
Reincarnated with the Strongest God System

RocKDraKe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

6- Level E Dungeon

The morning radiance was reflected from the window of the house towards the bed.

Ray's morning light woke him up.


After Ray woke up, he looked at the clock, it was an hour before school started.

He put on his clothes from his closet and walked towards the kitchen.


When Ray opened the fridge, he saw a few eggs he could eat. After taking the eggs, he broke them into the pan. When the eggs were cooked, he took the pan and put it on the table.

He put the stale bread he found in his house next to breakfast.

His breakfast wasn't very rich, but he had to put up with it for now.

After school, he would fix his economy by selling parts of the monsters he hunted in the dungeon.


After eating his breakfast, Ray left the house and made his way to school.

Ray arrived at school before class started.

Teacher Clay walked through the classroom door:

Clay, "Students, you will learn to control your mana today." after saying;

"Now once you've settled into a position where you're comfortable, close your eyes and isolate yourself from your surroundings."

"You will feel blue energy in your body after performing these procedures. That blue energy is your mana."

"Now try to circulate that energy through your body like a stream of water."

All of the students sat in the position they felt comfortable and put into practice what the teacher said.

Meanwhile, Ray began to circulate the blue energy, one of the four energies in his own body, like a flowing water.

Ray said, "If I spread my mana all over my body, can I give my body additional defense? I guess I'll get the answer after I try it." he thought.

He evenly distributed the density of blue energy throughout his body, rather than in a single spot.

[ New skill <Mana Boost> has been obtained.]

Ray confirmed his thought with the notification he received from the system.

He kept repeating this action over and over again.




[ Your Mana Pool has increased by +10 points. ]

Draining and reloading the manasine multiple times, as Ray thought, increased the amount of mana he could hold.

Ray had finally finished his meditation, everyone in the class was waiting for him.

Clay said, "You're finally done with the rail, now try to concentrate your mana on one point and then repeat what I said before."


School was over when the bell rang.

Now Ray was walking towards the guild.

When Ray arrived at the guild, he went to the reception area.

"Hello, I'm looking for a suitable dungeon, where can I enter the dungeon?"

The receptionist said, "You can raid the nearest dungeon by downloading the hunter app on your phone."

Ray installed the hunter app on his phone at the receptionist's instructions.

He entered the application by entering the unique code on his hunter card.

There were various kinds of dungeons in practice.

The highest tier dungeon appeared to be S rank.

The lowest was F grade.

The F-tier dungeon that Ray had raided illegally had come easy to him, now he had to push the limits.

Chose an E-tier dungeon from the Hunter app:

[ Dungeon Name: Ice Forest

Dungeon Tier: E Tier

Raid Creature in the Dungeon: Ice Goblin

Recommended Team: 4 Person Team

Note: The information in the dungeon may vary.]

[Mark on map]

By pressing the button, Ray marked the dungeon on his map.

The dungeon that Ray marked was a little far from his house, so he took public transport to the dungeon.



Ray finally arrived at the dungeon area.

In front of Ray were security guards guarding the entrance to the dungeon.

The Security Guard said, "Welcome, you can enter the dungeon by signing the contract."

Ray read the contract that the security guard gave him, in which he would give twenty percent of the materials he earned inside the dungeon to the guild, and as if that wasn't enough, he had to pay an entrance fee to enter the dungeon. At least it was cheaper than the registration fee in the guild.

Ray paid the security guard about $500 as an entrance fee.

As Ray prepares to enter the dungeon, the security guard:

"Aren't your friends going to come? You're not thinking of going in alone, I suppose..."

Ray said, "No, it won't come, I'll go in alone; is there a problem?" Then the security guard said in a stern voice:

"It's okay, but if you die alone in a corner, I won't interfere!"

Ray walked through the dungeon door, ignoring the security guard's words.


As Ray passed through the door, he came to a forest that had turned white from the falling snow.

A few meters away, he saw blue goblins giving off a cold aura around him.

He ran towards the goblins with his rail pipe, and with his pipe he slammed it into a blue goblin's head.

[70 EXP Gained.]

The head of the blue goblin Ray had hit exploded, and his friends around the blue goblin seemed to tremble with fear when they witnessed the event. For it was the simplest law of nature that the strong conquered the weak. The blue goblins could not stop the coming disaster, trembling with fear.

Ray made a massacre of blue goblins in the area where he was, the place was filled with the green blood of the goblins.

[70 EXP Gained.]

[70 EXP Gained.]

[You've Leveled Up.]

[70 EXP Gained.]

[70 EXP Gained.]



[70 EXP Gained.]

[You've Leveled Up.]

[You've Leveled Up.]

[You've Leveled Up.]

Ray had killed too many blue goblins over a period of time.

Killing so many monsters caused a backlash in the dungeon because unlike the other weaker ones, a bigger and stronger creature came up against him.

He tried to study the creature with the system:

[ Name: -

Race: Ice Goblin Champion

Level: 55


HP: 100

Power: 45

Agility: 5

Stamina: 7

Intelligence: 2.3

Mana: 25


<Heavy Sword Slash>


<Anger> ]