
Reincarnated With The Powers Of Molecule Man.

If you don't know who Molecule man is then...let's just say he's very broken. Anyways, don't take this *FAN FIC* to heart bro. I'm only doing this for people who just want to turn their minds off and read some bull crap. I'll obviously try to make it readable but other than that, it'll probably be trash. Probably lots of sex so there's that.. Ah, dude also has fetishes. Like, a lot of them. Cover isn't mine.

The_Auth0r · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Taking Fishy Bait.

Cathleen helped him up as he began wiping away his tears. "S-Sorry...for showing you that. I couldn't help it..." She nodded, saying she didn't mind it. "It's nice to cry every once in a while.

Don't forget that.." He nodded back, saying, "I can't allow others to see me like this. Especially since I'm gonna be a hero.."

Remembering Ari's words made him faintly smile. "That's correct! Don't wanna brag, but I haven't cried in a few years! Yep, imma pro.." She started flexing a bit which reminded Orion that she was human as well.

Reminded him that no mattered what happens to someone, they'll respond in human nature, which can vary depending on the situation. "Well, anyways, kid, I gotta go prepare for tomorrow's entrance examination. I'll be watching so be sure to put on a show for me, alright?"

She saluted to him and quite literally disappeared into the wind. 'She'll be watching, huh? I haven't heard any commotion of her coming here, so she must be saving her grand entrance for tommorow. Well then...' He put away all his depressing thoughts, putting back on his sly face.

'I guess I will put on a show for her. And for the ladies...' He oddly laughed, remembering that random chocolate girl who spoke to him earlier. 'I was too caught up in the situation to realize her beauty. Alas, she looks like the dominant type of woman. Wonder how that'll work out between us..'

Orion went up to a random pile of red paste, aka, fish guts. Putting his finger into it had caused the paste to turn into a fish again, one that flopped all around and out of Orion's hands. It made it's way to the edge of the sidewalk and into the water, swimming away at rapid speeds.

'You didn't deserve your death. Have a nice life, fish..' And like that, he started walking away. The slime villain would then disappear and reappear in a police station with a sign that said, 'My name is, David Posh. Look me up in your criminal database!' with a smiley face at the end.

Walking on the neverending sidewalk, he saw a amusement park in the distance. 'I hope Arthur's fine. I may have gave him an impossible task..' Standing with shaking legs in the middle of the amusement park was Arthur. 'O-Orion said to make friends! It's impossible!'

He cursed the guy who he once considered an ally. How dare he try to help him become more social like this?! Its criminal! 'Well, he's trying to help me, so I should atleast try myself..' He looked all around at the people having fun, either with their family or friends.

Like that, he had began walking around himself. People would sometimes look at him as the way he cowered and the way he dressed made him seem like an actor hiding from fans or something. 'Hm? That looks sort of fun..'

He stopped in front of a booth, housing a game. The game was that of knock the alien ship over as it moved all around. You get a fake gun that shoots ping pong balls, only getting 1 shot however. The whole premise of the game was a scam. "Hey, kid. Tryna play or are you just gonna sit there and stare?"

A white male said, fiddling through a wad of cash. He looked AND sounded goofy, but Arthur didn't care. "I'll...give it a try.." The man smirked, extending his hand so that Arhtur would give him the necessary money.

He paid the fee of 5 dollars and sat down in a chair, pulling the fake gun with a cord off its podium.

"Let the fun begin.." The man said, pressing a big red button while secretly pushing a blue one. Subtle alien music had played with the UFO moving around in random patterns. 'Wow...its so slow..'

He had aimed down sight, and pulled the trigger. The ping pong ball shot out, hitting the UFO, knocking it down and shocking the man.

"Wha-?! First hit?!" Per rules of the game, the man had to give Arthur back his 5 dollars. If Arthur kept going right now, hitting the UFO then he'd get another five from the man and so on until one of them ran out of money.

"Do you wish to continue..?"('Beginners luck. He won't do it twice in a row..") He said with a gulp and sweat forming on his face.

"Yes.." Arthur had nothing better to do, and so why not? The UFO had popped back up, signaling for him to start again. He did and let's just say, he never missed. Money kept piling up, people around started drawing in closer, seeing all the money he had next to himself.

It was then that two beautiful woman approached Arthur. One wore light blue clothing with a touch of a green while the other wore red with a touch of black. They were young models, captivating all the men and women who saw them. They were twins and yet, so different.

"Hey, kid.." The one with light green hair said with a smirk. "What's your name?" Her seductive voice wasn't what caused Arthur to look at them. It was the fact that someone spoke to him in the first place. Them being women was only a bonus.

"Pretty.." Arthur muttered, not knowing he was speaking aloud. This made the two women smile and sit down on each side of him."You're not too bad yourself, kid. What're you doing all alone out here. It's dangerous, y'know..?"

The one with black hair caressed his face while the one with light green hair placed her hand on his thigh.

Arthur was overwhelmed and tried hiding his tent between his legs, the women however seeing this and not helping but giggle. "My names, Erica. My sister, Fiona and I were just wondering around when we saw you.

You were so, so handsome and sexy when hitting those UFOs that we couldn't help but resist the urge and come over her and speak with you. Is that...fine..?"

Getting a good look at the duo, the crowd of people around them murmured and began walking away, wishing Arthur good luck. "T-That's fine! By the way, my names, Arthur! Like the king, or like a story teller! Wait no,...not like a story teller..." He started talking fast as his heart was racing.

The beautiful woman completely had control over his little heart. 'I-I think I'm in love...' He went as far as thinking. Seeing how they already had control over him, they decided to nip the bud. "That's such a hot name....Arthur~.." Erica, the light green haired one, bit on his right ear while Fiona was breathing heavily on his neck.

All of this made Arthur red with embarrassment. Atleast take him on a date first. "Do you wanna...go out and eat, Arthur. It'll be our treat.." "Yes!" He quickly retorted, surprising the woman for a bit then composing once again. "Okay then. Follow us.."

Teasing him one last time by getting up and rubbing their breast on the side of his face, they began walking away, their hips swaying side to side.

'I gotta tell Orion about this! I might...I might lose my virginity! If I beat him to it, he'll be pissed..' He followed after the woman, not knowing of what sorts of danger to follow. He was a gullible, idiotic kid who had love at first sight.

What could go wrong?


(An: What'll happen to Arthur? Will your dreams come true and he dies? Or does he live to be in two more chapters? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai!)