
Reincarnated With The Powers Of Molecule Man.

If you don't know who Molecule man is then...let's just say he's very broken. Anyways, don't take this *FAN FIC* to heart bro. I'm only doing this for people who just want to turn their minds off and read some bull crap. I'll obviously try to make it readable but other than that, it'll probably be trash. Probably lots of sex so there's that.. Ah, dude also has fetishes. Like, a lot of them. Cover isn't mine.

The_Auth0r · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


Orion and Arthur had been eating breakfast inside a waffle house. Around them had been a wide variety of people, some half naked, some homeless and some sleep. Just another morning in Florida. "And then...and then she massaged my feet while Fiona did my back! It was amazing!"

Arthur babbled on about his night with these two lovely women he had met. He showed Orion pictures and even spare bras that most women gave to him as a souvenir/welcome into Miami. "You really surprised me, Arthur. Didn't know you had it in you bro.."

Arthur smiled, continuing to eat his breakfast. 'Even though they were probably using him from what he's told me, I'm glad he had fun in the end. He came out his shell without noticing it seems..' He wasn't jealous of the fact that his friend was getting more play than he had been.

Quite proud actually. 'He's happy and looks in love. I remember being like that in my past life. Wonder how Haruko's doing actually. Hope she found love and is living a good life.

She was very breedable back then, so I know she has children. Bro what?' Orion sat his fork down, taking a sip of water.

"You ready? Can't be late, can we?" Arthur gulped his food down, wiping his face off with a napkin and nodding. The two had then got up, left a tip of 2 grand each because why not, paid, then left. Getting in the lambo, putting a location into the GPS device, they began driving off.

''Hero' is on a island out in the waters, connected to the main land by a single bridge. 'Hero' isn't just a school, but a small city as well, providing students with malls, restaurants, training grounds and more. I can't really describe its looks that well as there's just so much to it..'

Orion was then caught in traffic, a line of cars behind him and in front of him. He was in this ferry part of the city of Miami, the bridge connecting the island and the city being this one. All the people in front and behind him were students who were about to participate in the entrance exam.

Before that though, you had to get through security.

The booth at the front of the line, stopping cars, were like the ones you'd see at border patrol. They'd stop you, ask for identification, identify you and let you through if you were in the system.

Orion and Arthur had been next now, rolling down his window to see a fat middle aged white man in basic security clothes. He emitted an unpleasant smell which had made Arthur cough.

"Identification. Hand them over." He said with some sweat on his forehead. He seemed out of breath for some reason. Arthur pulled out his I.D. of sorts, handed it to Orion who had then handed his and Arthur's card to the man.

The man took the cards, went inside a little hut and sat down in the chair too small for his fat ass. He laid the cards out, side by side. 'Orion and Arthur, eh? Rich little shitheads...'

He snickered while pulling out a barcode scanner, scanning the white and black 'lines' on the back of the transparent green cards.

The card was made by the school themselves, sent to each student who applied to participate in the exam from 1 year plus time ago. They didn't give cards out to anyone who applied for the school in a years less than the time frame of the exam.

The cards had two functions. The first being a function that allowed basic entry into the school. The second function however provided a lot more capabilities and information.

Scanning the barcode, he saw that they were genuine on a screen and so, he returned, giving them the cards back and telling them they could leave.

They did and so, they passed the semi-entrance exam into the school. On a sidewalk on the opposite side of the hut was a sidewalk for students who had walked here. "We got in!" Arthur cheered out, deciding to put his head out the window to look at the school and its beauty.

It was something you'd never see in the real world as the whole school was straight out of a fantasy. It also gave off an 'Elite' aura as well. Yes, a school and elite. What could possibly be a correlation between those two? Maybe the classrooms are elite as well? Hmm...

"To think...this will be the school we'll be going to.. Orion, we came a long way! All we have to do now is pass this exam and we'll be one step closer to being heroes!" Arthur had sparkles in his eyes, one of that of a kid opening presents on Christmas.

Orion himself was also pretty excited, though he didn't show it on his face. 'Sensing some pretty strong people around here. I can't wait to see all sorts of powers..' Being in such a small town his whole life rarely presented the chance to see people with powerful quirks.

Finally being free from isolation had ignited a flame in him, one that was based off his superpower fantasy from the other world. He could really see now that he was living in a world full of people with powers. Things from before felt more or less like a fever dream before today.

'I hope to see many amazing powers and how people will use them. Hopefully I won't have to hold back too much against people..' And like that, he followed the road, pulling off into a car garage where he parked. He and Arthur then got out, and started walking off into a bright light.

That bright light would eventually lead to..
