
You're Hired


(Door opens)

(Arnold and Alish both entered the throne room)

General Luka was sitting on a throne made of dragon scales, the way he sat was so rebellious that Arnold couldn't led his eyes to astray.

"So you're finally done with the shopping, what types of unco items did you get?".Arnold stopped staring and took out the cape and the pair of clothes he brought."You only brought these 3 things and why is that he only brought these 3 things Alish?"." Well my Lord I told him but he only took these 3 things from the shop and said he didn't need anything else"."Is that true Arnold?".Yes, General Luka, I don't need anything more I'm happy with what I have gotten."Okay if you say so, now let's discuss what kind of work you're going to do under me".I'm ready to do whatever job you'll decide for me General Luka." Alish you may leave now,I'm going to have some hugger-mugger talk with Arnold".

"Okay my Lord"." Arnold come closer to me".Right away General Luka." I've decided on what kind of work you're going to do under my protection".Arnold was trepidatiously waiting to hear a cool job like the head of spy mission." From now on you will be an Assassin working directly under me".After hearing what his job will be his knees touched the floor, tears were falling from his eyes. Arnold always admired the work of Assassin's, he always wanted the thrill of the unknown. Arnold accepted the job feeling gladdened but spoiler alert(he was going to regret it).

"Okay, I don't think you are fe​lic​i​tous for this job, are you sure about living the life of an Assassin?". Yes, I will become an Assassin and I troth in front of you today that my decision is in​con​tro​vert​ible."Great, I can't wait to see you in action soon but you have to undergo certain totu​te​lages for about a year before your first assignment".I will start my training from today if you wish General Luka." No, you currently need some time to learn about yourself".There's nothing that I don't know about myself, first of all, I'm a virgin, secondly...

"Wait!!!, you don't have to tell me unnecessary information like about you being a virgin which is quite saddening to hear considering the fact that I'm older than you and I'm still a virgin as it hits a sore spot,I was talking about your ability from the very beginning".Ooh, sorry for that General Luka I oath today that it won't happen again." Your quite the ken​speck​le type of person, well whatever go rest or visit the tracts and it's denizens which I govern"."I guess I'll take you up on the visiting offer General Luka", saying this Arnold left the throne room and went outside to see the stipulation of the people and their perspective on General Luka as an autocrat.

Arnold hid his face and went outside the fort. He decided to first try the foods being sold in the stalls. Arnold brought girdish fingers, it's a sweet that looks like a finger. The aroma was exhilarating as the flavor was soothing and it was melting inside the mouth with each bite. After finishing eating he thanked the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper told him if he's new in this region he should visit Yuresh flower fields.

Arnold then got direction details and left the stall for the flower fields. After walking 10-20 minutes he reached the flower fields. The flowers were half blue and half red. Arnold went closer towards the fields and touched the flowers to smell the aromatic scent with his nose.

50 minutes passed

Arnold had a quick nap and woke up, he recalled that he completely forgot about asking how long he will work under General Luka. He stood up and decided it's time to head back inside the town. As he was walking he heard a scream of a girl, judging by the sound he concluded it's the scream of a young girl. He looked around to figure out the location the sound was coming from. There was a dark alleyway created by the collision of two buildings. The road was thin making it hard for others to enter. Arnold imagined becoming an ant and swoosh his ability made him an ant, he then entered and started walking fast. As he reached the end of the road he changed into a human and saw a road behind the buildings connected with the walls of a tall building, as he began walking the right side of the road he reached towards a dead end with two-man and a little girl standing. The men's were shady and their head was covered with underwear. They were asking the girl to show them the colour of her panty.


Both men looked behind

The two-man looked in the eye of Arnold and asked him if he wanted to see as well."No","I don't want to",said Arnold with a majestic voice.

(Conversation between Arnold and the two men)

Man 1-

"You're a virgin like us we can tell buddy, so why don't you want to see?".


I'm not interested in little girls.

Man 2 -

"Let us introduce ourselves I'm hen and he is tai together we make the erotic word hentai!!".

Arnold -

Now I understand you both are lolicons and your name together is pronounced hentai, you both deserve to die scum of society.As a man of culture I hereby announce you sinful for wanting to see the colour of the panty of a little girl.

Man 1-

" Yes, our name together is pronounced hentai just like our actions and it's lucid that we are lolicons, what are you going to do about it, don't tell me your thinking of taking on both of us at the same time huh?".

Arnold -

First of all, you're trying to see a little girls panties, in future, this girl is going to become an adult and she might have become my salvation from virginity and both of you bastard's are trying to ruin it.I'll rip you both in half if you don't stop this right now damn perverts.I wonder sometime why can't people wait till the flower blooms for picking.

Man 2-

"What the hell are you saying?, have you lost your mind because of excitement? we are warning you don't mess with us".

Arnold went closer towards the two-man and kicked both of them in the balls. Both men let out a sharp aaaah!!! noise and fainted from the kick saying thank you very much.

(Turns out both men were hentai, lolicons and masochist)

Why do I keep confronting strange people like that, letting out a sigh Arnold thought to himself.Arnold looked at the girl and told her to follow him. The girl thanked him and followed Arnold. The girl showed the way out of this road. After getting out Arnold said bye to the girl and left but the girl was following him. Arnold then stooped walking and asked the girl the intention for which she was following him.

" Well, I don't have anyone to look after me, if you don't mind please give me any kind of job I'll do it as long as I can get to eat once or two times a day".Arnold looked at the girl and noticed the girl was skinny and weak. Arnold felt a hangdog for the girl so he told her to follow him.

Arnold took the girl to a nearby restaurant and ordered some food for her. Seeing food the girl started crying and thanked Arnold kneeling down holding his leg. "Stand up and eat as much as you want", said Arnold showing a happy face. The girl started to eat even though tears were falling from both of her eyes. Arnold told the girl to stop crying and ensured her that from now on he was going to take care of her. The girl was looking at him with an admiring face and smiled saying humm!!.

As the girl was eating Arnold was thinking about what kind of job will be befitting for her.The girl finished eating and thanked Arnold again.Arnold paid for the food using the money he saved while shopping for future money problems.Arnold then thought that General Luka has to first accept her, the work comes after that."What is your name little girl?", asked Arnold with a smile on his left cheeks." My name is Militis", replied the girl smiling.

Ok then, Militis we're now going to buy new clothes for you since your current wear is ragamuffin style and after that, I'll take you to the Lord I serve and be respectful and honest in front of him."Okay I'll do my best sir".I know you will.

The clothes for Militis was brought, she purchased a red glad rag. Arnold took her to the fort and entered inside the castle throne room. Arnold then kneeled in front of General Luka and told the girls situation. Militis also kneeled, deep down she was scared.Arnold told General Luka about the situation of Militis and requested to let her stay and work here.

Hearing out Arnold General Luka looked at Militis for some time and said out loud, "Girl from now on your one of my soldiers"." Thank you, good sir, I'll do my best", said Militis with a happy face."Arnold take the girl to Eltrut and check what kind of ability she possesses".

Arnold then stood up and started walking down the hallway with the girl and entered the room of Eltrut.As the girl grabbed Eltrut's tail she was shivering with fear thinking that she might get kicked out for having a lousy and weak ability.Arnold felt that she was frightened and ensured her by telling her that he will take care of her no matter what happens.Militis became a bit comfortable hearing Arnold.After some time Eltrut told Militis to let go of his tail and stand in front of him.

"Her ability is to see small things from far away". Arnold became delighted hearing it since he needed someone who can pinpoint his location and cover him.Arnold at once rushed to General Luka and so​lic​it​ed him to give Arnold the authority to make Militis serve under him." After thinking for a while, General Luka accepted Arnold's proposal and told Arnold to train her strictly so that she can survive no matter what comes in her way".I will sir, thank you very much for keeping my bid. Militis came inside the throne room in a crying tone suspecting she might be kicked out since Arnold rushed towards the throne room. Arnold then told her not to cry and comforted her by slowly petting her head saying from now on you will serve under me, you're going to be my eyes.

General Luka, I have one last thing to ask," can you tell me how long I'll be serving under you?"."There's no specific time but I'll make this clear as long as you wish to assist me, ooh,starting from today you and the girl will start to learn how to read and write".I'm ready sire and Militis is also ready."So, you don't know how to read and write?"."Yes", General Luka."Ok, then it's decided".

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