
Reincarnated With The Powers Of Molecule Man.

If you don't know who Molecule man is then...let's just say he's very broken. Anyways, don't take this *FAN FIC* to heart bro. I'm only doing this for people who just want to turn their minds off and read some bull crap. I'll obviously try to make it readable but other than that, it'll probably be trash. Probably lots of sex so there's that.. Ah, dude also has fetishes. Like, a lot of them. Cover isn't mine.

The_Auth0r · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Two Test.

Orion, Arthur, and the other hundreds of candidates to join 'Hero' were standing out in the heat, gathered in front of a stage like they were at a concert waiting for the artist to arrive on the stage. "For 5 minutes, it'll be 10 dollars!" Said Arthur with money as his tounge.

"Here! Here! Take all my money! Just cool me down please!"

"No, let me go first, please! I've been here longer than he has!"

"Shut up! No you haven't!"

People argued, shoving money down Arthur's throat. 'So basically, he's using his quirk to cool people down, but he's charging them money for it at the same time. Pretty smart considering it's a hundred and 16 degrees out here..'

Orion was being pushed away from Arthur, slowly making his way to the back of the crowd of people. 'Why is everyone even crowded here? The island is huge bro. Can literally house all of use if we spread out..' He sighed as he stepped out the crowd.

It was then that he saw that chocolate woman from before. She was leaning on a rail, starring out into the ocean seemingly lost in thought.

'She seems cold, hard to approach, I mean. If I was a scripted character, I could just walk up, and start conversations with her, but since I'm real, I'll just watch her from behind... Yeah, from behind..'

He stared at her backside intently, not minding the faces of disgust others made when passing by. After starring for a solid five minutes, it was then that she decided to turn around, a glued frown on her face. "Why do you keep staring at my ass? It's making me uncomfortable.."

She spoke how she look. Well that with a bit of sarcasm. "Ah, sorry. That was rude of me. I just wanna let you know that you have a perfectly rounded butt. It's amazing honestly.." Her eye brow had slightly raised from hearing how straightforward he had been.

"You're a lot different from the person I met yesterday. I didn't expect you to be so...perverted.." She had then walked up to him, extending her hand out for a greeting. "Miya[My-Ah] What's your name?" He took her hand and instantly noticed that her grip strength overpowered his.

She was well built after all, but damm. Even she had been crushing his hand, seemingly not noticing however. "Orion. Nice to meet ya, Miya." They shook hands, a friendship of sorts being born. Letting go, he had said, "So, uh...what's with the sniper? Does it correlate with your quirk or something?"

On her back was a black heavy sniper. Her being able to support it like that amazed Orion. That and the fact that the barrel fit perfectly between her ass cheeks too.

"It does, yes." She didn't seem to like speaking in long sentences, getting straight to the point of whatever was asked of her. "Ah, okay then. I'm assuming you won't share what your quirk is with me?"

"You are correct. We only just met and I don't trust you."

"That's a bummer. Well, my quirk is being able to manipulate the molecules in things like the air or in a person. Pretty cool, huh?" She was slightly taken back by how casually he exposed himself. 'But,..that's such a powerful quirk. Telling me like this must mean he's very experienced in using his quirk..'

She side eyed him, not knowing whether he was a threat now or a friend. "Well anyways, Miya, good luck! Not only do you have an amazing butt, but seen pretty powerful! I know you'll be able to pass!" Giving her a thumbs up, the crowd went dead silent as someone just appeared from thin air onto the stage.

Miya wasn't fazed at all from his words, only crossing her arms and looking at the man like everyone else had been. The man had a beard, was white with brown hair and brown eyes and dressed like a hippy. He looked like that one fortnite skin, just with a beard.

"Welcome..." From a praying position to spreading his arms out, making a rainbow above his head. "To 'Hero', where we'll shape you all into heroes who'll someday be known as the greatest there ever was. I'm Micheal, <The Hipster Hero>. Pleasure to meet your acquaintances.."

He was soft spoken, wise almost. The crowd of Floridians somehow managed to keep quite, this man being someone who'd carve them into their dream occupations after all. They could be crazy at another time. "Seems that all of you are ready... Allow me to present to you,..the tests you'll be taking.."

A giant white screen came down and stopped next to him. On the screen had been words with pictures to match. "For the first of 2 test,..we have a basic 'Knowledge' test. We'll test you on your knowledge of the world of quirks and heroes as well. I shouldn't be saying this, but...its the easiest test by far to pass.."

The crowd seemed to calm down after hearing him explain the first test. The test differ every year, so there really was no telling what it could have been before, making them anxious. "A simple test about quirks and heroes, huh? Shouldn't be too hard.." Orion commented with Miya nodding her head a single nod.

"The second and final test,..it'll be a free for all. Me and my colleagues will watch over your match, giving you points from zero to one hundred. A hundred being the best score you could have while zero being the worst. Once again, my name is Micheal and I wish all of you...the best of luck.."

Poofing into the pixie dust, the man left the kids with blanked faces. "Free...for all? As in, every man for themselves?! Crap I'm so screwed!" As the canon fodder said that, more and more people started freaking out. While some wanted to be heroes, they never actually fought before.

They were complete amateurs when it came to battle, wanting to learn how to fight while attending this school and not before even getting into it. "A free for all, huh..?" Orion said with a smile, showing not a worry in the world.

"That should be fun, shouldn't it?" He turned around, only to see that Miya was walking away. This made him shrug as he just began admiring her butt once again, not realizing that Arthur had been shaking his head in disappointment from his actions.

It wasn't until she had been completely out of his range of vision when he looked away and at Arthur. "Ah, I didn't notice you there.." Arthur nodded, saying, "So it'll be a written test and test to see where we all stand at in usage of our quirks? I thought it'd be more than this to be honest.."

"Yeah, same, but I'm not complaining. A lot of us aren't. We get to show pro heroes what we can do, so it'll be a big leap in some of our careers if we can impress them. Though, my bag is surcured already. You be safe though, alright..?"

Knowing what he meant made Arthur remember that the number one would be watching them. From his calm mood to a nervous one, he began sweating uncontrollably. "Y-Yeah, I will! I can do this!" He slapped himself to make him forget any worries.

It worked as he stopped sweating and only focusing on the test. It was then that everyone's card began to buzz. Pulling it out, the students could see that they were assigned to a designated room inside the school. "Room 101. Where you goin'?" Orion asked while putting the I.D. card away.

"Room 010. Guess...we won't be taking our test together.." He sighed, realizing he'd have to make an effort to make some friends. "Well Arthur, I feel like I say this a lot, but...good luck.." He placed his hand on Arthur's shoulder, giving him a thumbs up with a smile.

"Nah, actually,...forget good luck... I know you'll pass. You worked really hard to be where you are now. Luck was never a factor in this. Your determination, your skills, your resolve, that's helped you come this far. I'm honestly really proud of you.."

Orion took his hand off his shoulder, presenting a fist. Arthur had been embarrassed and so, he looked away, also putting his fist out however. They had fist bumped, Arthur saying while scratching his cheek using his free finger, "You...don't have to keep reminding me, Orion. It's embarrassing.."

Orion laughed, nodding his head in the process. "Alright, alright. Funny, just yesterday you liked receiving praise. Who you tryna change for..?" He teased Arthur, putting his fist down. "N-No one! Anyways, we should go. Can't be late to the test, can we?"

Orion nodded and like that, Arthur began walking away. 'Glad he met those women. They really changed him. Sort of weird seeing how happy he was from my praise. Though, it was nice putting a smile on his face while it lasted..'

He put his hand into pockets, turning around into a walk. 'Now, let's see what this test is all about. Surely it isn't as simple as they say it is.

The acceptance rate in getting into 'Hero' is barely a tenth of a percent after all..'
