
Reincarnated With The Powers Of Molecule Man.

If you don't know who Molecule man is then...let's just say he's very broken. Anyways, don't take this *FAN FIC* to heart bro. I'm only doing this for people who just want to turn their minds off and read some bull crap. I'll obviously try to make it readable but other than that, it'll probably be trash. Probably lots of sex so there's that.. Ah, dude also has fetishes. Like, a lot of them. Cover isn't mine.

The_Auth0r · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

No More Repeats.

Orion had been seen holding his mother's hand as he was sitting down in a chair next to her bed located in a hospital. 'Its been a few days since I've healed her. She hasn't woken up yet though. Even though I could, it's better for her to naturally heal..'

He hadn't had an ounce of sleep as he just feared that whenever he closed his eyes, he'd never see her open hers. 'I should have... No, you can't blame yourself, Orion. You couldn't have possibly known this would have happened..'

His grip on her hand had became tighter as he thought, 'I shouldn't be the one to decide this, but mom, it's time to retire. Your quirk,..the drawback you have,..you shouldn't have to go through any of this again.

I hate seeing you in any sort of pain wethers its mentally or physically. That's why, I'll use my power, and make it so that anyone who walks in this hospital is healed instantly. Call me selfish, stupid, I don't care. If I can prevent it, I won't let her step one foot into this place.

She did choose this job because she loved helping people, but almost dying bruh...hell naw...' It had turned out she took the full force of whatever pain occurs when hitting the ground from a 5 story building.

She managed to make her way out the room, requesting to not be bothered by anyone and when she arrived here, had fallen to the floor. 'Mom could usually use some techniques to lessen the pain she receives, but since she had been tired, she couldn't pull it off.

This is one reason..why she never comes into work at night. But, a man had been dying and she couldn't allow that.

I...can understand that in a sense..' He brought her hand up to his forehead and touched them. 'I respect you so much, mom. You're strong, a hero, the perfect parent any child could ask for. I love you..so much..' A tear had ran down his face as his eyes slowly began closing.

"Don't make...such a sad face..."

Someone had cupped his face, whipping the tears away using their thumb. Orion had slowly looked up to see his mom, showing a bright yet tired smile. "Mom.." More tears poured out as he held the hand cupping his face. "I'm so glad that you're...okay~.."

Though he knew he healed her, just the mere thought of her getting hurt had made him weep. He's never loved someone as much as he did Ari, so seeing her in this state had slightly shattered his heart.

Ari had let him cry, slowly sitting up to hug him, patting his back and saying things like, "Its fine, Orion. I'm..fine.."

That however just kept reminding him of what had happened to her and so they tears wouldn't stop. Ari sighed and like that, spent the rest of the afternoon listening to his sobs.

Around 6 o'clock, Orion had settled down, only to tell her his thoughts on her future. For lack of a better words, she had agreed on bassically everything he had said. "It's true that I'm getting older, Orion. I'm getting weaker too.

What your proposing is that I could retire while the hospital still thrives. I'll still be able to work here, and help the patients, just not by using my quirk to do it.."

"Yes, exactly. I know, I know, it's not my place to decide wether or not you'll go through with it, but it'll not only benefit you, but the people of the town as well. Mom, I never ever wanna see you in such a pathetic state again. So please, please consider this proposition of mine.

Also keep in mind that if you do go through with this, we have all this time together to spend, just you and me.." He put his thumb up towards her while smiling. "Ah, I almost forgot that you'll be going off to 'Hero' in a few months. Time sure flies, doesn't it?"

Saying that, she had stood up. Orion used himself as support for her as they made their way to a window. Looking out of it, they had enjoyed the view over the city as the hospital had rested on a small cliff, giving them such a lovely view.

"If you hadn't said anything, I probably would have continued working. Healing people,..its always been in my blood. Ever since I was a little girl, helping others had always been a passion of mines. My quirk, it allows me to heal anyone of all things, but in return, I take in all their pain.

I've caught onto teachings that allow me to suppress that pain, allowing me to get by day to day. But last night,..I don't know what happened. I've endured way more back in the day, and yet I pass out from something as flimsy as that? I guess not even I could outdo what time does to every human, huh?"

She pushed opened the window and the wind blew in. Seeing how her hair danced around, seeing her in such a light, she really had made Orion fall in love. "I'll do it. I'll finally hang up my coat. With your idea, millions could be saved in a second. Why should I try to risk my life when my son could save it?"

Even though it was her duty to put those before herself, if she managed to die on the field, leaving her one and only son, her bestfriend, the person she loves the most behind, she'd never forgive herself. That's why in the end, she'd chose him over the lives of other people.

She was a hero, yes, but Orion in her eyes was worth more.

"Thank you, mom. I want you...to see me become someone worthy of having your last name. Until that happens, promise me that you'll never leave me..." She had gently took his arm off which was around her neck. Kneeling down on one knee, she looked up at Orion.

"Orion. I'll never leave you. As long as I have breathe in my lungs, I'll always be their to protect you. My last name...you've earned it the second I knew I was pregnant. You could be a villain and yet, your last name will still stand to be jewels. That won't ever change sweety.."

She went for a hug to which Orion accepted. It was passionate and yet, it was that between a mother and son, not man and woman.

They stayed like this for a while before they realized they should head home to Yuri. She had been taking care of the house for the last few days.

'Once again, thank you, God. For allowing me to experience such feelings. For giving me a loving mom, a loving aunt and a place to feel welcomed. I thank you..for all that you did...'


(An: Do you guys like this? I wanna make my character feel realistic, y'know? I wanna make him cry, show emotion, do all of those things. He'll still be a pervert of course, but he'll be one that actually human.

Anyways, thank you to those who came this far. I really appreciate you guys.)