes back to my father I could sense the change in his aura it was sharp as if it could cut the hardest of substance, with a light swing he slashed towards the wooden dummy

What!! Can that even to do anything to the dummy??? Suddenly the upper half of the dummy slide down separating it into two.

"Father was that intent??" i asked with great curiosity

"INTENT? haahaahaa that was just the first level of swordsmanship"

First level! And it could cut through wood like paper

"father how many levels are there in swordsmanship?"

"we don't actually know but just know there are five levels. The basic, intermediate, advanced and master stage. At the master stage you would be able to use intent...they are also rumors that there is grandmaster stage. This applies to all weapons too"

"pick up your sword and keep slashing when your slashing form is perfect we would go into stabbing BEGIN!"

Picking up the wooden sword I moved to the other wooden dummy and began to slash at it.

By sun down I was drenched in sweat my body ached all over, I could barely lift my hands. I dragged my aching body up to my room without thinking of eating all I needed was rest.