
Reincarnated With The Powers Of Molecule Man.

If you don't know who Molecule man is then...let's just say he's very broken. Anyways, don't take this *FAN FIC* to heart bro. I'm only doing this for people who just want to turn their minds off and read some bull crap. I'll obviously try to make it readable but other than that, it'll probably be trash. Probably lots of sex so there's that.. Ah, dude also has fetishes. Like, a lot of them. Cover isn't mine.

The_Auth0r · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

The Worlds Strongest 'Human'.

-Solider <A>

-Code Name: S.H.

-Current Location: The Fridge.

Solider A closed the fridge with their foot, a bowl of popcorn and large bottle of coke in his hands. With a hum, they made their way over towards a red couch and sat down in it.

"Ah, this is the life~.."

They said to themself. They then grabbed the remote and turned the TV on and watched a show about sockpuppets.

Solider A.

His real name was Andrew Ul. White with some Hispanic in him. Tall and built, his body being every guys dream bod. He was good looking as well which made him an instant hit with the ladies.

Now with his own sockpuppets covering his hands, he moved his fingers in ways that made the puppet seem alive-like. It's mouth would move, it's eyes would somehow blink and even its toes would wiggle.

He was truly an expert when it came to sockpuppets.

"20 years on this earth and there's still no better hobby.."

The simple things in life are what he enjoyed the most. He didn't try to waste time on important stuff that made life a bore.

Important stuff that made life a bore in Andrew's opinion was things involving his health and keeping up with the relationships that he had.

He watched through the entire show, laughing his heart out to the point where his cheeks turned cherry red.

Unbeknownst to him however, his two siblings had been there the entire time, only one however watching in frustration.

"Andrew!" The other brother shouted and threw his ninja outfit at him. "Do you know what you've done?!" He came around the couch and shoved Andrew's legs off the coffee table.

"Dude, what? I just been chillin'. Do you know what YOU'VE done? Interrupting me and my show, that's what.."

Andrew said in a calm demeanor, the exact opposite of his enraged brother. "Andrew. Can't you remember? Or is that tiny brain of yours finally shot?"

Andrew smirked at his comment and just continued starring at the TV. "I'll take that as a yes, so let me explain it to you.

Remember when you 'gently' tossed that kid through the ceiling earlier? Yeah, turns out you threw him through 17 floors. 17! You could've killed him!"

"Wait, are you telling me that I didn't kill em'? Kid has more luck than a leprechaun..." Andrew patted his belly before standing up.

"Andrew. This isn't the time for jokes. The kids seriously hurt. Can't you atleast go down to the infirmary and apologize?"

"Man... I don't know.. I feel like if I see him again, I'm not gonna be able to contain myself. Another ceiling might get broken is all I'm saying..."


The girl said with a cough. Andrew nodded for some reason as he started taking his hand socks off.

"Didn't the old man say that he saw more potential in them than he had seen in us when we had first started training?

I couldn't believe that just by lookin' at em' so I had to check for myself. I mean heck, even you have more muscles than them. And you're built like a stick."

Andrews nonchalant attitude is what really ticked him odd during this entire conversation.

"Funny, Andrew. Real funny. But hey, atleast I get live life knowing I can count the number of fingers on my hands."

The younger brother shrugged and looked around with his arms crossed. "You and your jokes. We get it, we get it. You're smarter and I'm dumber. And in my defense, finger counting is really hard!"

Hearing this, the younger brother turned to his sister and arrogantly laughed. Turning his back to his brother however was a mistake.

'Wonder which superhero he's wearing today..' Andrew wondered as he grabbed the silver waistband of the younger brothers visible underwear and pulled.

A bellowing scream came out from the younger brother mouth, a scream that was heard from all over the base.

Andrew kept pulling on his younger brothers underwear until the back of it was covering his head like a baseball cap.

"Silver surfer, huh? I didn't know you liked him!"

"Ew, Andrew! That's so disgusting!"

The sister said as she had her phone out, taking pictures from every single angle possible. After laughing at him and making sure that he was completely embarrassed, Andrew finally quieted down from his loud and obnoxious laughter.

The younger brothers underwear would hang out of his pants as the little brother would heave a sigh of relief.

"You know,..." The younger brother said with a sniff, "I thought that after becoming a mentor, you'd finally realize how immature you've acted over these past years."

The younger brother picked up his thrown clothes, never breaking his eye contact with his older brother.

"I've never been more wrong."

He finally looked away and walked off towards the back of the living room where he had then disappeared into a hallway.

Andrew was a little stunned from this, starring off into the spot where his brother previously was.

"I'll admit that I thought the same too. I mean, I'm immature myself, but even I know when to be serious and when not to." Andrews younger sister said as she sighed and put her hands into her pockets.

"You're the oldest out of us, Andrew. I'm not saying you should change how you act completely, but atleast be a little more thoughtful of what you do and how you act towards others. Words and actions can hurt people Andrew."

He wanted to say, 'You took pictures of him which probably made me feel even worse, so don't throw all the blame onto me'.

He wanted to say that and yet, he didn't. He didn't because as the oldest sibling, and as the one mainly at fault, he had to take responsibility.

He had to and he did.

"You're right. Should've just taken accountability for my actions and apologized to the kid instead of arguing it."

Seeing him act like a mature older brother wasn't common and didn't sound natural at all, so hearing him speak in this way surprised her.

'Well, hopefully he starts to act more like this in the future. I wouldn't want his stupideness to rub off on those kids.'

Before leaving, she told Andrew that he needed to apologize to their brother. In response to that, he said, "I will. But first imma go and apologize to that kid. Hope hes not gonna be too scared to see me."

Hearing that he was going to the medical room as well, she decided that they should go together since she was heading there also.

Andrew cleaned up behind himself, turned the tv off and left with his little sister to go see the kid he almost crippled for life.


Floor H.

It was a floor solely dedicated to medical needs. From surgeries to recreation, the floor provided everything one would need to make a completely recovery from anything.

In the third room to the left down the hallway where you would've gotten off the elevator, a group of people had been standing over a patient. The patient had a neck brace on, a right arm and left leg cast as well.

They were banged up badly with injuries that could take years to heal.

"He'll live. He's been done in pretty badly, but yes, he'll live."

The old, white doctor had said whilst reading from a clipboard with multiple papers attached.

"I'd suggest letting Ms. Hikari take a look at him. The doctors down here can at most ease the pain hes going through."

That didn't really sound right to Orion and his fellow classmates and so he asked, "Shouldn't you guys be able to do as much as her? I mean, your doctors that don't even go by names. That means something, right?"

The doctor laughed at this and responded with, "You're absolutely right kid. We should be able to. But we aren't as of now because of two reasons. One, it'll take a few days to prepare equipment since getting injured down here isn't common.

That's why I suggested Ms. Hikari since she can do it within a short time period.

The first reason leads to the second reason and that is that getting injured to this degree isn't normal around here, so we weren't prepared for this at all. In all honesty, we train heroes down here, not punching bags. Anything more than a scratch just proves you aren't ready for whatever destiny they have planned out for you.

Now if you'll excuse me."

He left after this comment that only seemingly hurt the students. 'So he's saying that getting hurt this badly makes us failures. I don't think that it does..'

"Orion. You can heal people, right? Help me out here with this, got it?" Cathleen asked him, but it was more of a demand.

"We both know that he'd consider me healing him as the easy way out of this pain so let me think about it."

"Now isn't the time to respect his pride. We need him to get better, so we can continue training. You can understand that, can't you?"

"Oh, that's a good point. But if we start training now, and let him continuously fall behind, hopefully when he recovers, he'll try even harder than ever before to catch up to us. He'll push past limits he never even knew he had.."

Silence filled the air after he said that. Replaying what he said in his head, he sighed then touched Percy's leg.

"Sorry. I'll go ahead and accelerate his healing factor now. He should be fully healed in a few hours, maybe even minutes.." Orion's tendencies got the better of him and when he realized they did, he decided to fix Percy up immediately.

"Thank you, Orion. You should start learning how to listen to me though. If were out fighting a villain and one of our comrades gets injured, are you going to argue that they should just sit their and die, maybe ramdomly coming back to life with a power up or are you going to heal them right then and there?

I actually wanna know your answer to this."

"I'd ofcourse heal them, no questions asked. But this situation is-"

"It's different, yeah, but you should learn how to treat all situations in a similar manner. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to make a phone call to Percy's Parents.

Old man, continue on training as soon as Percy's able to. Meaning, if he can move his fingers and toes, he's good."

Cathleen turned around and walked off to the door. Orion eyes followed as so did everyone elses and they landed upon the presence of two people.

He was in the midst of taking in what Cathleen had said, but the sheer shock that spread throughout his whole body took complete focus.

'From when I first laid eyes on Ari..'s breast up until now, I've experimented on my body more times than the highest number you could possibly think of, excluding infinity.

I've added brain cells, took them too. I made it so I can speak past present and even future languages. My body doesn't feel heat or cold as it always stays warm. My farts don't have smells to them. I'm always healthy. My nails on my right hand grow faster than the ones on my left.

Self Experimentation. Why? Because why not. Not like I'd die from it or anything.

Anyways, one of these self Experimentation involved me creating an absolute six sense. It allows me to sense the presence of living things looking my way, whether its international or not.'

Not knowing that two people were standing behind him, not looking at him directly, but because he was in thier peripheral vision, his sixth sense should have went off anyways. But it didn't and that frightened him a little bit.

"Well, well, well.." Cathleen said as two distinct veins apperared on her forehead. "If it isn't Mr. 'I promise to hold back.'"

The tall, handsome man cowered in her presence, putting his hands up and saying,

"Before you get angry...er at me, I just want to let you know that I came here to apologize to him.."

"You did, did you? Ahem, so Lucy, how many hotdogs did it take to convince him to come down here and apologize?"

Lucy, the sister of the three, put her hands up and said, "I promise you that he came here on his own free judgement. No food bribing involved."

"You're telling the truth, aren't you.." Cathleen said aloud to herself, but was answered anyways with a "Yes" from Lucy. "This really surprises me, y'know. I'll take note of this."

Her odd choice of words only confused the students. Cathleen then left the room with the sibling duo coming over to the bed surrounded by people.

"Smh. When I do even the tiniest things that involves me using my brain correctly, she decides to write it down. Like who does that?"

Andrew sneered as he crossed his arms and looked up. "It is only once in a blue moon where you actually do something....normal, so I see why."

"Well, I guess that makes sense. So anyways,.."

Seeing as the kid was unconscious and he hadn't yet introduced himself to the others, he turned around, rubbed his hands together and said,

"The names Andrew. I know, I know, a mere human doing all of this? Impossible, isn't it?"

He started off by saying. 'A mere human? He's saying that he's quirkless? That can't be true..' Rin thought, but then looking towards Orion, only to see him nodding back at her made her think otherwise.

''A mere human' can throw another person through 17 floors? Atleast try to make the lie believable..' Iker and Accel thought along the same line of thought.

"All Might, Cathleen, you can call them the strongest people in the world and no one will doubt you, not even villains. Its seemingly the truth. But that truth turns into one of the biggest lies told to the world when I'm around.."

They could tell he was going somewhere with this and so they didn't say anything to interrupt.

"Like I said before, I'm Andrew. That part doesn't change. But I should add something,..

I'm Andrew, the actual Worlds Strongest Human. Nice to meet you all."


(An: Mid Chapter)